dr simon yu parasite protocol

I cant quite understand why this is in vogue at the moment. It is important to test parasite medications together. <> Q: Is it OK to take parasite medications with other medications? Not so much. Not only does MD stand for Medical Doctor, but in his case, it also stands for "medical detective." When she visited Dr. Helmut Retzek of Austria, the first time she brought pictures of Ascaris (roundworm) larvae creeping out of her eye. Information presented on this site is not intended to serve as medical advice. WARNING: Your medical problems may not be what you think or what you have been told. AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life. endstream In our experience, most of the parasite medications we took were well tolerated. As head of a paramedic unit, he treated 20,000 Peruvians for parasites. endobj I've been doing DNA tests that find that people have parasite problems in dental cavitations (pockets left after tooth removal) and in periodontal problems. I think herbs push parasites deeper into the body. A complete list of recent enemas we have taken can be found in the Enema Details section. Killing lots of parasites can release bacteria, viruses and toxins into the body. I never separate dental issues from parasites. % He is the only doctor we know of who is having some success diagnosing and treating parasites in humans. An article from Dr. Simon Yu, MD AutismOne on Healing Autism: An Accidental Cure by Optimists Dr. Yu has written an extremely interesting article mentioning Kerri, Andreas Kalcker and their successes healing autism with the help of chlorine dioxide and ridding the body of parasites. Google has plenty of example pictures, as does the Bottoms Up Facebook Group. Thankful that we had figured it out before our health declined further. When treatments for parasite problems fail, it is usually the result of a dental problem. If its an issue in the large intestine or small intestine, it is usually larger ones like the tapeworm, nematode. We did a provoked urine heavy metals test to see what may be happening. See the section on healing leaky gut for more information. 11 0 obj Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. Shocking actually. We're just exploring the tie into the whole matrix system. I returned in February 2020 for an additional evaluation. I recommend getting one of these cheap plastic enema buckets with a hose for each family member. endobj I tested what flavor of suppository would work best, which varied over time: Mebendazole, Pyrantel, Diethyl, Wormwood, Garlic. Dont kids usually have night wakings? We started with enemas first, and then the Kalcker protocol. I also included some of the herbs and supplements that were especially supportive in the beginning. At work. <> Using his Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Techniques, he's often able to find clues that many others may have missed. I can say that my systemic fluke infection took 2-3 years of high-dose medications. Your bowel has to move. If you would like to. I cant say that I noticed more parasite excretion after suppositories, but I do think that the suppositories either disrupted their life cycle or sent them into deeper hiding. <> If so, please consider donating to keep this site alive. <> For more details, see the article How to Give a Child an Enema. least important, on this list. Participates in the free monthly seminar meeting on the second Tuesday of each month providing resources for health and wellness. This time, we found all of the meridians were balanced. as asthma or bronchiectasis in the lung, brain fog or migraine headache, anemia, cyst, tumor, allergies or suppression of allergies, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, behavioral or vision problems, etc. If I could do it all over again, here is a list of what I would do, in order from first to last: Phew. But medical professionals are afraid to treat parasites unless we can identify and name the type of parasites. We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. The kids are constantly picking them up at school. Dr. Simon Yu On Parasites, Dental Infections and Cancer The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. Key: f=flukes, w=worms, p=protozoan, h=recognized in hindsight (i.e. By. <> 29 0 obj See additional information. Call our office, 314-432-7802, to make an appointment with our acupuncturist Dr. Liu. I can pick up information that people didn't address before. 1.55K subscribers Subscribe 22K views 4 years ago Watch Simon Yu, MD's presentation on Parasite Medications for Targeting Cancer Cells, delivered at. Light therapy: We tried various versions of this. Dr. Yu's full interview can be seen here https://youtu.be/cF3ZES7T0uc in this 67 minute YouTube video. is a Board Certified Internist. Cancer Patient Freedom does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All medications listed in a round were taken at the same time. I did suppositories nightly for at least 60 days with whatever was testing well for my parasites, and I often switched it up during those 60 days. To find a doctor familiar with diagnosing and treating parasitic infections, consider the following: Ask your primary care doctor for a referral to a specialist. If you have oral cavitations, then oil pulling is just not good enough. Not all parasites can be washed away with enemas, but it is a great starting point. We help doctors and dentists learn forensics to detect hidden health threats by offering training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training (AMA). endobj 18 0 obj The Kalcker protocol is a great starting place for treating worms. Dad (age 41): Worms, protozoans Note that Dad had no flukes. Facebook. Simon Yu, afterward we did some days of internship with Simon. I have some idea of what kind of parasite I'm dealing with, but not so sure of its name. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz The book explains in detail the Kelcker parasite protocol. Diethyl 100mg tabs, encapsulated before taking. Dr. Yu put me on a three month protocol with alternating cycles focused on the parasites and the fungal colonization as well as detoxification and drainage support including several liver-gallbladder flushes. Nothing seemed to be working. Note that Dr. Simon Yu recommends flushing 4x/year, even for a healthy person. This was relatively easy compared to the first cycles; particularly given that there was a ten-day break between cycles which was not the case previously. endobj Kerri Riveras book adds MMS / CD / CDS to the original Kalcker protocol. DebugYourHealth.com does not receive any money from the sale, referral fees, or advertisements of any products mentioned on this site. Some of our favorites in this category are Enzyme Defense by Enzymedica, Banderol and Samento (the latter two especially for people with Lyme). 8 0 obj Q: What about eating anti-parasitic foods and dietary changes? 3 0 obj Honestly, thats what the compounding pharmacies in the US do! In this video, she thanks Dr. Simon Yu of St. Louis, an integrative MD and US Army Reserve Medical Corps physician (retired as a Full Colonel), who developed this form of treatment. Why? I dont remember using parasite medications in my medical training or any experiences treating medical conditions related to parasite infestations, Dr. Simon Yu [2]. In her own time, she practices energy medicine whenever she is called to help. %PDF-1.5 The enemy that you don't know because they are hiding. For so long. In terms of biological terrain, are you acidic, or are you alkaline? We could all use a good cleaning! Over time I watch gallbladders being removed, autism developing, GI issues, cancer, and all kinds of other seemingly unrelated symptoms. HeliR - July 7, 2019. Some of us could not tolerate as many medications at once, likely due to liver or kidney overload, or detox issues. The best for getting parasite symptoms to temporarily disappear was probably the Seroyal Black Walnut capsules. Youngest child (age 3): Worms, flukes, protozoans, Oldest child (age 6): Worms, flukes, protozoans. <>/F 4/A<>>> We have noticed a huge improvement in our health from changing our diet, but I think that was because it helped heal our guts, not because it was eradicating parasites. They do not initiate routine parasite medications even when they highly suspect that their patient might be suffering from parasite infestations [1] Dr. Simon Yu has more information about the difficulty of detecting parasites in humans in the article Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer Invisible Inaudible Intangible Immeasurable. There is a grassroots movement to use Fenbendazole, an anti-parasitic, as part of a Joe Tippens protocol to treat cancer. Very effective for children with Autism and those suffering with the effects of parasites. No longer testing well on parasite medications. 14 0 obj Many parasites spend part of their life cycle in the digestive tract. endobj Now with modern technology, we have an electronic device so we can measure the meridian system more precisely. 10 0 obj My Approach; What We Offer; Our Team; Join Our Team; About. I have found that this is a comprehensive formula that has helped several of my patients. Learn how to treat dental, fungal and parasite problems to heal the immune system, and begin to write your own story. Major. In hindsight, I wonder if we would have reduced our reactions to parasite medications had we first done a gallbladder liver flush. Im going to try to group our parasite symptoms into what I think caused them. In 1994, he came to Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis for medical research. Read Patient Testimonials and Clinical Case Stories, Order my books, read my publications, in-depth articles. Even with the provocation techniques (or "advanced interrogation techniques" as Dr. Yu calls them), all of the meridians were balanced. I have night sweating and nasal congestion, which I normally never have. In 2003, he began his practice in the USA. The good thing is I believe it is doing its job. I'll go through the meridian testing. Here is a brief summary video: Worms have ~100x the level of metals, toxins, bacteria & viruses that we have in our bodies. Dr. Simon Yu combines Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine, and founded Prevention and Healing, Inc. in 1996. Pictures of some of our more photogenic parasites can be found here, here, here, here, here. Levamisole was also not well tolerated