can you sell replicas on mercari

If youve received a fake, counterfeit, or not the same item then you have 3 days from the delivery date to request a return. You can of course flip items too: buy something online you will later sell for a higher price. made of materials that cannot be detected with a metal detector. I think this is a tough one personally since the seller is not a retailer or dealer of said product, how are they to know if it will fit a buyers equipment? I would think it would be on the buyer to know beforehand exactly what type of lens they need. Feel free to double box your item, use newspapers for extra packing material, and make sure all seams on the box are taped up so no water/dust gets inside. You can buy old but still good quality products from accounts on Mercari. To make it clear any illegal condition in a contract is a VOIDED CONTRACT! I actually made an error and did not put in a tracking number once I had shipped an item, (well within Mercaris Requirement period). remove the listing and cancel any related transactions up to and including Illegal to sell. Denied return because I could not give them their pictures in 24 hrs, Same thing happened to me. You WILL NEVER, NEVER get actual help. The package was picked up by our regular USPS carrier on 9/28. When cross-selling you can tap into the benefits of all of them and supercharge your selling potential. Mercari sucks. After selling on the platform well over a year, here are my best tips for selling on Mercari. Note: Flammable or combustible liquids and any other items that require However, if you choose Mercari prepaid labels then youll get the tracking details from them straight to your inbox with tracking on the app and web included and you can provide those details to the buyer. You must be a registered user to add a comment. This is fraud and theft protected by a big platform. Sell it at a yard sale or better it , destroy it so no one else gets suckered. Although it's a legit platform, there are definitely possibilities of getting scammed by sellers and buyers on Mercari. Regarding buying on MercariI have purchased a number of items (maybe 12?) Shipping was slow. Thank you for this article. Got any questions or want to share your own experiences with Mercari? Mercari itself is a legit e-commerce marketplace to buy and sell products. The story sounds fishy-If youve made a purchase your feedback is just that-yours (so give it, they cant slap your hands) and btw dont be nave use PayPal! I have ordered twice now from this site and both times the buyer never shipped the item. Ive stopped buying or selling on Mercari. Its not a good place to be a seller. Call a lawyer. Yes you can as long as you say that it is not authentic! and if you list the item again Ebay will again remove it, and to ensure you really have learned your lesson they will suspend your selling account, So don't. SOrry but if an item costs thousands of dollars, the manufacturers like L V do not replicas sold here. At least one of them has been relisted at a higher price. Mercari provides labels for the shipping chosen by the buyer when your item sells. None of the items that I buy or sell are fake, either straight from the online store, or I get the items legit checked before I buy/sell them. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. protection", Listings that make false health claims or misuse terms (such as "virus", I have personal experience with buying something not as described. After that, sellers can rate the buyers. Which is better Mercari or Depop? I only buy and sale luxury items Both seller and Mercari profit off corny scams. But they give you 3 days to rate them. Not because I had any immediate intension to start using Mercari, but because this instructional narrative was so engaging. When you are suspended indefinitely, you will still be able to complete your transaction and request your remaining balance. Mercari also vouches that any seller will get paid. Its a great place for people who dont care. There are a few things I could do (I.E. shipped at a future date, Restricted from shipping in the mail or other delivery services, Products that have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Thankless & they encourage you to literally give things away. All of the payments are protected by Mercari, so you dont have to worry about losing any money. Then Mercari pushed through a rating that I didnt give, then finalized the sale and sent my money to the seller without resolution to the missing part of my sale. What is my best course of action to get my money back? I was scammed by a seller on Mercari. Thank You there was a lot of really good information to make a decision. Its not like eBay or Amazon are any better, in fact they are worse, much worse. I provided proof of my item authenticity also. (Youve got to taste it defore you buy IT) With Mercari I am going to go for it. They guarantee that with two important features: The brands policy prohibits in-person meetups, and all sellers are required to ship each item (either on their own or with one of the apps partners). Any item that appears to be inauthentic will be reviewed and potentially removed from the platform. Never had a problem with ebay! You wont be able to request a return or refund after that period. THESE PEOPLE ARE FULL OF SHIT AND NOTHING BUT SCAMMERS AND COWARDS AND LYING THUGS. Let me know what items you wanna sell? I live in ID and that was the address on the order. In the event that your seller confirms shipment but does not provide a tracking number, please allow 7 days for your order to arrive. Their philosophy is simple: if you no longer need an item, rather than throwing it away, list it through their app, and make sure it finds a new home, while earning money in the process. You can check the Mercari return policy guide if you have any questions regarding that. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Examples of items that fall under certain categories may also be The login page will open in a new tab. The seller can cancel the order by selecting one of these reasons: However, Mercari may charge you a cancellation fee of 5% of the item price (maximum of $25) to cover the cost of transaction fees and/or shipping labels. You have four delivery options during the listing process. The first thing youll do is add basic account information. I may have hit the buy button twice nobody to con contact I will contact pay pal, the automatic rate by Mercari is a problem.There are many things that can stop someone from asking for a refund within 3 days, including mistakes made when claiming something was delivered and time waiting for the seller to communicate.Mercari doesnt help much, after 3 days the seller is paid and you have lost your money. The customer service is TERRIBLE and they will allow people to scam you, stalk and now apparently you must RE-verify your device, DESPITE BEING a Highly trusted seller! Once an order is placed, make sure to ship the item as soon as possible. If the buyer requests a refund for a valid reason (item not as described, damaged, etc. 2. Describe if there are any drawbacks to your item. I find it hard to believe the seller could have received the package without any tracking updates so the package seems to be lost or stolen. ago I saw a listing that said, inspired Kate Spade. I had the same exact issue. Wow! You can calculate your total fees, profit and margin using Crosslists free Mercari fee calculator. Smart Pricing will adjust the price based on market demand, but it will never go lower than your floor. Therefore, you have to ensure that the buyer/seller is trustworthy. Know the laws in your state!???????? They get rated as buyers to. You should check the reviews on the sellers profile to see how he or she treated previous customers since reviews can only be submitted by buyers who made a purchase. We cant reach Mercari by phone, and via chat Mercari is not being responsive at all. Mercari a complete scam for buyers. And I have clean ratings, but some are sooooo thankless and wont rate you just to punish you LOL. What you can sell You can list almost anything that can ship. All products and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. A couple of days go by and they released the money to the seller without confirming with me all because a computer says it was delivered. Also, using a poly mailer is the recommended way how to package clothing to sell for the lightest packages. So, the answer to your question is that you can pay for items during checkout with PayPal but you cant get paid with it. The funds have been withdrawn from my banking account through PayPal immediately after purchase receipt of items. Mercari failed to protect the buyer despite what they claim. Thank you. NO.. That is a yard sale handbag . Selling things you no longer need is not only a great way to clear your space and make room for yourself, but its something really anyone can do, right from home. "mod chips" to break the encryption on game computers to allow the playing If you want to use the Mercari app, youll have to download it from an App Store or Google Play, and of course, set up an account. On the first, I never heard from the seller so I cancelled the transaction (4 days). Again, a wait of over 24 hours for a response, then an email popped up that they had marked my transaction as complete. that are soiled with human materials such as used underwear, Sexually related items such as sex toys and fetish items. IM SURE THEYLL DELETE MY COMMENT BUT I TRIED BUYING SOME NIKES AND THEY TOOK MY MONEY NO PROBLEM. So, while you can trust that Mercari is safe, you must do your due diligence about the buyer/seller before dealing. He knows he is getting some freebies. She went as far as blaming me for cracked handles that l have not used and clearly seen it when l removed it from box. Heavy, bulky items. I purchased a pair of boots on the Mercari site that were list mens size 9. The author should link to law firms that cover class action or help put people together whove been wronged and their money withheld. One arrived, dead. Buyers sometimes claim items are fake, especially designer clothes/accessories, to try to get a refund. It's honestly a dying company. The box was a Mustang puzzle box, but the puzzle inside was a kitten. Mercari also uses an escrow payment system in order to guarantee a safe and reliable transaction service for everyone. My question is can I sell replica, fake, knock off items as long as my listings clearly state that the item is not authentic? I am completely committing too spearheading a class action suit. Left three messages two emails. Mercari doesn't care about the replica sellers. There are many online marketplaces available that allow you to sell (and buy) anything from clothing and accessories to tech and used books, and at times it can be difficult to choose the one(s) you want to work with. Some shoppers might be looking to bargain, so be prepared to negotiate. In the afternoon of the same day I received another message from that my purchases were cancelled, and I was suspended from the site, I contacted them and they just said that their attitude was correct. Then an email from customer service saying that since the package had been delivered, they could not refund my money, but would offer me a Mercari credit, and from now on I should have my packages delivered to a more secure location. And it was not cheap. I did not reach 600. I also luckily had some other Gucci products and I was able to send them side by sides of tags etc to prove it was a replica and the seller was in no way penalized. They simply issued a credit and well, done! The manufacturer or agent of the manufacturer is likely the one who reported your listing to eBay. Congrats on the refund, in your situation is the refund made to your payment method or is it that crappy Mercari credits scam? This would be a good place to share your bad experiences just since this is basically a bad experience PSA anyway. All we did was to buy a product off of the Mercari platformwe were required to create an account.

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