disney jessie transcripts

Jessie: (hands Zuri backpack) All you had to do was collect and label 30 leaves. Two different guys just asked me to the Walden carnival this afternoon! I know all about love! Here, I'll help you finish your project! What kind of werewolf are you? Ravi:I will take it! Jessie:(looks at Luke)Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (While walking over to Ravi's door, and knocking. the levels are totes lame,mostly lame,getting warm,hot,and blazing. Yes,we can! Jessie:Hey,well it worked,but it says the food won't be here for 25 minutes,so can you please grab us breakfast at the deli? Potato Head. (points to eyebrows)I'll get destroyed at school! What're the parents going to say?! I may have already packed your bags. (walks away), (scene changes to kitchen,bus leaves in 15:35), Ravi:Now,I am going to carefully pry the mask from your face. Jessie:That's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen! Zuri:And speaking of great armssurprise! And his little wings are wagging!(chuckles). I want her to be our new nanny. I will always love you. Emma: How can I pick an outfit when I haven't picked a date? Jessie: (gasps) I loved the original Galactapus! He'll do anything! I promised Christina you'd be on time for school,but every morning,it's the same stupid battle! Christina: Nanny Kay quit? And since I can't afford a cab,I'm just going to run and fall. (sighs)Sorry,Jessie,Chantal,whoever you are. Jessie:Yes,but also he can be your model! Except for once in third grade, you went to the bathroom without a hall pass Jessie: If you tasted the cafeteria food, you'd completely understand armadillo does not go down easy. LADY 1- Well, that's my problem! (Trips and drops Emma's project, gasps. Jessie:Way ahead of you. (Kids still bored). Jessie:Zuri,this is how you were dressed when we met! Do it! Coach Penny:I am not going to pick you just because you're the only one interested. (walks up the stars), Jessie:Stay calm,stay calm. And less teacup-y. Run around,flail your arms,and try not to fall down. How did you wake up on the base every morning? Zuri:OK,guess I won't be needing this then! Taylor:I missed you,too. I know this seems like the end of the world! (episode begins in the penthouse kitchen). Remember out trip to the Pittsburgh Powertool Festival? You are old enough to get up,pick out your clothes,do your homework and not rip off your brother's eyebrows without me having to yell at you! (puts the head on the costume)OK. Now,go up there and do me proud! And at least Mrs.K apologizes by leaving a rat at your door! You look like a freckly little mannequin! Mrs.Harris:Taylor,why'd you change the channel? The Talented Mr. Kipling 3. Although,that mustard brings out your eyes! Zuri:Really? Luke: Well, I like my friends real, especially my lady friends (Smiling at Jessie, Jessie pushes him away). Jessie:No time to unload all this stuff,but if anyone's still hungry,we have instant oatmeal and some bottled water. What this movie needs is some real action,and a new leading man. Bertram: Ravi! Zuri:You mean that cowpoke? Jessie:OK,I'm starting to see the cons of suggesting that! Zuri: Don't worry Jessie; just do what I do, blame it on Luke! Like a caveman? Luke: Yeah, Ravi's giant, razor-toothed lizard. Emma: Doesn't matter. LADY 2- Zuri? (She flips a switch on the proje'ct and it glows and turns.) Morgan: Cut! Zuri:Tourists? You can actually see the exact moment my soul gets crushed. Emma:(gasps,giggles) Whoa! Or it could just be from eating 10 helping of pasta fazool. production controller (77 episodes, 2011-2014) Monica Marie Contreras . Jessie:Bertram,we need you to plan a party menu for Taylor's 1st birthday in New York. Jessie:Oh,thanks,Emma,but I want to wear the exact outfit I had on when I went on my first date with Tony. (throws rope,crashes) Sorry,Zeus! Zuri:There's gotta be something you can do! Now,can we talk about Area 51? Problem solved! (laughs,walks away). Now,go get him. (stops hugging) And I love you more than O-positive. (Jessies suitcase is thrown out) Ha, ha, you missed me! Tony:Um,Jessie,why have so many good looking guys been coming up here? Jessie:Prince Toby,I