it's been 9 months since you passed away

I wish peace for all our hearts. My husband was a juvenile diabetic since his teen yrs. I dont know. I speak to him every day! When your spouse dies, your world changes. No amount of time can heal the sorrow of your passing away. Wendy, i lost my mother/best friend 16 months ago and feel the same, nothing will ever be the same again and we are all just a little spot in time. I lost my husband 12/16/2016. I lost my mum very unexpectedly and suddenly on the 27th october 2018. And youll survive them too. I wish I were there to give you a hug. She passed away August 2020 . Rest in peace dad." "Our love for you is as strong as ever, Dad. The pain never goes away. So now that you're gone, how can I forget; I got on to all three of them cinema text message . Eric, Im now at 27 months and he is still incredibly fresh in my thoughts everyday. Those kinds of moments are among the hardest because they bring us face-to-face with our new reality by reminding us of how much we miss the profound bond of love that we experienced in doing the simplest things together. Please stay strong and know that youre not alone. I could care less. Then Ovarian Cancer stage 3 came knocking on our door to become part of our life for the following two and a half years then took my love away. You know ever since he passed away. When the season ends, I believe that the Lord will reveal the heart of another companion to you. The 3rd year of losing my 47yo sister to Cancer as well. He died September 2016. Which I fear for my partner as he is so lovely and loves me dearly but I cant let him in too much. We had selected and paid for our weding bands. I would truly love to hear what others have done (remained or moved) and how they reflect on their choice. The pain wont shrink, so I have to grow. I feel so hopeless and Im just tired of feeling like this. I was in the a state of shock and was just sick for weeks. I cant even go to church and I feel so bad because its Christmas. My brain is no longer frantic to fix it, as it was during the entirety of the first year. It was unexpected his passing we have been together since freshman year highschool have two LIVING boys 2 and 3 years old. You Get Really, Really Tense. I hold onto all the Similar to your situation I bottle all my emotions inside of me, deep deep down because I didnt know how to cope with his loss. How disappointed are we when a long planned vacation-of-a-lifetime turns out to be not all what we would have hoped? This second year is as hard as the first. Somehow it feels like its hurting more as time passes few people really understand. Im angry at everyone, especially myself. Mike agreed to go on another one of my adventures. At the end of the dream he touched my shoulder and said he was ok with what I was now doing (I wont go into details about that), but, to be cautious of how I was spending my money. So, I knew he was not mad at me only concerned that I take care of myself and to make wise monetary decisions. Its been crazy. The loss will always be in my shattered heart. But going into this second year without him, I can only hope he is at peace, and I will have done something to continue and value him that will go beyond me when its time for me to go. Ive lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. So lets make the best of the life we have. I feel like you, a lot of my fears are gone. Ive also quit watching TV, which I think has been somewhat helpful. I lost my husband 20 months ago. This is good to know. I would have died for him. For many, the real work of grief begins in the second or third year after a loss. I loved My wife 12/15/2018 just a week before Christmas Just a week before that she got to see most of her family at her grandmothers funeral. It all came back like it was the first few days after he passed. Now, its almost at the 2 year mark. My wife and I where always together. God bless you all and I wish the very bestnformyou. Most I am more alone in Han ever except for me little gang of adorable dogs. The pain was unbearable, especially going to his grave. Its heart breaking One of our dogs (Milo) a king Charles took a stroke two months before and died. I Lost My Mom 12 Years Ago. I love him with all of who I am. I am a shell of what I was to never return to the happy go lucky-good guy I was because of my wife. Pray. We were together for a year. Theyre trying to get there as fast as they can. Not forgetting, blending them together. I lost my parents, & two sisters and the pain could not compare with this. Every part of me wanted to share that news with him. Living with cancer was all we had ever known. I cannot go grocery shopping or I cry when I see his food. But when they get close I bail out. It's been 6 months since my husband passed that horrible Sunday morning. Please know that I am entering my 7th year of the loss of my spouse. And lots of shipwrecks. I still see you in my dreams on many nights and wish you never had to leave us. I told him, I cant drink, because I cant even swallow! His response was, of course you can swallow, it just hurts. You are with me. I dont want it and I envy those who die soon after their loved spouse passes. All I can say is my best to you and sadly