going gray cold turkey

I decided to stop coloring about 4 months ago because I estimated that I have spent around $27,600 on hair color over 26 years and, also, I hate that grow out skunk line at my part. I wasnt feeling good with my hair dye, so I made the decision to stop using it. It's a matter of confidence and comfort too. I know what you mean about after dying your hair, it tends to be more shinier. To begin with, it was a trend that was spurred on by the pandemic. I am literally crying at the thought of it even though its ME thats the driving force. Make sure you feel strong enough to deter the most negative comments.Im hardheaded, so when I make up my mind to do something, its going to happen. It took my curiosity from back seat to turn up the music, put it in cruise control and roll down the windows because MAMAS DRIVING! Quitting addictive drugs such as heroin can be much harder cold turkey. My hair is past shoulder length and I was a natural redhead so no matter how much dying I do, it immediately shows and truly doesnt ever look natural anymore. You can dye all of your colored hair gray to blend in with your gray roots. It helped but did not lift it all. There is no artificial color whatsoever in it. At 51 (in two days), I decided to go on this journey and I am blogging my process. Be prepared to be a bit purple until you get it right! And, this was the basis to deciding to bring the virtual silver community into the real world and create a convention: Silvercon! My husband loves the blonde, and we all want the husband to be happy right? I very soon discovered that there was a strong movement going on on Instagram! I was just SOOOO done with the cycle that I did not want to prolong it another day. The silver roots are really there in two weeks!!!! Normalizing the Conversation, Tips for Building the Perfect Charcuterie Board, The Going Gray Makeover: Gray Hair and Makeup Tips, Zero-Waste Makeup: 5 Eco-Friendly Products for A Sustainable Beauty | Revolution Gray, Finding Love in Your 50s | Revolution Gray, Low-Key Ways To Ease Back Into Exercising As You Age | Revolution Gray, Fitness After 50: 10 Must-Have Items To Kick-Start Your Fitness Routine in 2023. The next fastest is a pixie cut. I just want to keep going. How Tarla Went Silver the Easy Way Using Wigs! I haven't been happy with the color of my highlights and their tendency towards brassiness for many years, so about 6 months ago, I decided to go cold turkey. Cant I just dye my hair gray and skip the whole transition? I refused to do the skunk stripe and cannot help but cringe when I see it on other heads. Some of these approaches include: 1. Would I want to go back there? I felt that I looked like I was letting myself gothat I didnt care about how I looked. We cant tell you how many women tell us that they become male magnets after they go gray or silver. When I finally found ME, I was both confused and ecstatic! Thank you all for being there. I am 55 and have dyed it for about 8 years with semi permanent. who said a thing about giving up??? My husband is totally behind me so that will help. Upkeep: Tone & Blow Dry every 8 weeks $95. So, with the encouragement from my husband, (who is completely gray) I am sticking it out. My going gray journey. As we age, our complexions get lighter, and I found that continuing to dye my hair brown made me look olderit emphasized the aging lines in my skin. That is what I am thinking of doing this week. (Yes, I know "pain" is relative, but those two inch grey roots with dark hair is pretty rough - trust me). Lots of women have thought I have my hair professionally colored grey due to the sal and pepper back. you go girl what ever gets it done ;-)) your a brave lady ;-)). Im 5 months into transitioning to my natural color. More here! I started with my first grey streak when I was 20 years old. I looked different from my peers and didn . I still remember how very scary the concept of grey hair was to me. It was a vicious and messy cycle. Why I'm Going Gray. blond, he told me my hair looked awesome and that my roots were a beautiful color. December 9, 2021. But when her hairdresser freaked out over the decision, she realized she was heading into territory that for many is a no-go zone. Good luck, Hi, I just turned 52 and retired from 30 years of teaching. I live in a very small town in Montana, and now that a few years have passed, I see women my age that stopped dyeing their hair and it is wonderful to see! lot's of lean protein is important, avoiding too much fat, eating the right carbs, and drinking lots of water is key. Whether you choose to do highlights and blending along the way or just go cold turkey and grow it all out naturally, some days are simply better than . It gives me hope that I might find a way to live with it! For full Affiliate and Copyright Details Please Read My Terms & Conditions Page. I knew I could save a lot of money by not doing color anymore, but, I didnt want a line she suggested we color my hair one more time, but go dark to match my natural brunette color, cut it pixie short and then wait one month and frost it (long enough to allow the roots to show so she could match and also so it was not over processed). 