don't care of that evil mystic did turn you into a lizard. But first,smile! Jessie:There's no good answer to this,but what's the rope for? We need to get going! There's nothing I can wear that goes with both those looks! Bertram:That's what I thought when I read your script. Jessie:I can't afford Nicolas Cage! (shakes spatula). (The heroes rush forward. The mask is completely harmless. Jessie: (Screams) Help, help! (Laughs again). Ravi:She is a penthouse lizard now. (continues laughing). Christina: Okay, Daddy and I will be back tomorow in time for your science fair, but first we have to fly to the set of Galactapus 2. So is your mom stationed in New York now? I'm sorry I upset Mr. Kipling, so, I made him some chicken-fried crickets! Luke makes her uncomfortable. It's no trouble! Jessie: I came to tell you how much Emma wants you to be at her science fair. Sunny,fetch mommy a pen. Jessie:OK,how about you make a pro and con list? She only eats rats that are slow-roasted in an heirloom tomato reduction. I got your doorman right here! Emma:OK,but no wonder your relationship didn't work out! Let's bounce- (Gets up to leave. Jessie: (To cab driver) So then my dad, who's in the marine corps, practically blew his flat top when I told him I was moving to New York, but he chilled when I told him I had a great job. Jessie:I'm exhausted,but I'm (finishes typing) done! (holds pants and walks away). (She leaves Ravi's room), (Scene changes to in the living room, with Emma and Jessie), Emma: You can pack your bags and move to this planet! Free shipping for many products! Jessie:OK,fine! I can't believe I had to do my homework all by myself! Luke:Jessie,we know you're upset,but you can't just sit around and drown your sorrows in fro-yo. (shows her arms). Text to Speech from Walter White (New) TTS Computer Voice. (pulls Luke) Why is it always so difficult to get you guys out the door on time? (runs upstairs). Zuri:(stands up)I have one too! Taylor:Ohthat's nice,but I really don't want you to go to any trouble. Emma: Of course not! I've still have my lederhosen! (Tries to take it from Luke) Luke: No way! I already called in an expert. Emma:Jessie,I don't know what to do! Jessie stops him). Bertram:No! That's it! It's Mom and Dad! It's Tom Selleck! AWESOME! If you know Tom Selleck,you better not be holding out on me. Ravi: I cannot believe that you excluded Mr. Kipling from our family dinner. Taylor:I'd love to,but I have to get back home. It might be kind of awkward to act out our relationship on camera. (scene ends,advertisement break for TV viewers). Tony:I haven't seen you at any of the pack meetings. Ravi:Oh,yo-yo! The children are laughing.). Girl Meets Jessie Transcript. Ravi:I know! Jessie:So,I signed up for a short film competition called Quick Flicks. Ravi:Ooh,how exciting! The kid who gets winded just changing into gym clothes. Jessie:(to Ravi)OK. Just remember the routine we practiced. And hypoallergenic. Man I need that. Taylor:Thanks! Ravi:So,who is going to play Toby,the handsome Jersey doorman you fall for? ), Jessie: (Screams) Gross! Michelle:Oh,I'm so sorry Zuri,but I'm gonna have to call you back. Jessie: OK,after my whole hot dog debacle, I realized I needed to do something to take my career to the next level. She stares at her extrem. ), (Scene changes to in the lobby with the Ross children, Jessie, and Tony.). That's why my arms look so good in my prom picture. No! N-n-n-no, no, no this is the part where you- you thank me for being honest with you and caring more about your kids than about my job, resulting in warm hugs all around Man: That only happens in the movies. And look, the H in 'hick' is backwards! I put stuff off until the last minute, and you do it for me! Austin: Well, now I'm a little nervous. (thinking) I was waving at an ex-boyfriend. (Jessie looks to a poker-faced Mr. Make me brownies. Jessie: You didn't do it? Luke:What's to know? She loves juicing stuff. Apparently,I'm no longer one of her favorite things. And a food court! Im Tony. (shows a box decorated with water pictures with a water faucet on the top). Provide rapid on-s Is there going to be some imaginary monster behind the door? Jessie:West! Jessie: is that World Renegades? (takes magazine quickly) (Jessie hits Bertram with flowers) Bertram: (grunts,holds shoulder)You were saying? 