earth is stationary quran verse

Do you know what happen if the stars where at the lowest heaven/sky. As this verse from the Quran states, Allah's mercy encompasses everything and is boundless, meaning that no matter what we are asking forgiveness from, we should always ask for it with sincerity and inshallah we will be answered. This is all according to a hadith I heard. With this in mind, the basic principle is that whenever a literal or outward reading of a verse of the Quran or an authentic saying of the Prophet seems to contradict a decisively established point of fact, then that verse or saying is interpreted in a manner that accords to this established point of fact. Surah Al-Anbiya (21:33): and the Sun and the Moon, all travelling in orbits. They are more eager to find ways to bend the words of the Quran to the falsehood of the dajjal. Hence such a translation is out of the question. The Quran is a religious text that claims to be word-for-word revealed from the All-Knowing God, so if the Quran did state quite clearly that the world was flat, then that would indeed be a serious problem for Muslims. You do not see any inconsistency in the creation of the Almighty. The Qur'an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". But there are other verses that can. If they had read with care the end of the same verse they would have been left with no room for any misunderstanding. Psalm 96:10 NASB Say among the nations, "The Lord reigns; , and during the night you shall glorify, as well as at the ends of the day, so that you may be content. Each one runs to a term stated. I know being apologetic and defending a book written by 700AD desert dwellers could be challenging so try again. Does the Quran Say the Sun Sets in a Muddy Spring? After the fact explanation doesnt work whatever science u trying to explain has been plagiarized from Sanskrit vedas .. thats why its half truth and not clear . Its strange why the blessed ones are actually the most negligent . Friday, June 10, 2022posted by 6:53 AM . The point on the surface of the earth just above the focus (center) is called the epicenter. The simple one word answer is "Yes", I was writing about this a few days ago and clarified that the Quran does indeed promote a flat-earth view. Why would the sky fall down onto the earth? To explain them more clearly, one might begin by . Geocentrists promote the following four passages as direct quotes for the stationary nature of the earth: Quote Psalm 93:1 NASB The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The Lord has clothed and girded Himself with strength; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved. earth is stationary quran verse. You can see their light break through the clouds at opposing angles, as if by a pyramid, and then remember Ibrahim AS when he realized neither Sun or the Moon are gods. The most striking feature of this description relates to the way the motion of the earth is described without glaringly contradicting the popular view prevailing in that age. But we practically observe that both of them have equal speed going opposite to each other, and go to the same distance. But as has been demonstrated, this misinterpretation would be absolutely unacceptable for the following reasons:The verse clearly speaks in the present tense and not in the future tense. There is not a single place in the Quran saying the Earth orbits the Sun. The Qur'anic earth is flat. SMOJ. Clearly, the setting of underwater mountains on the Earth bears no relationship to the spreading of the Earth like a carpet, as Wiki-Islam would have us believe. Except that the Quran nowhere states that. geocentrism. First, the Qur'an DOES NOT SAY that sun revolves around the earth; nor does it say that the earth is stationary, as was claimed by the Church in Galileo's time. 27:88 The (Actual) Shape of the Earth in the Quran Eventually I founded this page after googling a little and I am happy to find your comment. Why this logically follows is beyond me. This is reflected in the strange choice of words used by the Quran with respect to this spreading process. Dharti gol hai People like you is why the world isnt evolving and getting better. So when the Quran describes the Earth as , not only is it describing the physical shape of the Earth, but also it is providing a depiction of the cross-section of the Earth, as well as describing that it is being spread in the form of continental drift. 68 Followers. Wikislam might have said Quran is a flat earth book , and they have done pretty good research on the root words and its meanings, i see you offend a brother who said his opinion . The first argument is that the Quran describes the journey of Dhul Qarnain (Cyrus the Great) Westwards, stopping at a point where the sun sets into a body of water, muddy in nature. Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. Commentary on religion, atheism, science and society. Allah plans every affair and explains clearly the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. [, And He made the sun and moon and stars subservient to His command. [, And He made the day and the night, the sun and the moon subservient to you. Ocean floor spreading is not the answer The verses about the earth being spread talk in the past tense and are in the context of the creation of the heaven and earth (spreading and continental drift rather are ongoing processes). God is the One who created all what is in the Heavens and the Earth, and so we must trust what He tells us to be the absolute indisputable truth. Firstly: Each one is floating in a circumference. [, O listener! , thinking they are standing still, when in fact. However, if the Earth was flat, gravity would affect people and objects quite differently, depending on how far they are from the centre of the flat Earth. There has been disagreement over as to which of these two forces is most responsible for seafloor spreading. Each one pursues the course till an appointed term, and Allah is aware of your deeds. [, And He engages the services of the sun and the moon that each one runs up to an appointed time. The word referred to (rawsiya) does not mean specifically ocean crust mountains since in 13:3 it is used for mountains and rivers placed therein when the earth is spread and 77:27 they are additionally lofty to emphasise their height above us. I still believe in Allah I do not need Quran to suit the views of disbelievers. It ends with a lasting tribute to the creative faculty of God, Who has created all things with such firmness that they cannot be dislodged. Ibn Hazm and others quoted this verse as evidence. The movement of the sun is until its appointed time i.e. The process of consumption of the Earths crust occurs at ocean ridges. Yes Earth is flat and all religions say that too. is it millions of miles away or is it just above the clouds. The Light Verse - Abstract Painting - Spiritual art - The Holy Quran verse art - Divine Light meditative painting - Prayer and Celebration. As the plates move away from each other, the molten magma from under the Earths crust bubbles up, being given an opportunity to burst out under high pressure. And there is it I take my leave from the people who have furthur gone Astray. Book Review Emergence by Damir Rafi: A Story of Discovery, Unity and Fulfilment, What Cornish Cows Taught Me About the Meaning of Life, Book Review: Craig Considines Islam, Race and Pluralism Provides a Path to Unity,, This is not what the Quran says at all. It is an established fact that without the atmospheric layers, the Earth would be inhospitable for life, since it blocks harmful rays from the sun, traps heat, and contains oxygen. Not to burst their bubble, but the atmosphere of Earth actually is composed of multiple layers. What will the heavens and the earth establish/maintain by the command of Allah. One issue you can observe when debating on the shape of earth is more about scale and size. Verse 32 uses wal-jibala and not rawasiyya, when verse 30 talks about the earth being spread out. (present tense) which indicates that the expansion of the universe is a continuous process. It is the sun, moon and stars that rotate in orbits and it is obligatory on us to believe in this, since refutation of even a single verse of the Holy Quran throws us out of the fold of Islam. Flat earth has no conflicts with Hebrew scriptures, but the ball does have conflicts. SO when Allah says earth is a bed spread out, it is an expanse I feel that is so true and I feel that is what earth means, not a spinning ball. But in fact, that the exact opposite is happening: you are in fact moving while the landscape outside your window is stationary. The Quran says that when the night and the day overlap, they make a ball (sphere): Quran 39:5. thirdly it is only talking about the solar system with seven earth of the solar system. Urdu/Hindi: The Quran mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". God ascertains that we will not be able to penetrate through the layers of the Earth, and indeed, the 7.6 miles depth that we have reached is quite a tiny depth as compared to the overall depth of the Earth. Nowhere is this better seen than the Islamophobic website WikiIslam devoted, it seems, to the most absurd allegations against the Quran, the religion of Islam, and the person of the Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace. Allahs each word is full of meanings. In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. We Muslims are in the sorry state we are today because we put this so called Science above the Quran. Nice try, but not very convincing, because the Quran itself contradicts your answer in 15:19, where it not 9nly says that the Earth is spread out (like a carpet) but also that mountains are immobile. Allah says in the Quran: "Surely Allah holds the heavens and the earth (so) that they do not cease to exist; and indeed in case they cease to exist, decidedly no one would hold them both after Him. News: Forum Policy It follows that the alleged conspiracy is not only related to promoting a false spherical Earth, but that there have conspiracies, for a number of centuries, to promote many false theories, such as gravity, plate tectonics and the others in the list above. Forsake the myths of the taghoot and embrace the the words of Allah. Mohd Farhan Ali New Member. Answered byShaykh Irshaad Sedick Question I am a revert to Islam. Does it mean that Earth is flat? This is because they can see further and thus they see the Sun for 2 minutes longer than those on ground level. Verse from the Quran shows that the Earth is not a spinning ball but is rather a stationary Earth with a (circular) disc like shape where the Moon and the Sun both orbit above the Earth. Despite the fact that it took science this long, this motion of the sun had already been told 1400 years ago in the Quran. Please help me out sir Can you tell me what belief we should have? The birds referred to are not literal birds but highly spiritual