2. A kinder term for this is "grombre" now a major hashtag on Instagram, where women trade tips and help mentor others through the process. I decided to ditch the dye at the age of 45 for a number of reasons. If you choose to go short, you can cut that time down tremendously. I have been coloring my hair since I got my first gray hairs in my early thirties. My hair will actually have more white than gray, I hope anyway. ?m going to be 50 and im single. Do the Full Transition to Gray Hair your way. No matter how dressed up I get, I never wear makeup. Do you think that when the color is all gone that my hair will look a little thicker. This can be your sister, mom, friend, husband, wife or finding anyone else who is going gray to connect with. As always it is about so much more than the hair. . I'm so glad I found this website to encourage me to keep going. At this time there was no more highlighted color, just my natural hair. Now I have to start again. For more information on going gray naturally, you can follow along here where Ive journaled about my experience along they way. I was just too white on my crown to pull it off properly. It happened 6 years ago, I was 42. Instagram / @myselfija. Only just read this Barb go to your local Saddlery (horse gear shop) and buy a big bottle of purple highlighter that we all use on our grey (white) horses. Honestly cant wait to see what it looks like, but still hoping it wont make me look old. Nothing looks right and Im frankly tired of trying to please others. Cheeks - When going gray, blush is your best friend. I had been considering going grey and so, this was the perfect time to attempt it as I could save a lot by not having my hair colored. I am 68 years old, retired, and healthy. Focus on health. I have been going through the process of thinking about stopping colouring for about a year and then suddenly I had a shift and felt strongly that I wanted to be a more authentic me. Thank you @bree. Which ever way you choose to go with your gray hair Seattle be sure you only make this transition with a seasoned stylist. Ive been growing mine out for 6 months and its only just now covering the crown of my head. My only regret is that I didntstop dyeing it sooner.In my collage, you can see that I tended to straighten my frizzy wavy hair. My problem is that Im SO impatient for the old colored hair to grow out. I was shocked to find that embracing my grey hair would be a positive and strangely freeing experience. Judging by your pictures it looks like an inch per month! Ive changed so many bad habits, use hood clean products, I dont over-brush, I always use a clip no hair ties, I wash my hair 1-2x a week because its dry, I use masks on my hair I can only think this dye is damaging my hair. hope that goes silver soon! In the country I now live, people seem to be more relaxed about their looks and tend to judge less or not care at all about how others look. I am reading this and it speaks as if it was I speaking. And, very thankful to our younger women who embraced dying their hair white and gray; giving us mature women the courage to embrace life changes, from being simply identified as being old, whereby mature men hair graying and therefore be considered distinguished, Love the journey and most importantly, to thyself be true. #greyhair #grayhair #goinggray #over50beauty Unfortunately my decision was not well received by my hair stylist who told me that I would look OLD. It is just what I needed! If I start now i will have a full head of beautiful silver hair for my 50th. Most comments come from strangers, and I feel flattered and honored to now know that I have inspired or encouraged some women to go gray, as well! . My thought is that this will allow the grey to grow in while still maintaining a professional image. This sit and wait it out method worked well for me. Looking at myself in my bathroom mirror and looking at myself in pictures is a very different thing. Nevertheless, I have decided to go natural gray/white hair and have done some chemical peels for my face, body exfoliation for good measure, and physically getting into shape; practicing Aikido Martial Art(Brown Belt) and weight training to tighten various places, let to the imagination. Then 2 months later, cut pretty short. I stay fit and eat healthy. All Images in this blog belong to the women in the picture, myself, or were used with purchase or commercial permissions. If I could just buzz cut it & grow out from there Id be fine but that would sure look stupid for a while lol. We only highlighted it one time, and it was a foil process. Over the last several years I have transitioned to almost exclusively organic, changed almost all of my hair products to natural. But really the hard work is just waiting. I started colouring for real by the time I was in my mid-twenties. My transition to gray hasnt only shown me the plan nature had with me and my silver strands., but it also has shown me what I am capable of doing. Covering my grays was fun at the beginning. September 29, 2009 . My whole family greyed early! My hair is almost to my waist but my ends are drying out. I found myself looking at grey photos of women on the internet, I so loved the color. Tips for Going