what happens after arthur dies in rdr2?

That's also when Arthur tries to convince the Dutch by telling them that Micah is a proper rat but that doesn't look like to convince them. The moment it starts effecting gameplay is when you get into Chapter 6 proper and go to St Denis and trigger the mission. ShadyCreeksKiller Arthur bottling up the deaths of Eliza and Isaac is reminiscent ofJohn Marston's refusal to talk about Arthur's sacrifice with his family during a later conversation. His second-in-command, Agent Ross, ends up being the primary antagonist of Red Dead Redemption. 20 grand was barely enough for me to spend on, and that was without buying even one piece of clothing for John. There are 16 legendary animals; it's unlikely you've bagged all of them by the time the credits roll. Are New Austin and Mexico in Red Dead Redemption 2? You can spend hours sightseeing, or completing Stranger missions, or collecting dinosaur bones, or hunting for perfect pelts. Much like the first game, Red Dead Redemption 2 has an extensive epilogue. Arthur succumbs to tuberculosis and dies while watching the sun rise on a new morning. Locke90 posted. If you choose to go back for the money, Arthur heads back to the burning camp of the Van der Linde gang. Remember the town of Armadillo from Red Dead Redemption 1? Alexandra is a freelance writer based in Montreal. Honest, hard-working Americans were mostly unable to prosper during this time. My bad! If you see him around a convention, he's not hard to spot: Black guy, glasses, and a tie. This sees Arthur and John heading to higher ground in order to find a way out of the gun battle below. I was a strict "arthur's hat" guy, so I didn't pay much attention to the other ones. How do I complete the Mission "Honor, Amongst Thieves"? You can break bad at. After Arthur dies and players take control of John Marston, Arthurs grave can be visited in the Red Dead Redemption 2 overworld. You can check that out in the Notorious Bad Man Alive article. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In Red Dead Redemption 2, your actions impact the game's world and how people treat you. (Spoilers maybe), keeping you from free roaming until X amount of story stuff is a bad game design. Your actions do have an impact on how he dies but you cant prevent his demise. Ingrobny, burger_mike and LegendarySaiyan 3 *Spoilers*. Unfortunately, Dutch simply treats them as pawns for another heist. Just like in the first Red Dead Redemption, prostitution will definitely be a part of the world, but it wont be a part that you can utilize. Micah stabs a crawling Arthur in the back, finally killing him. GTANet.com 2001-2023. Even as Arthur, the statue respawns in the same location some time after you first pick it up, though I couldn't loot it because I already had it in my inventory. This is arguably one of the biggest changes ever seen in a Rockstar character. After all, Arthur was raised by Dutch and Hosea for nearly twenty years. This can happen when you hit a tree, your horse receives too much damage during a firefight or gets gravely injured by a predator. Also the mission is called "Motherhood". Mary is a well-meaning woman, who tries to see the best in people and most situations. This eventually climaxes when Dutch chooses to side with Micah Bell, whos been proven to be a traitor, leaving Arthur to fend for himself. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely colossal game in every sense of the word, and it's really easy to lose track of characters or plot strands. If the player has low honor, Arthur is directly betrayed by Dutch and killed by Micah, either by being stabbed or shot. Well, we don't have an exact statistic of the amount of hours we've put into Rockstar's wild west prequel, but according to howlongtobeat.com, purely playing the main story of the game should take you roughly 43 hours. Unfortunately, John keeps resorting to guns for various reasons, resulting in Abigail leaving with Jack since she believes the outlaw gunman in her husband will never die. The biggest change in New Austin between the two games is the town of Tumbleweed, which is still populated with townsfolk and amenities but slowly becoming a ghost town. Its truly horrifying. There's currently no secret ending where he somewhat survives, fading into the mists of time under a new name. You only really lose your horses, you get everything else back. Despite that, Mary visited Arthurs grave and wept for him, showing that she still loved him enough to overlook his faults. Of course, his last words also foreshadow Ross' betrayal and John's death. SoI will lose my free war horse and never be able to get it back? Can Arthur Morgan Be Cured In Red Dead Redemption 2? By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. They find Micah's corpse and even track the Marstons to Beecher's Hope. So, spoiler warning from here on out. If you want to go for the White Arabian wait until the very end but there's a Black one available to buy in Saint Denis that I think is just as cool if not better. If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Mickey, the veteran in Valentine who Arthur took a moment to talk to, will give a