how does flak ammunition work

). A proximity fuze (or fuse) is a fuze that detonates an explosive device automatically when the distance to the target becomes smaller than a predetermined value. Well, it's been 5 years and the devs STILL haven't been able to match/list what ammunition fits which weapons in the constructor or on the description, so once again we need to rely on each other to do what they can . Our aviation shop ishereand our Twitter account here@Hush_Kit. Because that flak did not actually "miss." By means of its fuzing, it exploded close enough to the aircraft to send an unseen shower of a thousand metal fragments flying out of it and into the aircraft. [46] Captain S. R. Shumaker, Director of the Bureau of Ordnance's Research and Development Division, coined the term to be descriptive without hinting at the technology. Before the invention of the proximity fuze, detonation was induced by direct contact, a timer set at launch, or an altimeter. Eine andere -Site. A timer fuze can be set to explode a few meters above the ground but the timing is vital and usually requires observers to provide information for adjusting the timing. Flak, or Fliegerabwehrkanone, works by arming artillery class cannons for the use of Anti-Air duties. A fireball from a kamikaze attack engulfs the USS Columbia during a battle near the Philippines in 1945. Ammunition. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Measures 1 5/8 inches wide by 2 1/8 inches tall. The first time incendiary ammunition was widely used was in World WarI, more specifically in 1916. Timeless classic about anti-aircraft flak. I suppose some of how a flak battery worked will be in the book but I became interested after seeing site/foundations for a flak battery which still existed in a park in my home town. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The US repeated it for N. Korea and N. Vietnam but failed again ( a whole another story) so luckily its not an era we will see again. Flak in World War II takes the reader from the invasion of Poland in 1939 right to the last Japanese aircraft shot down by AA fire in August 1945. [31] Tuve claimed that despite being pleased by the outcome of the Butement et al. Thank you. In December of that year the British Air Ministry purchased the design. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [40], In the US, NDRC focused on radio fuzes for use with anti-aircraft artillery, where acceleration was up to 20,000g as opposed to about 100g for rockets and much less for dropped bombs. I would point to the Luftwaffe flak defenses of the Ruhr, their larger cities like Berlin and their oil refineries. Indeed, even before the kamikaze appeared the US Navy made major improvement to their ships AA defenses with better radar direction, improved AA directors and gunsights and most importantly, more guns. Others, such as the Czechoslovak 37 mm and 47 mm guns and the Russian . Flak ammunition is a shell filled with high explosive that is designed to explode at a certain time or position during its flight. Flak proved a huge benefit to fighter pilots assigned to attack incoming raids. All of this in one go, it would not be possible to do it like it is shown ingame. The versatile gun earned nearly mythical status among Allied flyers, infantrymen, and tank crews. Despite intense work by the Germans to finish the project, it was finally put out of action by a raid on 6 July 1944 before a single shell . Several ideas had been considered, including optical systems that shone a light, sometimes infrared, and triggered when the reflection reached a certain threshold, various ground-triggered means using radio signals, and capacitive or inductive methods similar to a metal detector. In their place were hastily trained factory workers, schoolboys, prisoners of war, older men not fit for combat and by the end of the war they introduced the first batteries manned by women for the defence of Berlin. The distance between the fuze and the target was not constant but rather constantly changing due to the high speed of the fuze and any motion of the target. The result was a heterodyne beat frequency which corresponded to the velocity difference. . A proximity fuze (or fuse[1][2][3]) is a fuze that detonates an explosive device automatically when the distance to the target becomes smaller than a predetermined value. Used for example when the enemy is situated out of the line-of-sight in a trench or behind a mound. Getting that right was harder than you would think with the limited means of getting the planes altitude and speed right and they would only have a few minutes at most to do so. [9] Rockets have relatively low acceleration and no spin creating centrifugal force, so the stresses on the delicate electronic fuze are relatively benign. As the shell approaches a reflecting object, an interference pattern is created. As most of the British heavy anti-aircraft guns were deployed in a long, thin coastal strip, dud shells fell into the sea, safely out of reach of capture. Feb 19, 2014 Jack Beckett, Guest Author. How does flak work? I would say the Germans and the Allies had guns and systems that were equal in effectiveness. Design of the type began as early as 1936 under the charge of the Rheinmetall-Borsig concern and then known as the "Gerat 40", intended as an in-the-field gun system for the German Army. The reverse side is maker marked 'A' for the manufacturing firm of Assmann. To work in shells, a fuze needed to be miniaturized, survive the high acceleration of cannon launch, and be reliable. The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes will feature the finest cuts from this site along with exclusive new articles, explosive photography and gorgeous bespoke illustrations. [54], Vannevar Bush, head