people, though a few other interpretations are possible, none of which include talking birds. It also means an expanse. Does Islam Permit Rape of Female Prisoners of War? Verily, in it there are signs for the wise people. [, And it is He Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Some of these verses are quoted hereunder: "And made the sun and the moon subservient. one piece voice actors who died. Further, the implication is that this refers to a literal process, since the reader is literally asked to see this process occurring. This is an irrelevance and carries no weight. The laws of Inertia state that when we are on a moving body, we would not feel or detect our movement. So that was ridiculous. stand and arise both are nearly same. The Earths crust is also consumed in other places, to produce a continuous conveyer-belt effect of production and destruction. : in the mountains themselves, did every beautiful species come forth, i.e. It just shows a different understanding of the verse. Oh Allah I disassociate myself from those who try to change the meaning of your Book and I disassociate myself from every ungrateful hypocrite who only lives to please his people around him. I wanted to ask you that the words you mentioned above which are firash, farash, bisaat, madadna etc I cant find these arabic words in the quranic verses and you mentioned a quranic verse 20:54 it dont say anything about earth but it only says bout pasture the livestock.. And you also said that dhul qarnayn is referred to cyrus the great but as far as I know dhul qarnayn was Allahs prophet whi sealed yog and magog in a wall away from humanity so youre saying cyrus did that? Some skeptics claim that the order in the Quran is wrong. There is NO verse in the whole Quran saying that the Earth is stationary or the sun is rotating around the Earth or the Earth has square or any other non spheroidal shape. In this verse, God describes how He is literally destroying land at its outlying borders. Don't miss out on ourcarefully researched articles. As in other subjects . While all creatures came from water and then crawled on their bellies is correct, all evolution theories suggest that evolved animals walked on four legs long . After reading and pondering on the content of the verses presented in this article, there can be little doubt that the Flat Earth Model is in total contradiction to the Quranic information God gives us about the Earth as well as the Sun, Moon and the universe we live in. It is therefore incumbent on us to believe what the Holy Quran teaches us and to reject the western school of thought. : the origin of life. The mythology is clearly exactly the same, and the flat Earth is exactly the same, and the factual error is exactly the same. 2 . There are other verses, besides those given at the beginning of this article, using which WikiIslam argues that the Quran presents a flat Earth. I am unable to go through all the verses that directly relate to this issue. Allahu Akbar, Waseem, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus. They look the same from the earth, traversing through the sky; but as everyone knows in reality their orbits . This is important to understand; the process itself of plate tectonic movement enables magma upwelling, which in turn forms an underwater mountain range. In his explanation, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) uses the assumption of the earths rotation to show the west how absurd a theory it is. By saying that the spreading of the earth is not conjoined with the mention of Jibaal, what was not meant is that they cannot occur in the same passage, but that whenever spreading out is mentioned along with mountains immediately along side it, in the same verse, then you see the word rawaasiyaa is used. No, not at all. In our article on whether mountains decrease the effects of earthquakes (they do!) They are in constant movement for millions of years so that we can determine our time for work and rest and derive countless benefits from them. Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. The idea that the Quran referring to the spreading of the Earth is actually a reference to seafloor spread is ridiculous and laughable. This glorious verse also confirms the laws of Inertia, explaining why we do not feel the spinning of the Earth or its movement in its orbit. It can only be because there exists a force that pulls heavenly bodies towards one another. It is difficult to classify them, and the scheme adopted here is a personal one. The Qur'an mentions the earth several times, and it is obviously flat in description. A person standing at the centre of the flat disc of the Earth would be pulled downwards to the same spot he is standing, not any different from how we feel gravity today. Also, it cannot move swiftly like the moon; therefore the stages which the moon completes in twenty-eight days are completed by the sun in one year. DONATE TODAY to Ex-Muslims of North America: scholar teaches kids that science is wrong and that the earth does not rota. If earth were flat, it would not have a diameter. With their objections they prove that they are narrow-minded and possess an unprincipled nature, otherwise they would not have raised objections against what is, in fact, a mine of deep and true knowledge. Ko is like it or sometimes s like Danias pen. It was a stationary mass, with a near flat surface neither rotating around itself nor revolving around any other heavenly body. It also gives the mechanism by which the Earths crust is recycled. Bijak Quran (@bijakquran) on TikTok | 712 Likes. In 1953, one of the largest structures on the planet was discovered by two geologists Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen: the mid-Atlantic ridge. The speed with which they complete the heavenly stages helps man to determine the solar and lunar months of the year. By virtue of a worldwide treaty between all governments of the world, the ice wall is protected by soldiers to stop anyone from crossing it. hur mnga svenskar har 10 miljoner. I always learned as far as i can remember the earth is shaped like an ostrich egg. SPHERICAL EARTH & STATIONARY.. 