heartbreaking monologue about what Arthur meant to him. Both Abigail and John are captured during theSaint Denis bank heist, but Dutch refuses to stage a rescue, knowing they'd likely hang. The pair end up having a knife fight in the camp, with Micah gaining the upper hand and stabbing Arthur. Once a character dies for the story, they're gone. Now, he follows in the footsteps of his early influences, giving his two-cents on the games he loves. complete answer on reddead.fandom.com, View What does white smoke from a diesel mean? Both games' protagonists describe Dutch as an idealist: a Robin Hood-like frontman who wanted to maintain the freedoms of the Wild West and hold off America's greed-fueled, industrialized taming of it. My Extremely Rare RDR PS3 Controllers. Red Dead Redemption 2s Arthur Morgan only talks about his son once in the entire game, and the voluntary conversation is easy to miss. Once the epilgoue starts go back and get the money behind the picture when you first enter the house and all yourmoney will be there. As a little boy, Jack witnessed people dying, endured all kinds of hardships, and lived throughout the multiple times Dutch's camp was attacked by the O'Driscolls and Pinkertons. Hisfinal words to Johnreveal his paradoxical core, having failed to suppress both the changes in the world and his own savage nature. While anything on this list is not required for 100% Completion, a player may be interested in completing and collecting everything available in the game. All of these characters appear in Red Dead Redemption, so it's no surprise that they survive the horrible tragedy of Red Dead Redemption 2. Most Helpful Member [RDR2] 2018 Posted November 19, 2018 He begins to show symptoms at the end of Chapter 5, just before Chapter 6. Okay so definitely get the special outfits before the end of the main story. The Van der Linde Gang's elder statesman urges Dutch and crew to leave the outlaw life behind again and again. Right after Dutch leaves Arthur to die in the attack on the oil refinery, Eagle Flies swoops in and manages to save him from getting stabbed in the chest. Due to Arthur's demise at the end of Chapter 6, you take on the role of John Marston for the two epilogue chapters, and for however long you plan on playing the game after the story has concluded for the final time. Can you find Arthur's body in RDR2? As noted in the endings above, he either dies from his tuberculosis, a bullet to the head, or a knife in the back. Approach the man and allow him to attack the hero (Downes attack will fail). 759. As John Marston, Thomas Downes, and even Clint Eastwood's character William Munny in the film Unforgivensuggest, living as a farmhand/rancher during this time is full of low-paying, tough work. How Red Dead Redemption 2 Remembers Arthur Morgan Post-Story, Even Ubisoft Bows To Rockstar & Red Dead Redemption 2, Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 3 Ending Explained, Spider-Man & Mary Jane's Romance is Officially Over, Sheldon Tries To Deliver Mandys Baby In New Young Sheldon Season 6 Clip. What should a pregnant woman eat after vomiting? The last part of the game's main story involves a final standoff with Dutch emerging from Micah's shack on Mount Hagen, having recently partnered up with him for the first time since Arthur's death. To try and win his family back, John eventually buys land at Beecher's Hope with bounty money he earned with Sadie and builds the house the Marstons owned in the first game with remaining gang members Charles Smith and Uncle. Kieran Duffy's grave is outside of Shady Belle. You can go to the vaudeville show in Saint Denis. Do you get to keep unique hats? This coincides with Cornwall, Bronte, and even Dutch's ways, which is a major theme of both games: spreading "civilization"and gaining prosperity in the Wild West usually involved the deaths of many other people, whether it be outlaws with a bounty, Native Americans living on desired land, or simple cattle rustlers. Reveal hidden contents Expand You lose everything at the end of the main story but get your guns back after Epilogue 1 and all your money and more back after Epilogue 2. Primarily through camp dialogue, you can deduce that Arthur is roughly 35 years old by the time of Chapter two. Sadies age is never really confirmed anywhere, but the running idea is that shes somewhere in her mid-to-late 20s, so landing right in the middle is the safest bet. Both of these fights with Micah have different outcomes depending on your honor. So, with all this information, you might be left wondering: How long does Red Dead Redemption 2 actually take to beat? You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The epic journey is nearly at its conclusion. They will not be able to interact with the animal, as it runs away if players get too close and it cannot be shot. If you keep up with the newspapers, you can even read about Reverend Swanson, who started a new church in New York. Despite it being in the title, death is not the end in Red Dead Redemption 2. The most prominent example of this is the gang's leader, Dutch, whose moral and mental decay over time causes him to lead the gang toward danger and even betray some of his closest supporters. Youre right, I forgot thatJohn leaves Mt Hagencarrying a lot of money!! Do this before the point of no return mission "Our Best Selves". In Red Dead Redemption 2, protagonist Arthur Morgan contracts a serious case of tuberculosis. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Red Dead Redemption 2s campaign is epic, but isnt the end of your Western journey. The life and death of an outlaw. Check out the video below for a replay of when Arthur gets sick from GrandTheftDiamonds on YouTube: From a narrative perspective, Arthur's illness is extremely interesting. Most of the early strangers' missions were driven by money for Arthur, but after the diagnosis, they turn into simply doing the right thing. The most common options are burial, cremation, and landfill disposal. It's easy to miss these characters if you don't visit their specific locations. If you do not have a horse saved at a stable, the game will provide you with a new horse. Your actions do have an impact on how he dies but you cant prevent his demise. If you're on the low end of the Honor meter, Arthur states that both he and Bell are horrible people. Tilly married well, and you can bump into her near the tailor in Saint Denis. Yes, you can keep playing after finishing the story (6 chapters and 2 parts of the epilogue). You can also find Jonah on Looper, where he writes about his favorite TV and Movies. And as for Dutch, Bill, and Javier? Even worse is how Dutch treats the Marstons, who are family to him. (insta @reddeadcollector) 1 / 2. However, the nature of the game's branching endings and binary honor system begs the question: Can Arthur be cured of tuberculosis in RDR2? Who Lives and Who Dies in Red Dead Redemption 2? For her backbone, she gets shot in the gut and dies, then and there. The female fertility statue also disappeared which i dont understand as it seems to be the only unique item that disappeared, ammolite and fluorite are still in satchel. What Happens If John Marston Visits The Cliff Where Micah Killed Arthur In Red Dead Redemption 2? Sadie ends up helping Arthur in some of the endgame missions, after Arthur has split from Dutch. Miss Grimshaw shoots her through the chest with a shotgun to end Chapter 5. You don't get your money back, the only way you would is if throughout the game you were under $20k. Arthur Morgan contracts TB during "Money Lending and Other Sins," a string of missions he performs for Leopold Strauss. If the player has low honor, Arthur is directly betrayed by Dutch and killed by Micah, either by being stabbed or shot. No matter which ending players achieve, Arthur Morgans death is certain during the final mission. Given to winners of the multiplayer events in 2010-2011 by Rockstar Games. Your honor rating. Now, not much is known about his younger days, but he seemed to have developed a grudge against Southerners because of his father's death. A few missions into the epilogue, John does inherit all of Arthur's outfits and weapons. With John- Dutch responds by shooting Micah, giving John the chance to pump him full of lead. ", The Ending Of Red Dead Redemption 2 Explained. The tomb is next to the Mysterious Hill Home and is located on top of a mountain, making it slightly tricky to climb to get to the top. You must have not done that encounter yet in order for this to work. When a horse dies, its owner must decide how to dispose of the body. How many guys does the average girl slept with before marriage? Micah uses the surprise to take Sadie hostage, while John tries to convince Dutch that siding with Micah is the wrong play. Can Arthur Morgan get laid? Try to complete all side quests available in chapters 2-6 before you reach the epilogue. complete answer on gamingbible.co.uk. Even if you try walking away from the man Arthur is sent to beat up, the game forces you to return since its a main story mission. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of Karen Jones, who heavily descended into alcoholism near the end, are unknown. I'm nearing 100% game completion and the advice I give people is this: Normally, all of Arthur Morgan's money is gone after he dies when confronting Micah Bell. The satchels can be bought with no pelts needed. Also depending on your honor, you'll get an ending of Arthur's recurring dream sequences featuring either a deer getting enveloped in light (high honor) or a wolf in a storm fading into the dark (low honor), which is symbolic of his personality based on the player's honorable/dishonorable actions, and could be interpreted as Arthur going to heaven or hell due to his actions. Arthur Morgan's grave can be found to the northeast of Bacchus Station, and east of the . that i'm actually not sure of and will have to defer to the community for clarification. Can you find Dutch after killing Micah? Three of those endings are easy to come by, based entirely on a choice you make towards the end of the game. After the TB diagnosis, Arthur changes. John's death at the end of the first game and Jack's upbringing with the gang in the second result in the lone cowboy we meet in Red Dead Redemption's epilogue. 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