we are not alone in our thoughts. If you're a writer, poet, or musician, compose something. Crying every day is my normal now. I hope you know you've been in our thoughts and heart every day since. My heart is breaking. She fought with ovarian cancer since 2011. Thanks for sharing your story and God bless and comfort you too. I pray that time will heal. It will soon be my 2nd Christmas without him and IT HURTS!!! Found him on the floor at 5:45am. I was never like this. My heart goes out to all of those who have left comments in this thread. Time Flies Quotes. I dont think Ill ever be ok again. Intense emotional pain and sorrow, sometimes with anger and bitterness. The other daughter from another marriage and she gave us three beautiful grandchildren Tyler 16 Dominic is turning in today and beautiful Savannah who just turned 3 every time I spend time with those children and I see, I too, lost my beloved husband two years ago. He was 84 & I am 65. Thank God, we have 4 children and 10 grandchildren. But was suppose to be ok. Praying at night sends me off to sleep. Mom was it. When a parent dies, guilt can become a burden because of past arguments you now regret or maybe because you think you didn't do enough to help them. I met my husband at 16 years old married at 18, we were married 41 1/2 years. Someone once said you never get over it And it still hurts. He was my best friend as well as my Father. Finding it hard to move one still. The few times I try to talk to friends they are uncomfortable and I can tell they want me to move on. I dont want to move on away from him. Despite aggressive treatment, she passed away after 9 months at 59. I lost my wife/soulmate/angel and anchor August 2018 to shocking lung and brain cancer. I managed him somehow . Every moment where I was happy and excited was mixed with sadness and anger that my wife was not experiencing this. Like many of you this year has been worse than last year. He was 70 years old. Everyone expects after 2 or so weeks your life is back to normal, little do they know that reality has not yet hit you. Yet, everyone loved him. Somewhere down the line, and its different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. I have to keep tip toeing forward. Whoever said it gets easier with time lied or they didnt havetrue love or their soulmate like I did.. My heart is forever broken. Also available in CD read by the author. This breaks my heart to read. Im in a dead end relationship and basically just exist. I wish it would get better and I could smile again, just a simple smile once in awhile. It's been 9 months since my sweet Louisa passed away. Marriage 16 mo ago. I think about her every single day. Excuse me BRUHH - Castro. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); *DAYTIME AND EVENING GENERAL GRIEF GROUPS AVAILABLE EVERY WEEK*. i think as time passes you really realise who that person was in your life how much they meant to you and how noone else can measure up. The cancer was already in his liver when they found it, so all that could be done is chemo to give him a little more time. Maybe it is because we all thought if we made it to the first anniversary how could the pain not ease up. Praying for us all. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. I am at 29 months of losing my bff. It's still important to support your loved ones during their grieving process. The good lord is caring me through this nightmare. We were married 28 years and I miss him so much and we have 2 grown boys. They have no idea. So happy . I am now dating someone Ive known for 40 yrs. I lost my wife after 37 years of marriage. He was doing well until a infection set in eventually going to his brain. I have her ashes in the kitchen, where she loved to be. He came into my life defending me from a bully. Caregiver for close to 8 years. I often feel isolated and on the edge of all thats real. I relive it every day when I go to sleep when I wake up. You do. Im beyond lost. I lost my husband of 42 year suddenly 15 months ago. I still cant believe hes gone. He was gone and there was nothing he could do about it or me. Strange to say but after reading all the comments I feel validated. Now feeling that most of life does not fit me any longer: not my clothes, my town, my friends, my houseeverything seems empty on the bad days. I just had another cry and heart wrenching moment after 1 year and 10 months. I will type a little should you come back here. It makes me cry to see us dance together, but it reminds me that he was once a living breathing person who loved me deeply. Unbeknownst to either of us he had a very enlarged heart. from everybody else. Anne, and others, so sorry for your losses as well. She, or rather we , battled cancer for about 4 years and it was a roller coaster . I have my cats but they are getting old too. So in addition to trying to process her death, I still find myself saying to myself What happened? So it is a major move, but I am waiting until the end of the year or beginning 01-01-19 to make sure it is for the right reasons. Thank God for His presents in my life along with my Two Dogs that my husband loved so much. First created in 1917 when the U.S. was entering World War I, the debt ceiling has been raised