3) QURAN HADITH INTERPRETATION BY ALA HAZRAT R.A (FLAT OR STATIONARY) EARTH Mohd Farhan Ali, Apr 3, 2022 #41. 57K views, 7.7K likes, 1K loves, 390 comments, 1K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr Zakir Naik: The Quran Mentions the Earth is Spherical in Shape 1400 years ago - Dr Zakir Naik QMS-4 #The. In other words, there is nothing decisive in the meaning indicated by such verses that would prevent us from understanding them in a manner that corresponds to contemporary scientific evidence. Moreover, we all know very well that mountains grow, move, crumble, erode and disappear forever. The Official Site of Philip T. Rivera. So He completed them into seven heavens in two days, and He revealed to each heaven its function. Excuse may be given to those who do not believe in the Holy Quran, however there can be no excuse for those who believe the Quran to be the true Word of God. Yes Asif, its so obvious. There are a number of critical points that the above statement demonstrates. The term seafloor spreading, dont forget, was not coined by Muslims. Just another site And each is floating in an orbit. , except by His permission. When the parents flatten out the terrain before laying. It is for this reason that I advise you to pursue your search for the truth with gentleness and patience.. Isnt it awkward that he just flew to the east direction and found himself to the west of the place? People have been brain washed in believing in satanist and darwin evolution theories. Who knew? we showed through analysis of the roots of each word, that they refer to two different types of mountains: mountains on land (Jibaal) and undersea mountains known as seamounts in Geology (Rawaasiya). [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], The Glorious Quran further tells us, And He made the sun and moon subservient for you which are constantly moving, and made the day and night subservient for you. [Surah 14, Verse 33], The sun and the moon are constant without any breakage in them, nor do they take any leave for the purpose of resting. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], In proving the static nature of the earth, the Holy Quran says, Undoubtedly, Allah upholds the heavens and the earth lest they deviate. [Surah 35, Verse 41], This tells us that neither the earth nor the sky is in motion. here is a good article: The earth is subjected to about 20 volcanic eruptions every fifty years, with an average of one volcanic eruption every 2.5 years. By: A. Muhammad, 2001 - 2023 Copyright | All Rights Reserved - True Islam |. Level up the land or Flat the land Regards. Like Like Thus even the ancient philosophy, which advocated the movement of the sky, is false, as well as the modern philosophy which accepts that the earth moves on its own axis. The Quran would have said You know them to be stationary and so they are but in future they will no longer be so. He 'yukkawwir' (rolls) the night over the day and 'yukkawwir' (rolls) the day over the night. but his theory that the earth is stationary and the sun and stars rotate around it, delayed the progress of the science of Astronomy and kept mankind in . Gol = round. They mean that the Earth is stationary and the Sun moves around the Earth and thus we have day and night. The upshot is that it is not obligatory to believe that the sun revolves around the earth. This verse confirms that the Earth with its 2 sides: a dark side (Night) and a lit side (Day) travels in an orbit and is not stationary as the FEM suggests. Today we know this is false, Earth is a rotating sphere. This is miracle of Qur'an that it mentions about 1400 years ago that non of Earth, moon or Sun were stationary. the verse youre referring to mentions that the mountains are firm not immobile but the word firm doesnt necessarily mean immobile therefore the point of continental drift still stands. Oh alright then, heres one for you: The second argument is that because Ramadan is really long at the Polar regions (despite the fact that the Prophet of Islam gave advice on how to manage religious obligations when days are long) the Quran must have envisaged a flat earth. But it is against Established Science. . Concerning Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Mazaar: Hazrat Moosa (Alaihis Salaam) Palestine, Mazaar: Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Iraq, Mazaar: Ala Hazrat Imaam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadri India, Mazaar: Hazrat Allamah Ibrahim Khushtar Siddiqui Mauritius, Mazaar: Hazrat Shah Abdul Lateef Qazi Siddiqui South Africa, Mazaar: Hazrat Shaikh Noorul Mubeen South Africa, Mazaar: Hazrat Shaikh Yusuf South Africa,, And made the sun and the moon subservient. The Earths crust isnt just continuously added to from the mid-ocean ridges. Thanks for the reply. Trying to