Gray. There are lots of ways to transition to gray from cold turkey by letting your hair grow out naturally like I did, to cutting your hair very . EVOLVhs SuperFinish Polishing Balm defrizzes, adds moisture, softness, shine, strength, prevents breakage, splitting and is a UV protectant that helps avoid hair yellowing. Uncovering my natural hair colour after being a bottle blonde for 37 years makes for quite an interesting experiment. I am now torn on what I should do to grow it out, although this time form blonde not dark brown. It was absolutely thrilling. We get excited just to see each other embrace our true selves; we have built bonds that I never thought would be possible in the virtual world! My husband told me a few months ago he was so happy my hair was getting longer as he really despised my pixie cut. I don't like myself in short hair, so, I bit the bullet and decided to go gray cold turkey. Wish me luck yallAndrea the Actress in Virginia. Not all women have the guts to carry the two-toned hair for 15-20 months. Karen and I first decided to start this endeavor as an Instagram page. I've started by letting my temple/hairline area stay silver. I dont want to look like I am letting myself go. She lifted the dark hair colour in three appointments, and after that, we regularly trimmed the fake colour off to get to my real hair. I would have to say that after fretting and thinking about letting my natural silver shine for over 20 years, I finally made the choice to be free at the age of 50. It took about 2 years and I was fully transitioned. Reading these posts convinces me it is the right choice. I have seen several women in grocery stores and other various places who are letting their grey grow out and sometimes I stop and talk to them for support. I hope that I can be an inspiration for them to also stop coloring.. Who knows what damage we are doing to our bodies with all of the chemicals! It was becoming a trend, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. There are many ways to go gray including getting a cute pixie, blending grays with lowlights and/or highlights, shaving your head, getting extensionsor going cold turkey. Check out my review of it. They don't understand that it is a growing out process and will take time. I am 35 and resent using chemicals so frequently on my hair. Confused because I wasnt that girl at all! Here, hair color isn't just hair color: Dallas . I too am hoping for one last romance. Growing out your grey is a process. METHOD #2: LEARN TO LOVE YOUR DEMARCATION LINE. When I first started an account on IG, I was already 1 year into my transition to gray. And I was a die-hard. Add to Cart . I will look like their grandmother. They are my joy! Strangers stopped me all the time about my hair and compliments me. My only thing now is that I do relax my hair and my gray hair looks its best when it is just relaxed. How To Go Gray: Before and After Pictures. I dont know why I did that. It will be a relief to see my hair as it really is and not fret over the white line in the middle of my head after 2 weeks. COLD TURKEY: BUZZ CUT. This became so much more than a journey about hair! Obviously, time has passed, Ive grown older and wiser and Ive earned a crown of glory that had been dyed over, time and time again. I thought I was just growing my hair out but little did I know I was growing and changing on the inside too. I am not ready to be old, although I am 56 years old, I still feel young inside. I will be turning 40 next month and have been going grey since I was 16 (Early grey runs in my family). 5. I have considered putting in highlights/lowlights if I want some pizzaz, but so far, I get a ton of positive comments. But I have a plan. My name is Lisa. I love wisdom of the sages. My hair stylist and I came up with a plan to grow my gray out gradually. You sound so like I did last year. A year later I have a T section of foils in with my cut every two months. To Tanya, dont worry how youll look and especially dont worry about what others think. Cold turkey is when you simply do nothing and grow out your colored hair to it's natural gray. I do keep my hair in a short pixie. My hair is colored dark brown so it REALLY looks funny with 1/2 or more of gray! Im determined and search Pinterest for inspiration. I got so fed up having to do my roots now every 2 weeks. I have been reading how going gray can be traumatic. Yes, there is a revolution going on! I got the half size. Head up darlings, or your crown slips. PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD. Cut it as you want. I had 7 children, and the oldest 3 were in their late teens. I'll be 50 in September and so tired of dying my hair and disguising my gray that each day is more difficult to hide. Photo courtesy of Michelle Ortiz. I never dyed my whole head, just had lowlights but in, but I still ended up with a white part. I'm at 30 weeks now, and very happy with my cold turkey gray hair transition! They are teenagers now and I had another baby (a boy) last year at the ripe old age of 44! Braids, ponys and buns are super cute too. My husband is supportive as is one of my very close female friends. And then there is the cold turkey method which I personally