of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) during the war, credited the proximity fuze with three significant effects. The 20mm caliber is a specific size of cannon or autocannon ammunition. Fuzes of this type can be defeated by degaussing, using non-metal hulls for ships (especially minesweepers) or by magnetic induction loops fitted to aircraft or towed buoys. How doesit compare with fighter interceptors for effectiveness? [57], The Pentagon refused to allow the Allied field artillery use of the fuzes in 1944, although the United States Navy fired proximity-fuzed anti-aircraft shells during the July 1943 invasion of Sicily. (U.S. Navy) It even potentially saved the life of one of its creators, Dr. Van Allen. You have to remember that the Luftwaffe flak arm played a dual role. This meant a total of 80 rounds for M1 Garand riflemen. Pressure sensors are usually used in combination with other fuze detonation technologies such as acoustic and magnetic induction. What does cholera look like under a microscope? After that a fresh shot could be positioned in a more favorable position by possibly a telescopic actuator using the gas compressed previously. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Measures 1 13/16 X 2 9/16 inches. Armor Penetration Table. When the reflected signal was in phase, the oscillator amplitude would increase and the oscillator's plate current would also increase. This pattern changes with shrinking distance: every half wavelength in distance (a half wavelength at this frequency is about 0.7meters), the transmitter is in or out of resonance. Life on Royal Navy aircraft carrier(1960), Hush-Kit Joe talking 10 favouriteaircraft, The case for the P-47 Thunderbolt being the greatest fighter of the Second WorldWar, The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt MafiaFamily, 10 things you need to know about the P-47Thunderbolt. Additionally, targets with onboard electronics or computers can be damaged by metal fragments when they explode on the surface. Thanks for reading my nosense about the flak cannon. Berlin has repeatedly lobbied Bern to shift policy after requests for permission to send Ukraine Swiss-made ammunition acquired by Germany decades ago were denied. However, the phase relationship between the oscillator's transmitted signal and the signal reflected from the target varied depended on the round trip distance between the fuze and the target. It was first tested as a part of a detonation device for bombs that were to be dropped over bomber aircraft, part of the UK's Air Ministry's "bombs on bombers" concept. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. An example of flak is the exploding ammunition that can damage a military plane when flying over enemy territory. The same is true of bombers. It also left a characteristic black cloud hanging in the sky. The gun pits were arranged to enable the high altitude flak guns ( probably British army 3.7 in guns) fire in unison to create a box pattern when the shells exploded at the preset height and would follow the track of the bombers That was the means a lethal zone was put where the bombers were expected to be. That means the fuse was outperforming traditional rounds three to one in routine combat conditions. Regular $179.99 (Save $50.00) $129.99. The figure of 16,000 rounds of German 88mm ammunition being required to shoot down a heavy bomber is often quoted to show just how wasteful and ineffective antiaircraft fire really was. Spreader: Used against swarms in order to spread out the shots and damage as many as possible. What is the safe score in JEE Mains 2021? These early forms were also known as "smoke tracers" because of this. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Finally the shot would be grabbed by the "grabbing things" (the heck are they called) you see on the moving barrel. In May 1940 a formal proposal from Butement, Edward S. Shire, and Amherst F.H. They made the Allied heavy artillery far more devastating, as all the shells now exploded just before hitting the ground. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Whats the difference back then to your description? flak vest: [noun] a special jacket that is worn by soldiers, police officers, etc., for protection against bullets or exploding shells. Luftwaffe flak batteries could be assigned to the army at any time and thousands were. Sign upfor our newsletterhere. View Coupon. So Shrapnel is designed to explode BEFORE it hits the ground, using a timed fuse or a proximity fuse. While no one invention won the war, the proximity fuze must be listed among the very small group of developments, such as radar, upon which victory very largely depended. The idea of a proximity fuse had long been considered militarily useful. Rounds are shot into the air which then explode damaging aircraft with the explosion and shrapnel. Contrary to popular belief, flak jackets are not interchangeable with bulletproof vests. There are three types of player-loadable ammunition in World of Warships: high explosive (HE), armor piercing (AP), and semi-armor piercing (SAP). For a side-by-side comparison of all weapons, see the Weapons page! 50 Rounds of 115gr FMJ 9mm Ammo by Winchester. All of the units in Warpath are the real units from World War II, from infantry units to rocket artillery. It examines heavy flak defences, flak over the battlefield, the failure of ship AA defences early in the war; specifically the Bismarck and the sinking of the Prince of Wales and Repulse in 1941, AA . [citation needed] To prevent premature detonation, the inbuilt battery that armed the shell had a several millisecond delay before its electrolytes were activated, giving the projectile time to clear the area of the gun.[45].

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