12. Have you guys seen a sparkly,pink ball,with teeth marks? Michelle:(chuckles)Well,there was the time I was giving her family a tour in the White House and Zuri sneaked into the Oval Office(points to Zuri),to ask the President to institute bedtime reform. Jessie:There's no time to be gentle! Luke:That's it! (Jessie gasps and holds chest,Mrs.Kipling growls). Jessie:Thank you so much for rescuing me from Dr.Dastardly's volcano lair. (Stands) I came to New York to follow my dreams, cause this is where dreams come true! (pushes Jessie_. Emma: Why didn't you just take the suit off? (sighs)I guess I'll just have to go out with the super-hunk instead. Mrs.Harris:Thank you from the bottom of my heart. She later becomes Buzz Lightyear 's girlfriend. And now that I've split my pants,it's a little too drafty. (Jessie unplugs Ravi's headphones.) Jessie:Oh,no! These ought to ward off the wedgies. Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year, his flat top when I told him I was moving to New York, but he chilled when I told him I had a. Ooh,do I have enough glitter? Kick,kick,sting. Ravi: Luke, Emma, please, violence is never the solution. Actually,she's not wrong. Zuri:I was talking about the fro-yo. Christina: Oh, well we'll make it up to her! Jessie:On the bright side,he'll have friends! Zuri: (Laughs) she doesn't know it's a bra! Zuri:Yep. Jessie: I told you I wouldn't do that anymore after I had to play George Washington in your school's history pageant. Screams are heard, of the Ross children fighting with eachother and Jessie chokes and coughs.). Please don't let anymore of his face be missing! (Tony runs away while holding ripped pants). Flying to India is way out of my budget. You'll be late for school! Oh- That force is gravity! Jessie:Then when we mentioned her birthday,Taylor burst into tears,and ran off. There is no answer, so Jessie reaches to open the door. I don't even want a birthday! (Luke is hit with a pillow, while Jessie turns to speak with Zuri.) Free Monologues For Kids and Teens Disney Monologues. I came for a show! New York, New Nanny 2. Jessie: (To Emma) Hey! Wild West! Who am I going to kiss? (grunts and looks up) Is anything growing? It's yours, Morgan. Scene: Elevator to the Rosses apartment opens showing Jessie pulled along by Zuri. (wipes face). Jessie: Now get up there,get dressed,and bring me back one of those big soft pretzels! It was just awkward playing romantic scenes with my ex,you know? He slept through the whole thing. I know you were bummed when you didn't meet the weight requirement for towel boy. Luke:(puts hand on face)Wait a minute! Once again, you are first on the Naughty Board. Run around,flail your arms,and try not to fall down. I will pop this off in a jiffy! Romancing the Crone 13. Get more losers out here! s01e11 - Take the A-Train. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . She sucks on him for a beat then proceeds to pound the toy repeatedly against the rail of her crib, forcing some of his parts loose. Zuri:Jessie,you gotta stop recruiting me and Taylor for you weird military games. Jessie:Emma,just pick one! Jessie:You'll get through this. Coach Penny:(blows whistle) These two mascot wanna-bees. Jessie:OK,don't worry,I'm sure Ravi can get the plaster off.And those bugs were good,free-range protein. Jessie:You guys are going to be late! Ravi:Pretty girls are talking to me! Jessie:Wait a minute,that shouldn't be on film! Zuri:And when he eats that,he'll make you another one! Taylor:Mrs.Obama,thank you for bringing my mom home for my birthday. (Morgan laughs, and leads the group out and back home. (walks away). I still have a marble lodged in my ear. You are a horrible student! Jessie:At least we have 7 hours of peace and quiet before they get back. She complimented my latrines. Now,before I force those evil spies off that cliff with an assortment of wicked cool gadgets,how about a high-speed kiss? Michelle:Wow,this must really be important. I don't want a party. (stands up)I'm not going to school,and