by Congress (and occasionally the president, when authorized to do so by Congress) dozens of times since then. But I realised life is to short. Each day.. I do daily things to get by but just want to go to sleep and hope I dont wake up. Take care of yourself. My youngest son had to see how she looked and one of my stepsons had to help move her to the floor as 911 talked me through CPR. My boyfriend Michael passed away suddenly two years ago. I still cry over losing him, his voice, his jokes, his love. I found The Five Wishes online to be a friendly way to opening the discussion of dying. We know we loved each other so much but this terrible addiction to everything away including her now. I identify with the fear of more & more time passing since he was here. My husband died after autopsy report. However, the helpful responses live on, and one of them was absolutely incredible. Working and struggling just to make the next meal. We only had 4 weeks from his diagnosis to his death, so it was all terribly fast. I watch other couples even older than us, and wonder WHY? Now nearly two years later I still miss him ddearly. And nothing helps, no praying no counseling the kids are far. It was such an intense time I was caring for her at nights and weekends and working full time during the day. I beg for at least a sign, that he hears me, and nothing yet But Im thankful I have had someone in my life that has meant so much that Im devasted not to be with him right now. Less than a week went bytraumatized despite all of this, but coping. He and I have no extended family -so it was just us and our girls. For a special kind of grief support clickhere: GRIEF COACHING. That I went into flight mode and tried to protect myself from anymore pain, from the hurt. All the talk about heroin overdoses and pet smart commercials is too much. TERRI..It is 13 months and 20 days since my soul mate died..yesterday in work I felt truly happy for the first time since he is 10pm today and the whole day has bee one of the worst..I have two dogs so I hide away ..put my head down on my arms and cry so they cant hear me.I work full time so am OK in work but I am so lonely without children are interstate..along with my bestie of 50 years.I have no close friends outside of work..I make an effort to go out and socialize but am surrounded by come home as I miss him even more..if it werent for my two dogs I wouldnt be hereI dont know how much longer I can live live thisI have told no ome else how close I am to ending my own life..this lasses but right now the urge is overwhelming me..thanks for reading..if you doI am writing to you as you have the most recent post.. Ann.. Im 72 years old I feel like I have to sneak around and hide out just to be with him it causes so much trouble so much stress we cant hardly enjoy being with each other because of my three grown kids. My kids live in a different state and dont even keep in contact with me. 4 days after my 55th birthday after 25 years of marriage, 2 years and 8 months ago. I finally am getting some grief counseling and it helps me to know that Im doing pretty well on the widowhood scale. I would fix it if I could but I now know deep down that I cant. Just trying to move forward in life but the pain came back again and it hurts so much. My son took me shopping after my husband died and there was almost nothing I could eat that didnt remind me of him. I cant turn back and I cant just drop the boulder. I was compelled to write this because I have no where or no one to talk to about this emptiness that I fear that nothing will ever fill this emptiness because I have lost the past present and future. No wife or kids. Every day is a struggle doing better with Councellor,but I miss him sooooo much I have asked God to please take me as soon as possible! May his memory be a blessing, My wife passed on 03/13/15. Arriving on Bainbridge Island is the opposite of arriving in Seattle. He was my everything. I continue to struggle with that every single day. Such strength. My husband fought so hard for us. Its the holiday season now. I also never realized during the entire course of me caring for her, how fearful I was of getting sick. I still fill the need to call her sometimes. She was my best friend and soulmate. It seams harder now than the first year.I am always wondering will it ever be better or will life just be like this,just go through the motions.I lost a son 16 years ago my mother passed 5weeks before he did,I made it threw that but this so different,no (one can understand that),this hurt goes beyond that for me,does it ever get any better? He was my first love. Doesnt judge and helps hold us up. They only know me and my daughter, so when we get together we dont seem like were missing someone. Some days, I think Im going to be ok (not the same kind of OK! that maybe I would have been before all this happened, but an ok relative to my new life), and other days Im in a deep, dark, scary place that I dont think I can survive. The first year was a whirlwind of emotions and things that needed to get done. It has been a roller coaster of emotions and challenges to my health and mental wellness. Even though some of our stories vary the seem to be the same. On those days I have to