bend the verses to fit the narrative of the modern science is literally pushing donw the scripture, Earth is flat and geocentric as we experience , NASA LIES SO DOES ALL GOVERMENTS. But only for those who would make use of their reason. But I am a Muslim okay and I believe in what Quran contains every word of it and if Quran says earth is flat that means it it, even if NASA says whatever or shows me whatever pictures, let me tell you I will reject all their evidence just because I believe the Quran is from Allah and I dont need any validation for that. and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brotheren or their kinsmen." Indeed, "God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2. There is also a verse about shooting stars being missiles against devils. The evidence that the earth is round includes the following: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night" [az-Zumar 39:5]. If the sun were as swift as the moon then the seasons would not be formed correctly. We can therefore see that without doubt the earth is stationary. Zameen = land. The FEM suggests a static universe that does not change in size. IIWild-HuntII 2 yr. ago Even though the Earth is spinning and travelling in an orbit, we do not feel any movement simply because we are on a moving body (Earth). However, it is too complicated to discuss here. - They are cold bodies in comparison with their mother star. The mountains that you see, you think they are stationary while they are constantly floating like the floating of clouds. the quoran simply borrowed from babalyion This modest depth of penetration is much more in agreement with a spherical Earth that has impenetrable layers, than with a relatively thin disc-shaped Earth as suggested by the FEM. Subhanallah the world is flat and the seas are level. The verses you have referred to are as follows: And the earth, along with it, He spread forth. If they were indeed immobile, there couldnt be any continental drift. Many people dont believe now because there are ants and birds talking to people in Quran, so doesnt that mean by your applied logic, Allah shouldnt have mentioned such stories either. It now takes Allahs grace and guidance to understand the truth. Simple common sense will do, so they wont be dealt with in any significant depth. The length of something doesnt dictate the validity of ones arguments no more than the type of font one uses. This Quranic verse also prove the earth is in motion not stationary. Earth is flat and it is the Center of the Universe. The people have been brainwashed in all field politically, scientifically, religiously, economically, and socially, and militarily. Such is the work of Allah Who made everything firm and strong. Anything which cannot be dislodged can never be catapulted out of the earth, to fly alone, leaving the earth behind.The Holy Quran exquisitely succeeds in making this revelation in a manner that the prevalent knowledge of that time is not too loudly challenged. Why didnt the Quran just explicitly describe the Earth as a globe rotating around the Earth? Cannot refer to sea floor spreading. He is the co-founder of Rational Religion. Today, the 'Flat Earth' followers have their own societies, they hold conferences and believe that they are on a mission to save the world from this sinister conspiracy. A person standing near the edge of the disc would feel a horizontal pull and not a downward pull. as a larger sector of the Sun gradually dips below the horizon. Though the above quite adequately demonstrates a magnificent Quranic prophecy, and at the same time refutes the notion that the spreading mentioned in the Quran visualises a flat-earth system, it is does not in itself provide evidence that the Quranic view of Earth is planetary. There are many verses such as the following . I will give you three proofs for you to begin your own inquisition into this matter. I bear witness that I do not associate any partners with Allah and I do not mock his book, neither do I measure or compare it with science in order for me to believe in it. But I dont think that the seven heavens mean layers of the atmosphere, because in verse 41: 13 it says that the lowest heaven is adorned with lamps: One question remains, and it is applicable to all verses of the Quran on scientific topics. It is a hoax! The "dahu" in the Arabic Language means to extend and even out. [27:89] If the mountains are declared to be in constant motion, then the only logical inference to be drawn from this would be that the earth is also rotating along with them. In reality the prophetic words relate to the great and mighty powers, mountains standing figuratively in the Quran for mighty powers or leaders. The reference to Cyrus the Great is more weasel words Dhu al-Qarnayn is Alexander the Great, and the Quranic story of Dhu al-Qarnayn clearly has a relationship with the Syriac Alexander Legend, whether direct or indirect, which states that Alexander the Great reached the end of the world where he found the place where the sun sets. There is no religion in the Quran, Muslims invented a religion called Islam, nowhere mentioned in the Quran, the Quran calls all mankind to submit to God the creator of the heavens and the earth. From the above discovery, we now know that the Earth was, quite literally spread out. This is the Black Sea, containing muddy springs (hence named Black) and sitting at the Western extent of Cyrus empire.

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