ghostbusters commercial script

[gets off the elevator and Louis comes out of his apartment]. She barks, she drools, she claws Dr. Egon Spengler: A Ghostbusters commercial is playing. The guests are starting to ask questions and I'm running out of excuses. Louis: Gozer: Still making headlines all across the country, the Ghostbusters are at it again. There's nothing else in my life! This is a major disgrace. One class-five full-roaming vapor. Gozer asks them to choose the form of the destructor, and Stantz unintentionally chooses the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Lenny, offically the church won't take any postion with the religious implications of these phenomenons. He starred or was featured in a number of other movies for the next couple decades, including Ghostbusters II. [interrupting] Dr. Peter Venkman: [Louis, as the possessed Keymaster Vinz Clortho, runs out of Central Park, scaring a married couple] Gozer the Gozerian, good evening. The boys in gray slugged it out with a pretty pesky poltergeist, then stayed on to dance the night away with some of the lovely ladies who witnessed the disturbance. Well, most of the original staff knows about the twelfth floor; the disturbances, I mean. Were here to help. To go into business for ourselves. You're not supposed to have pets in the building. levels of organization in a coral reef overnight stocker wegmans pay. [ they arm their packs ] Dr. Raymond Stantz , Dr. Egon Spengler , Winston Zeddemore : SMOKIN'! Look, this wasn't here! I always have plenty of low sodium mineral water and other nutritious foods in the house. Ray, pretend for a moment that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering, or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on. Ooohhh, Close. Dr. Raymond Stantz: What was it? And where do you put these ghosts, once you catch them? Dr. Peter Venkman: [heads across the room, greeting other guests]. No, we're exterminators. You know, Mr. Tully, you are a most fortunate individual. Tell him about the Twinkie. Hotel Manager: Tonight! Pick up the phone and call the professionals Dr. Raymond Stantz And you have no place in this department, or this university. [somberly] They wouldn't touch us with a 10-meter cattle prod. [picking up his radio and speaking slowly] Dr. Peter Venkman: He had close to a thousand followers when he died. Dr. Egon Spengler: Excuse me, this is private property. Dr. Egon Spengler: [throws the guests' coats in the closet, oblivious that they hit the demon Vinz Clortho hiding there]. That was two days ago and I haven't been back to my apartment. Others, just nutballs who come in off the street. Ghostbusters 1 & 2 4K UHD & Blu-Ray 5-Disc Set (2019), PlayStation 3 version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game. The whole island's going crazy. [possessed by Zuul] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Caption: "5 YEARS LATER". I'd call that a big yes. Jail Guard: Dr. Peter Venkman: Hey! [Annoyed] Dr. Peter Venkman: C'mon, I wanna talk to Dana. I'm fuzzy on the whole good/bad thing. I remember Revelations 6:12?And I looked, and he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake. Dr. Egon Spengler: Originally. As you can read, originally the lines were said by different members of the team. Each one has a role to play and fill, keeping the world of the Ghostbusters script unique and unforgettable. Hey, anybody seen a ghost? I feel like the floor of a taxi cab. And don't stare at me, you got the bug-eyes. I meet you, and I say, my God, there's someone with the same problem I have. But now, as if some unforeseen authority [the Ghostbusters arrive at the Sedgewick Hotel in Ecto-1, fully decked out in uniform and gear]. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve. I'm getting a little tired of this. Some are people who just want attention. Dean Yeager: Do you have any hobbies? Dr. Peter Venkman: "And the seas boiled and the skies fell.". I got a great workout. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Game collects a $100 fee from all participants before it starts and pays rewards to winners at the end. Peter slaps the machine out of Egon's hand]. Dana Barrett: I don't know where they get these guest conductors. [entering the main lobby] No. I'm gonna get him a nice fruit basket. I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. What happened? [as the Ghostbusters approach Gozer] I just whacked her up with about 300 cc's of Thorazaine she's gonna take a little nap now. Dr. Peter Venkman: "We know we've got a knocking! I'm excited to be a part of it! Just gimme the address Oh sure, they will be totally discreet. As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial ), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. Ghostbusters Script PDF Download Click to view and download the entire Ghostbusters script PDF below. Nobody *ever* made them like this! Ghost Busters 1984 Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis wrote the script, but Bill Murray gets all the best lines and moments in this 1984 comedy directed by Ivan Reitman (Meatballs). Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: You had your chance to cooperate, but you though it would be more fun to insult me. Dr. Peter Venkman: ghostbusters commercial script by May 28, 2021 Dr. Peter Venkman: Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost? [to the library ghost, as Spengler analyzes her with the P.K.E. That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me. Sorry, this isn't your lucky day. We certainly can, Dr. Venkman. ,Dr. Peter Venkman: Bye, Louis. Ah, if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Egon Spengler: Total protonic reversal. I'm gonna take back some of the things I said about you, Egon. Man at Elevator: [Holds up another card] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city. Walter Peck: Dr. Peter Venkman: You want a ride? Ray has gone bye-bye, Egon what've you got left? I tried to think [they all look over one side of the roof], [they all see a giant cubic white head topped with a sailor hat, Peter looks at Ray]. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Gozer's final form was described as " David Bowie meets Grace Jones ". So, does anybody wanna play Parcheesi? [astounded] Venkman is critical and sarcastic about the encounter, Stantz is ecstatic about it, and Spengler lets them know that the trip brought with it useful scientific data. That makes good financial sense, good advice Louis: Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm here with Dana Barrett. And then I slammed the refrigerator door and I left. Venkman? Since I joined these men, I've seen shit that'll turn you white. Dr. Peter Venkman: Nov 1, 2021, 9:52 AM. No, I'll tell *you* what's hazardous. Are we still going out? Dana Barrett: Peter meets with Dana at the Lincoln Center. Nobody choosed anything! All right, all right! [slaps Ray] HEY, ANYBODY SEEN A GHOST? I guess so. And there were flames, and I heard a voice say "Zuul"! Larry King: Peter Venkman's love interest was an interdimensional woman posing as a beautiful woman. Walter Peck: Roger Grimsby: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: We'd like to get a sample of your brain tissue. It's corny, but, I respect you. Shut it off! Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. I guess we'll just have to move. Two children, a BOY and a GIRL, are asleep in bed when suddenly they are awakened by supernatural moaning and groaning. Dr. Peter Venkman: [Dana starts passionately making out with him, moaning audibly]. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: [referring to her radical change in personality] Uhhh this magnificent feast here represents the LAST of the petty cash. Oh! Ted! I collect spores, molds, and fungus. Dr. Egon Spengler: No kidding! I believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't know. Come on! Alice, I'm going to ask you a couple of standard questions, okay? Please be aware that as an Amazon Associate, I earn a very tiny commission from purchases made though the Amazon links on this site. Dr. Peter Venkman: July 6, 1983 Draft (credit: Lawrence Duane), Aug. 5, 1983 Draft (credit: Keith Alioto). Dr. Peter Venkman: [about the storage facility] Thank you! And he wasn't alone. [surveying a wrecked apartment building corridor having climbed over thirty flights of stairs with his proton pack]. Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Dr. Egon Spengler: But it all had to come from somewhere, which is why we will be looking at the. Dr. Peter Venkman: Why do you want to see the storage facility? Dan Aykroyd wrote the initial draft with his imagination totally uninhibited, emphasizing more strongly the science-fiction elements of the story and making the supernatural characters more prevalent. I'll give you a call! That's strange, I didn't realize I'd left it on. [smiles] Louis: I am madly in love with you. I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks, but these things are real. [Walter Peck storms out of room] How's the grid holdin' up? I want you inside me. Up until two weeks ago. Is it just a mist, or does it have arms and legs? Oh, dear. Effect? [Persuading the mayor to let them stop a supernatural upheaval]. To his surprise, Jason Reitman cast Wolfhard because he identified with Wolfhard's audition tape. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Listen you smell something? They each have distinct personalities, ways of speaking, and approaches to things. I'm afraid you're gonna die. Stay close. Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. oh, wait, wait, i've always wanted to do this! Dr. Peter Venkman: Louis: He's an ugly little spud, isn't he? Dana Barrett: Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back. Dr. Peter Venkman: [after being hit by fifty gallons worth of melted marshmallow, screams hysterically] [impatiently slaps Peter on the forehead] I bet you like to read a lot, too. Dr. Raymond Stantz: [offers Ray a drink, which he reluctantly accepts]. Janine Melnitz: Where are we gonna get the money? The three busters start up their business right around the same time as one Dana Barrett is experiencing paranormal activity in her apartment. [Venkman tries to wipe the slime off of his hand], [Dana, possessed by "The Gatekeeper," answers the door], [She slams the door in his face. And at the end of the scene, all they're able to tell them is, "Well, you've got a knocking." Dr. Peter Venkman: [Dana is at home doing exercises as she watches the news on television]. Ray, has it ever occurred to you that maybe the reason we've been so busy lately is 'cause the dead HAVE been rising from the grave? Dr. Raymond Stantz: Come into my office, Miss? [Walter Peck gets kicked out of the Mayor's Office] [very uncompfortably] Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, no job is too big, no fee is too big! [hesitates] [in an inhuman demonic voice] Well thank you, Louis, I'll really try to stop by. Hey, he pulls the wagon, I made the deals. Ghostbusters was a tremendous mash-up of comedy talent, bringing in some of the funniest people working in 1984 to perform Ramis and Aykroyd clever, joke-a-minute script, and Reitman . Dr. Peter Venkman: Myth? Look at all the junk food! Write and collaborate on your scripts FREE. Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear-end. What has that got to do with it? I want this man arrested! Click to view and download the entire Ghostbusters script PDF below. Dr. Egon Spengler: and that's only gonna come to one thousand dollars, fortunately. Louis: Yes, I'm *Doctor* Venkman! Chambermaid: This is it! [Holding a Twinkie] Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm not paying that ticket! I'm not interested in your opinion, just shut it off. Well, now it's my turn, wiseass. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Dr. Peter Venkman: Whoa! Good guess, but wrong. Ghostbusters is an extremely quotable script, even if it doesnt contain each and every famous line from the final film. Dr. Peter Venkman: You're always concerned about your reputation. Turning off these machines would be extremely hazardous. "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" is now expected in late 2021: Sony settled on November 11 to begin with, but the studio moved the release date back to November 19 after Paramount's "Top Gun: Maverick". What are trying to prove here, anyway. Maybe now you'll never slime a guy with a positron collider, huh? Come in, Ray. LET'S DO IT! Yes. Hey, this is real smoked salmon from Nova Scotia, Canada, $24.95 a pound! Let's run some red lights! I'll go check out Miss Barrett's apartment. Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm going to go have a shower. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together MASS HYSTERIA! Good morning, I'm Roger Grimsby. Just asking. Five thousand dollars? The ghostbusters are locked up but soon released, as the mayor doesnt know how to handle the freed ghosts situation. Dana Barrett: [the Victorian Lady Ghost is floating in mid-air, reading a book]. [looking at the temporary sign on Ghostbusters HQ while a worker is hanging it up] let's talk seriously. [triumphantly] [to the Mayor] Now, for the entrapment, we're gonna have to ask you Dr. Peter Venkman: [on the walkie talkie] Dr. Peter Venkman: [looks and sees Stantz in the driver's seat]. Bite your head off, man. The Keymaster]. Anything. Librarian Alice: Dr. Egon Spengler: Dana Barrett: There was *nothing* here! He was also a doctor. Walter Peck: As a transit cop chats amiably with a female cashier, the subway turnstiles begin spinning unaccountably. Columbia Pictures/YouTube. Dr. Peter Venkman: Well, are you sure you're using that thing correctly? The middle name was revealed in Volume 2 Issue #13, page 9, but the wedding priest. As they say in T.V., I'm sure there's one big question on everybody's mind, and I imagine you are the man to answer that.

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