for our family, despite encapsulation. Readers are ultimately responsible for their own choices surrounding their health. Worms: Ascaris (ve), Round (ve), Tape (v), Taxonomy unknown (v), Flukes: We had thousands of them. WhatsApp. I do still think that herbs can be useful for new infestations, although they arent very effective at long-standing infections. Many say that heavy metals act as an antennae for EMFs. However, we still had some parasite symptoms, we were still excreting parasites, and we were still testing well on parasite medications. I highly respect Dr. Yu and his work. The information presented here is a summary of the things that I learned the hard way through years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Simon Yu is of the opinion that the items listed above just drive parasites deeper into the body. I dont have enough experience to have an opinion on Albenda & Alinia. 3Xs" M$ Bio-Cybernetics & Energy Medicine - Dr. Simon Yu 2,662 views Aug 17, 2013 Dr. Simon Yu, founder of the Prevention & Healing clinic, provides a preview of his presentation at the 8th. She also performs therapies, often via IV, such as nutritional support, chelation, and blood irradiation that treat underlying causes of illness and disease. I wish I had known all of this 7 years ago when we first started. Search on Ebay or DuckDuckGo for piperazine citrate. The exact details of which medications we took and for how long can be found below in Parasite Medication Details. Its possible that some of the herbal or more natural remedies might work too for these small infestations. 32 0 obj Its like a crap shoot with only one die. He also strongly recommends flushing after every round of parasite medications (for adults only). If somebody had IBS, an intestinal problem, I would check the meridian system showing the large intestine is out of balance. We did not see anything visually coming out until we started Enemas, Kalcker protocol, and RX medications (more on that in the next section). This site is powered by SB. I wrote a few articles on the issue of parasites and mind control, or parasites, and mental illness. I recommend taking probiotics 1st thing in the morning instead of last thing at night, if for some reason they must be taken. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! All those parameters are your biological terrain. By promoting each of these crucial areas, you'll experience sustainable, long . I think most people with chronic illness, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, MS, Parkinson's, and other neurologic disorders or cancer, at least 90% of the time, have problems with parasites and dental problems. Piperazine: This link is constantly breaking. 17 0 obj . We switched to Diethylcarbamazine (Diethyl) in some rounds instead of the Mebex or in addition to it. Here is a list of things we tried over the years that failed: None of the above items really worked. Any thoughts on Diatomaceous earth? I have no scientific evidence to back this up. Dr. Yu and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt are the only two doctors this writer knows of who know how to effectively detect and treat parasites. However, we saw no evidence that it helped with our parasite issues. Quoting from a friend who described it very well, It is definitely the most difficult protocol I have tried. endobj Noone de-worms their kids in America. Veterinarians are in a similar situation we arent even de-worming our pets, let alone ourselves! 2023 This includes testing Additional Medications with the Kalcker Protocol medications. After working for months in Egypt, this woman and all her colleagues got sick. It was unbelievable. Check out the detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush. Parasites, fungi, and dental issues are three of the commonly overlooked factors that may hold people back from achieving optimal health. Most adult gallbladders and livers are filthy from years of toxins, chemicals & parasites. Slowly, however, I became thankful that these odd creatures were coming out. to my work, I thank you in advance and send you my gratitude. Diethyl tablets were OK as-is for suppositories and enemas. No responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. Honestly, I think salt water is just as good as anything else for getting parasites in humans out whole. Parasites are everywhere, and it is impossible to completely avoid infection. In December 2019, I returned for a follow-up with Dr. Yu hoping that the parasites would be a thing of the past. It could have been that the parasites were triggering cortisol elevation while sleeping which led to the sleep difficulties. In the allergy immunology point, I see heavy metal problems, fungal problems, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, and even electromagnetic fields. I have a patient who is going blind, losing eyesight. I go through the sequence and use "oil pulling" because I see dental problems all the time. I use the following criteria: I have actually found that #1 and #2 above might be clear, but we are still testing well on parasite medications. But that only gets through the superficial level. Thankful for the better moods and flat bellies of the children. Furthermore, some may