get up. Its the hardest thing to go through. She has seen so much suffering. Some brothers felt by doing that it meant they were getting pushed around by keisha,even when I said it's not about keisha anymore it's about your safety now. I am English but have a wonderful friend in Alabama also a widow . Im half the person I was. After Losing the Love of My Life, I'm Dating for the First Time in Decades. This is the most difficult life battle I know I will ever have to endure. Brain tumour April 2017 blood clots July 2017 diagnosed with moderate cold August 2017 op for brain tumour Nov 2017 death of mum Nov 2017 deep vein reflux June 2018 he was my rock my life my only ever love and he is gone. God bless you. I have been dating again although I was not looking I started to date an Ex that I have older children by, I Dont feel right and feel guilty at times but it helps sometimes. Then reality hits home so hard in the gut, I found my self holding back the tears because one I was pregnant with my 3rd son and second I didnt. 100% safe for your site Even now, I cant believe hes not here! It has to get better it cant stay this hard always:-(. It makes me cry to think that you feel so badly that you dont want to live anymore. I felt like it was me who died the first year and I was a ghost in my own life. I am short tempered and any direct insult toward me sets me off. I really just hate living now. Even in the final week she thought of the future. "It will lessen as we learn to cope with it," she insists. Or 50 feet tall. Ill never date or love anyone else, and when I do interact with others, I pretend to be happy, and paint on a smile and fake cheer, because thats what they expect; yet all the while, im Dying inside. Wish that it would get easier but its not because life right now it is so hard. Im working towards my PhD in Holistic health & nutrition, I run every day to keep depression at bay, practice yoga, lift weights, take walks, & I appreciate & thank God for good memories we had shared & the little beautiful moments I may experience each day, like a colorful sunset from my window or a whistling bird outside. I cant get my head around the anniversary already being here when it all seemed to happen only yesterday. Right now, this moment, put away the baggage from the past, shake yourself free from the fear of the future unknown. Make little rituals thR help you feel close. I dont mean always, but more often than I expect to. My husband was a Paramedic, and worked in the emergency department at a hospital. Im 67 now. I dont think I could find anyone that could be like him. I returned to those dark days and the grief now is unbearable l need her to comfort me its l like l finally realised that she is gone. It is not a accounted for grief. I took time off work teaching to nurse her at home to the end. She was 2 when he went and she is robbed of her loving gramps. Strong for me I think. I can barely cope. But he makes me so happy he loves me he so generous so kind hes just everything I want. It's been 7 years, but I haven't forgotten a thing about you. He was like a Dad to me since my own wasnt he stepped up and took very good care of me. My friends are the best and try to understand, but until you go through it, you can never truly understand the depth of this kind of loss. Oh Casey, I feel just like you. After a few months we started dating- the girls love him- I love him. We only had 11 years together but they where the best years Ive ever had. Such as giving a lot of her things away, doing things I enjoy and now because I have decided to move to Washington, which I currently live in Ft Worth Texas. We had no idea our child was depressed or suicidal. I want everyone reading this post to pray to God to take me. Died. My husband had alzheimers disease for 8 years and the past 3 years of that time were very hard, as his memory slipped away more and more. Not so. I hope we both gain some life of normalcy.. and still he doesnt appear. I woke up in Bed a Saturday Morning on the 15th of December 2018 and she passed in her sleep. I talk about him to everyone way too much, even strangers, it is like I cannot believe it and saying it out loud confirms it. I love him and miss him so very much. He was the most funny outgoing person in my life and I miss everything about him. All they bring is grief. When I met her she had 5 Children then we had a Son together, and 3 are still home with me and it just seems that sometimes it wont get better. I guess I will have to find a way to go forward, but I still miss him so much. However, I end up waking up, and like a mouse in a wheel, run the same cycle daily. But those grief waves keep on coming when you dont expect them. That was September 2013. Thats is where those of us who have lost are doing each and everyday. He was sitting straight up holding his soda and gone.The widow Maker., 58 years old we were together as freshman/sophmore since 1977 he was my soul mate confident best friend and lover. Hearing your story makes me not feel alone. I am at the 16 month mark and it seems to be getting harder. I have an idea. I cant say I know how you feel for every bereavement is utterly personal, but when I mentioned to my brother that I was crying so much and