chose to do. 3 years ago I did what many of my friends thought was crazy and foolish. . Vaczi said to stop using shampoo that is for color . After all, I had decided to get rid of all the chemicals, as well as the time and money spent on the tint! I love being part of changing the world by changing the way we women look at ourselves. Its a change into accepting my age, accepting my natural look. My hairdresser was very supportive of my decision, as was my husband. Why would I not want to look my age? The most popular theory was repeated by the San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen in 1978: "It derives from the hideous combination of goosepimples [sic] and what William Burroughs calls 'the cold burn' that addicts suffer as they kick the habit." In Cop Speak: The Lingo of Law Enforcement and Crime, Tom . My favorite YouTube channels are Erica Johnston, Nikol Johnson and Miranda Parker. Depending on your hair type, it will probably take about2 years for gray hair to grow past your chin. I have to admit, I was confident and determined enough not to need any support or motivation to stay strong. This is just how I feel. In my twenties I would frost it to give it some style. RELATED: For more, check out 10 Ways to Grow Out Gray Hair. I luv Jamie Lee Curtis's short grey hair and I think I'll look like her when it's all grown out. I'm 34 now and have several grey streaks that resemble highlights in my otherwise brown hair. young. I had expected to keep adding some color low-lights for contrast, but really liked my own color. There are so many labels based on appearance, people are quite critical toward others and themselves . It just is. . Going grey with (grohm) (bray) A radical celebration of the natural phenomenon of grey hair. The hardest part about going gray for me personally was deciding to go for it. ! thought youd be the last to give up. I'm glad to have found this blog. The most drastic part of this whole process was coloring it the dark brunette in September. Lol, nothing special! I.m 49 and my friends say I.m too young to go grey. The hardest part about going gray was actually deciding to go gray in the first place, committingto the process, and just starting. I'm 37 and have been growing it out since Jan. 1st 2014 and have received nothing but compliments from both men and women. I had it all grown off and wore it silver for five years, and then in 2008 I allowed negative people to tell me I was too young to have silver hair. I just dont want to be looked at as a grandma way before my time. I'll take a good long time sitting on the fence, but once I make a decision, that's it. Yes good luck & do keep us posted! I was sooo impatient, I just couldnt wait to see the real me. . Mix a little in with your conditioner and experiment on strength. I started to build my own self-worth, my own self-confidence, based on the person I found out I was. Do you find your virgin gray hair healthier? i did the same, i brought back all my dye and said I am EMBRACING my grey..sorry if you dont like but I am ready.plain and simple.. How Tarla Went Silver the Easy Way Using Wigs! I have very black dyed hair so the skunk thing is very obvious! Approximately one year and three months into the grey hair transition, the overall effect is, er, patchy. I must say that I do have to remember to take care of myself better for yesterday I was rushing to get out of the house and forgot to blend my sunscreen and put on my tinted chap stick without lookingI looked in the rear view mirror in horror.. I have used their images and names with their permission. i just turned 60 and am so tired of everything about it. These cookies do not store any personal information. It took me 9 months to be done with several big chops. Octocurl Soft Heatless Hair Curlers Product Review, This is the ONE Downside to Going Gray from Dyed Hair. The reaction wasnt satisfying at all. What do you eat??? Hello everyone I am a new member of the silver club just three weeks in. My eyebrows are are still dark which is such a stark contrast to the silver hair. Pure bliss!~Laura C. My best words of wisdom for your full transition to gray hair are ones I say repeatedly: You will never know what youve got until you grow it out. During the growing out phase, my hair was such a mess, a mixture of the old dyed color, my new natural dark brown, and the gray coming through. Denise is beautiful. Here are six reasons for going cold turkey with long . Thanks dad. I made some other, heart wrenching, difficult decisions at the same time. The only way we could defy these pre-established standards is by putting more emphasis on culture and less on our outer appearance, realizing we are not united by our bodies but by our brains. The root hair around my face is snow white but the rest of my hair is white, gray and brown at the roots and the rest of it is the auburnish color plus blonde highlights and dark low lights, so its a mix of many colors right now. Save. I have absolutely no regrets. going gray before and after pictures here. Don't worry your friends come around eventually. Going, Going, GRAY! I think my hair was trying to tell me to stop and accept being naturally lovely. Color correction, cold