need higher doses of Mebex and Pyrantel taken for a longer period of time than in the Kalcker protocol. So infection is a part of detoxification. BetterHealthGuy.com. Dr. Simon Yu is now retired "full colonel" of the army and a military doctor specialized in internal medicine and was for 20 years US Army doctor and soldiers in remote areas, including in the jungle and had to treat these as well as the local population against parasites. Energy: Reiki, acupressure points, meditation. We use either Pyrantel pamoate or Mebendazole because they are the two least expensive parasite medications available for the US Army. https://www.facebook.com/groups/429159131252194/about/. We also did a short round of Levamisole with our youngest, and found that only testing well for a few days. Heres my take: Parasites are very hard to kill [2]. 30 0 obj I eventually realized that the flush was much more effective if done fasting, so I switched to only flushing after every 2 rounds of parasite medications instead of after every round. Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. A: I am of the opinion that probiotics feed worms. As usual, they are in rank order from the most important puzzle piece to the least important puzzle piece. It's not new information. https://www.facebook.com/groups/429159131252194/about/. Hardly anyone de-worms their dogs either. Not only do you need to know who your enemy is, but you also need to know yourself. Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Missouri, L.Ac. Our family has worked on parasite symptoms with every kind of local practitioner MDs, Dos, NDs, DAOMs, GI Specialists, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists. More details about equipment, administration, etc. Suppositories are last, i.e. <> We help patients on their journey and quest for health, developing tailored plans to combat hidden health threats, and restore the bodys condition of a healthy terrain. Many people think of parasites as primarily a gastrointestinal issue. . We have found them equivalent to what we got from two compounding pharmacies in the US. No responsibility, legal or otherwise, is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. [4] Brindley, Paul and Loukas, Alex. It is the first way to rebalance the meridian system except for dental problems and the allergy immunology point. ;l0 7@'g?M\* r4f`[FTolAVYJqQzmtv~s%:}~=S Our optimal enema seems to be the ones that are based on either our home energy testing or ZYTO results. He had training and experience for 12 years in China and two years of clinical practice in the USA. As Clinical Supervisor, she assists Dr. Yu with office duties that support the business, and manages staff. Antiparasitic foods This is a decent list of. His office joked that they need to make certificates for his graduates. Dr. Klinghardt in one of his radio interviews also said he has stopped sending parasite stool tests to labs. Prevention and Healing, Simon Yu, M.D. endobj We did constantly monitor our detoxification, drainage, and methylation during parasite medication rounds. I would put them on natural parasite remedies like wormwood, black walnut, clove oil, and patients generally got better. Integrative medicine specialist Dr. Simon Yu (St. Louis, USA) has established over 25 years a comprehensive ivermectin therapy as the basic medication for many of his various treatment protocols. With so many worms and flukes. Upon starting parasite treatment by Dr. Retzek per Dr. Yus protocol, she had a huge Herxheimer reaction, including epileptic fits and swelling of her entire body, for which she was hospitalized. In August, I wrote a blog about attending Dr. Simon Yu's Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) Training course. Dr. Yu put me on a three month protocol with alternating cycles focused on the parasites and the fungal colonization as well as detoxification and drainage support including several liver-gallbladder flushes. So in August 2019, Dr. Yu evaluated me and found that all of my meridians were initially balanced. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073, United States. I have yet to see any insurance that covers parasite medications. 15 0 obj I put her on triple parasite medication as an emergency case, and she gained her eyesight back. 23 0 obj Thankful that my eye prescription went from -6.5 to -4.5. Every time I excrete it smells pretty foul. Here is the outline of what weve learned: Western Practitioners Dont Know How to Diagnose or Treat Parasites, Natural Parasite Cleanses Homeopathic, Herbal and Holistic Approach, Where to Get Parasite Medications for Humans. Our parasites got smart and switched their activity to the New Moon after about 6 months, so we switched our Kalcker protocol rounds to the New Moon too. Theyre overlooked because there are no reliable ways to detect parasites, and we assume parasites are only in third world countries One of the hardest parts of treating parasites as a physician is that there are no reliable tests available. Skin Issues or skin Lesions (w,p) especially skin issues that flare on the full or new moon, Mood swings, behavior (w,h) especially mood or behavior that flares on the full or new moon.

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