surprised at myself (not being a great crier) he said Well you cant just shrug off 45 years of togetherness can you? real visitors with unique IPs. He is always with me! He & I were always together & even had the same thoughts many times surprising ourselves when we spoke of them. I have done some traveling and there have been some good times but the memories always come back. I guess we are never really prepared for the death of a loved one. Everyday is a battle, i lost many months that is unaccountable for and emotionally not coping. Everyone he met loved him, he never raised his voice and was so caring. Darak, You are still here so, you are in a sense moving on. I am 76 and my health seems OK but mentally I am a wreck. You are not depressed and forget the damn therapy! Holly, I knew that I wouldnt have been able to save them. I havent been able to do things that I normally did since the day he left. I lost the love of my life 13 months ago, suddenly of lung fibrosis. Waiting for that day. Scars are only ugly to people who cant see. All our plans for the future were dashed that cold rainy night in a hotel room. I just come home and enjoy the dogs and just survive the day. But the grieving does not last all day but while it going on its intense. My Uncle was my Father figure, he & my Mum were very close & he would talk about her regularly. I am not suicidal but if i knew my life would end soon, I would be ok with it . Take each day at a time, pray and thank God for the time he gave you with her. No warning no leading up to illness. Then in October of 2019 I got a call at work again to come to the hospital and that Kimberly suddenly died of a heart massive heart attack at 54.I couldnt believe it was real and sure enough here I was again, this time I had no way of telling her see you again someday because my brain told me that saying goodbye to Lisa werent the right words. She was only 14 when her Dad died. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. I miss him so much. Im in a stage where Im desperatly trying to remember everything about the time we had together. Hi everyone. I now regret it because little did I know he was grieving also, but I never knew because he was being strong for me. Sometimes I try to think about losing him so I can cry but the tears dont come and its eating me up inside. I keep telling myself that he would want nothing more than for me to live out my life in a way that is rich and full. I read a lot about near death experiences and it has helped a little bit. This year, it seems as if my thoughts revolve around all the treatment my deceased wife got that didnt help, treatments she could have received, and a yearning for one more. One more smile, a hug, a kiss, a conversation, a meal together. I feel like if I move out and get my own place something new I may be able to. Trying to figure out how Ill ever move on and know I have to. I know Dan will offer a prayer for all our lost loved ones. "How are you doing?". The silence of my house is unbearable. I cant write it but feel it and I feel it with you. Many days feel worse than year one. They didnt die alone. And every day I think about her. I laughed hard at that. God has healed me quite a bitI have never felt closer to my King, but there are times when I just miss her so much that the fog comes over me again. My dad also died suddenly Oct 21 2019 He was in good health and cancer free . creating an adult coloring book with his images that I will share with the world soon. I wanted so much to go back to that day and be with her the whole time. Told us he had stage 4 lung cancer. I never knew I could cry so much and as someone says above, I dont want my anti depressants, its a different mind frame. I just cant believe hes gone. I have given up everything I use to love to do. I live each day knowing its going to be according to the lords plan. I hope we both find peace somehow, someday. (My sister and my dad helped, too.) My brother died 14 months ago, he was only 23 and it was the biggest shock of our lives. I keep myself so busy its a little crazy. He was 66. Never would I have thought that things were going to happen the way they did. Psychiatrists want to put me on SSRIs and mood stabilizers because they believe I have bipolar disorder as a result of fluctuating moods. I have lost a GREAT. I do have some hope to give you. I was married for 54 years and the care taker for my Mike. I love you Max forever youll always be in my heart and I see you in our 4 sons and grandchildren..youre missing their weddings and special celebrationsto all of you hear on this page I pray you find hope and courage to keep going . So when he got sick I was always there for him. Im grateful to have found a place to share our stories and grieve together. I feel ache all over my body. I feel so cheated. I pray daily for all who mourn the death of a loved one or pet, O my, thankyou. I keep thinking why! I wish the pain would just be more kind. Jean Marie Feils, 82, of Plainview, passed away February 24, 2023 at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, MN. just realized recently that this will not get any better at all. We were and still are devastated.

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