turkey, shave your head, try a pixie.Whatever floats your boat. Best advise as stated by others, keep up to date on hair and clothing styles. Ease into gray . I had thought about letting my dark brown hair go gray for about 10 years. Who did we think we were fooling?!). I got scared off by negative men and career worries the first two times, yet I had abundant evidence that the people who matter to me thought it looked great and were proud of me. Martha Truslow Smith created Going grey with (grohm)(bray) in 2016 with a simple, yet difficult mission: to start a different dialogue . In quitting gradually, people are continuing to ingest the harmful substance in . You can try Balayage which is lightening your ends. 5. Turns out, a lot of women are sick and tired of society pressuring them into spending precious hours and dollars in hair salons. Copyright disclaimer: All content is written by Joli A. Campbell or Guests, that content belongs to QuickSilverHair or the respected author. For my 40th birthday I decided to go grey. I shamelessly ignored it for quite a long time, until April 2016 my first and only grow-out attempt! Hoping I have the courage to do this. Hey, ladies! 32. people always have told me i look much younger than i am. I went 'cold turkey, ' and it took me about a year, with a lot of patience, to grow out the dyed colored hair. Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer for the fastest hair dry. I just want to be myself now. And yes I am not letting myself go. I love this blog and have been enjoying reading about everyones various experiences. I have a grown daughter (20 yrs old) and one still in elementary school (probably part of the reason I feel the need to still dye my hair). Was it hard? It is such a freeing and empowering experience. Again, 2 months later, cut, toner styled. Thanks for your comment, Alison! Hair dye seems to be the final frontier in my transformation to the all-natural, simplistic lifestyle that I seek. I am so excited about my hair. Then, I just kind of had a light-bulb momentI probably have that grey! COLD TURKEY: PIXIE CUT. I still feel that maintaining good health, grooming and diet are now as important as ever. I get compliments daily about my hair now (not what I was looking for) and that makes me feel that I made the right decision. It looked a little splotchy with gray, sliver and dark brown but not as terrible as you might think. All subscribers are eligible for the annual giveaway on Dec. 1st. Another poster mentioned that one had to change their color palate, but that's fun and I don't mind. My fiance has wanted me to go gray He LOVES gray hair! I thought it would be a good solution for me too but now have come to find out that my hair has been stained and so the 10 months I thought I had under my belt is now starting anew. In the beginning, of my transition to gray hair I scoured the internet, Pinterest, and Facebook looking for women who had posted about their full transition to gray hair. Our first step was to create a convention, #SILVERCON, that will be happening in July of 2020 in L.A. But that being said, its not 2 years of hats, scarves and hiding. Many things in life are worth the wait and allowing your silvers to grow in naturally is another. SITE CREDIT. Apparently, if the color you are transitioning away from is almost black, like mine was, this would cause irreversible damage to the hair, and it would cost lots of money and time! It can be very difficult to get the people that love you the most to accept your decision. But I like it. Directed by Scott Derrickson from a screenplay by David Scarpa, it stars Keanu Reeves as Klaatu, an alien sent to try and change human behavior in an effort to save Earth from . She was 45, it was hard at first but then it got easier. Agree with all about transitioning painful. Add message. Have a weird yellow bit on top even though my hair was brown . He concluded that: 'If someone decides to quit drinking abruptly, they will experience Delirium tremens. How to go gray? I am also in the healthcare field and do not want to look unkept to new and existing patients. Guest contributor Denise ONeill shares her story on how to go gray. We celebrate, empower, encourage, motivate and inspire each other. For me, deciding to go grey was the outward manifestation of deciding to be real. It will take a few more cuts to clear out all the old highlights, etc, but after 5 months, I have a head of beautiful grey hair with dark roots (all my own, no artificial color). I have been thinking about letting my gray grow out for several months. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I promise you, once you know those things, the negativity of the world may still sting sometimes, but it cant break you. she colored for years, and ended up bald and wearing a wig- and then this devastating disease. Right up there with the ice bucket challenge! But its always there if I need it. That only left one route open to me - going gray cold turkey with long hair. thank you for the words of support, Joy. It will be a shade of light brown or even orange. However, I have my issues of my skin getting darker, such as age spots.

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