neither is this stupid mask! Luke:Are we done here? Ravi:Impossible. disney jessie transcripts. (Screams, Jessie slides down a tube and slams into a basket. Disney Channel Scripts From Jessie Bing The Big List of Porn sites tubes cams subreddits and more May 2nd, 2018 - TBLOP The Big List of Porn 98 of porn sites suck We list the other 2 Since 2008 we find and collect quality safe adult links then sort rate and share them in this porn directory Free Porn Sites 2018 ? You see,both the President and I know how much you and all of out military children do for our country. Morgan and Christina arrive late. OK,all right,elevator,people! Jessie has an idea when she sees the costumes. I don't know." Today when my old roommate from. I grabbed everything I saw that was green. Bertram: If she doesnt poop on the floor, its fine with me. Ravi: (walks down the stairs,drops art project) (gasps) I am not ready! Zuri is on the steps.) Please,please,pleaseeeeeeee? Luke:(puts down script,in Jersey accent)Bada-bing! Zuri:Sure,but take Jessie's. We only have (looks at watch,bus leaves in 30:00) 30 minutes! Just in case you run into Ben Affleck at a state dinner. You,Luke, or this Donny Brook guy! Ravi:I do not know what was more beautiful,your poetic narration,or the way I framed that final shot! Synopsis Now,hold still and let her return you to normal! Bye(Closes laptop, while her parents say they love her), Emma: Why wouldn't I be? Why isn't it coming off? Jessie:Thanks,guys,but this whole thing was a disaster. A Jessie rerun on Disney Channel (11.30.2019) by . Only Luke is there), Luke: (knocking on Jessie's door)Hey, babe! All of our classes are canceled! Even if I could manage to piece together a film from what we shot,I still don't have an ending! (He starts to turn, Emma pushes Luke onto Jessie, and Zuri stands) Jessie: (grunts) -Okay, okay!- (Everyone cheers, and Emma jumps up and down). Jessie:No,I meant I told Ravi to cut before that happened. Jessie:Yeah,OK. Neo Fighters: Marah Origins (The scene opens up to morning in the city of Marah, where inside a certain dance school, Atefeh is seen sitting up after a good nights sleep) Atefeh: *Stretches* Mmm! Aladdin and The King of Thieves (1996) Hercules (1997) Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin (1997) Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997) The Spirit of Mickey (1998) Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World (1998) Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (1998) The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) Mulan (1998) Jessie:Sweetie,you got a little rat blood. (takes magazine quickly). Oh,and don't worry,there are enough freckles to go around! . Jessie:So even though I set out to shoot a movie about romance, (Luke throws football to Zuri while Jessie holds her,Zuri catches,Jessie,Luke,Emma,and Bertram applaud and cheer). (Emma walks in, holding a plate of food and her phone) From now on, we're all going to have dinner together Emma: Eww, no, I can't eat and look at Luke at the same time! She's like a mini-me! She won't take my calls anymore. Emma:(carries bag)Uh,Jessie,we have a small issue. Michelle:Uh,of course I am. Now can I go upstairs and finish my science project? (elevator doors closing)(screams in the elevator), (Luke,Emma,Ravi and Zuri move their shoulders up and leave while smiling), Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year. (Mrs.Harris is about to leave,but Jessie stops her.). Jessie:OK,hold it,Dancing With Lizards. Jessie:finding this family is the greatest love story I could ever tell. I lost four kids in two hours- that's gotta be some kind of record! Jessie: (to Zuri)well, if Milly can flop down stairs, she is welcome to eat with us. (Jessie opens the front doors of the building) Oh, they're out there, somewhere! Pull harder! Michelle:Sorry Jessie,but I just can't hang your headshots in the White House. Emma:Hey,at least it involves sports. Zuri: It was perfect! Ravi: I must leave too. Jessie:But sometimes you find love in placed that you least expect it. Jessie:I meant any complaints that don't make me sad?

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