jeremy david watkins jessica watkins

. Question for those in the know: Why does a guy who would rate a four or a five on the attractiveness scale to the opposite sex want to become a fake female who isnt even a two. I dont want to call it a false flag, but it was some people hijacking what started off as a peaceful movement.. They are being held at the Montgomery County Jail. It will be her first mission in space. Capitol riot: Prosecutors say Champaign County womans training included war games, The U.S. Army said Watkins served under the name Jeremy David Watkins as an infantryman in the U.S. Army from April 2001 to December 2003, including time in Afghanistan, an Army spokesman said., Watkins has been described as a decorated Army vet., Meet The Woman Facing Some Of The Most Serious Capitol Riot Charges, Watkins journey from decorated Army vet , Records show Watkins served honorably in the Army under a different name, including duty in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2003. The Ohio Capital Journal is an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to connecting Ohioans to their state government and its impact on their lives. Watkins was one of a dozen Oath Keepers who entered the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6 as part of what federal prosecutors have described as a military-style "stack formation.". On Jan. 6, untold hundreds or thousands rushed the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to disrupt congressional affirmation of the presidential election, which President Donald Trump has baselessly and repeatedly deemed fraudulent. This waste of skin isnt anything but an IT, if that. Jessica served in the U.S. Army as a male - Jeremy David Watkins. I dont care if hes a saint, the unholy offspring of Stalin and Jeffrey Dahmer, or anywhere in between; he has a fucking Y-chromosome, he aint a fucking girl! Contact Jessica Garrison at Write by: . For purposes of this blog, we will refer to this individual as "Watkins" because some points apply reference during the time of military service and . Jessica Watkins's Phone Number and Email Last Update. (a) In 2001, she graduated from high school and joined the U.S. Army. No Sobriety Ribbon or a DUI Ribbon with a martini glass identifier? Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Sherwin said charges range from simple trespassing to murder to the theft of U.S. national intelligence. I figured he would be first to be all up in Jessica plowing into her like a bus wit no brakes. NASA/Bill Ingalls. He spent three years chronicling the West Virginia Legislature for The Charleston Gazette-Mail after covering cops and courts for The Northern Virginia Daily. Stolen Valor and Military Phonies Its also interesting that Watkins was transferred from Hunter Army Airfield (near Savannah, GA) to the 3/505th, a part of the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, 275 miles away (per Google Maps) without any PCS (Permanent Change of Station) showing up. Glad I was in the AF where we werent so concerned about our genitals. It would be nice to read what the Army had to say instead of Jessicas version only. Deserved. "The biggest thing for me is to take the blinders off and make sure you step back and see what's going on before it's too late.". Watkins requested that the Ohio Capital Journal refrain from identifying her for fear of what she called payback from the public. The FBI describes the Oath Keepers as "a large but loosely organized collection of militia who believe that the federal government has been co-opted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights.". When Louisville responded in outcry after a grand jury failed to indict any officers in the death of Breonna Taylor, OSRM was there, as they were for protests in Cleveland, Columbus and Pickerington as well as a MAGA Caravan in Champaign County. Jeremy (Germy) David (DUH-vag) Watkins (Squatman).HEY DICKLESS (SUPER Dickless) WONDER, (Yes, its true this man has no dick! **HT to Ghostbusters**) We all hope you read this and come back here and try to defend your actions, but, you wont because, YOURE A STRAIGHT UP COWARD, SO many things this fuckwad is NOT a Ranger, vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some peoples opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobos crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, Fowl mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, Towel boy in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY! Heh, Lyin Louies honorary discharge beats this freaks by a mile. (Image: Twitter) Astronaut Jessica Watkins will make history in April when she will become the first Black woman to spend six months on the International . A Proud Infidel*, Jeremiah Watkins is heralded as the comedian for making Judd Apatow fall in love with comedy again, and that's a direct quote from Judd himself! It will be her . We have also heard the argument that if anyone that has served in Ranger Regiment tab or no tab is a Ranger. I could see how a lot of people felt that way.. Query for those in the know, does it go to the Womens federal PITA facility or to the Mens joint. She has petitioned to be released from jail and for the courts to consider home detention. Superseding indictment filed 6/22/22. Ive said it before and undoubtedly Ill say it again: Its pretty obvious that these NPRC requests are given to the newest, lowest ranking hungover clerk in the office at 4:45 on Friday with instructions that he/she cant go home until theyre done, and that there is ZERO review or quality control. Caldwell represents not just a danger to the community but to the fabric of democracy, Judge Amit Mehta said. Along with a boyfriend, Watkins owns and operates a bar called the Jolly Roger in Woodstock, Ohio. Watkins, 39, of Woodstock in Champaign County, is one of five whose trial begins this week for their roles in storming the U.S. Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Democratic President Joe Biden on Jan. 6, 2021. Oops. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Updated January 18, 2021 at 11:46:18 AM PST. In other words graduate RASP and serve in BATT for 2 years. Jeremy/Jessicas friends and supporters may skip over links, but pictures scream for attention. Thanks to the regime of Gropey Joe and the Ho, we will be getting a great many more Jessicas with questionable highly decorated service, or who have honorably served. Please dont insult those who have earned the title. Jessica Watkins, 38, is one of nine members of the anti-government group accused of conspiring to attack the Capitol to prevent Congress from affirming President Joe Biden's election victory. So the Oathkeeper folks said, That tranny chick. Watkins claims to have been providing security according to a CNN article. And by the way, why does this clanker have ANY dingle dangle jewelry at all? The Associated Press and Columbus Dispatch contributed to this article. Nevertheless, I have to say my days of thinking of the Oath Keepers as a bunch of losers, wanna-bes and never-weres is certainly coming to a middle. Then it is our duty as Americans to fight, kill and die for our rights.". Ugly fake woman + stolen valor = shit show. Authorities located Molotov cocktails, zip ties and makeshift gallows on the premises, raising darker questions as to who in attendance harbored what intentions. Screenshot from YouTube, credit Ford Fischer / News2Share. Watkins served in the U.S. Army, including one tour in Afghanistan. Gash Trampler, Ladies of TAH, in advance, no offence, but with this weird new subculture we have to deal with and if we have to be forced to recognize and identify with this new culture, then the previously identified PC thing that were offensive, now, fairly, should no longer be, therefore, I offer this as an opportunity to recognize those that are women or those that *identify* as women, and have shown substandard and deficient conduct or lack thereof, in their behavior, need an opportunity to be given the credence actions deserve. Later, she was a first responder as a firefighter and emergency . Yeah, youre worse than that guy, I hope that soon you get to meet Jesus, and by that, not die, but that would be nice, BUT and I mean BUTT, you get vigorously and repeatedly ventilated by a guy named Jesus in jail, you make child rape and crib death seem funny, you are such a fuckgasim, youd leave Don Rickles speechless, you could make Goodwill, the Salvation Army and the Red Cross give you the finger, You make your own Mother cry on Mothers Day, youre the reason proctologists are a thing, seeing you frolicking around in all your finery makes me understand why Abba wrote the song Dancing Queen, Id rather watch AFRTS than see this guys shit on the Internet, if you were a planet, youd be Uranus, YOU are the reason monkeys throw poop, you stupid toilet mint licker, Hitler wishes he had you as a mentor because now he feels like a failure, you weak-kneed no-load pus-nuts pisspants needle-dicked cockroach-fucking slug-licking bucket of lying cockroach shit!, Ball Basting Boy Wondor, What an oily little meatgazer, planetary level atomic flaming douchebag, Santorium, lying shitbag wanna-be fucknozzle cleaner, Impacted breaching turtle head, Rumpleforeskin, parasite on society, What in the bipolar fuck, fuckstain skidmark onRead more , On George S. Patton: (Multiple sources but ), He could, when necessary, open up with both barrels and let forth such blue-flamed phrases that they seemed almost eloquent in their delivery. You and me both, I do all I can to distance myself from that group! Recruiter badge Or a female. Yeah, he is still a dude with fake tits, even if it has had the wang-ectomy. Jessica Marie Watkins, 38, a Status conference held 8/10. Calling little Jeremy Watkins a decorated Army vet is a bit of a stretch and may give civilians who do not know any better the wrong impression about his service. Although misguided, her attorney wrote, she believed she was supporting the Constitution and her government by providing security services at the rally organized by Mr. Trump and the Republican lawmakers who supported his goals.. Jeremy David Watkins military records were ordered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Jessica Watkins and co-defendant Donovan Crowl inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2020. Among the defendants is Ohioan Jessica Watkins. "We're in the fucking Capitol, bro," she declared, looking straight into a cellphone camera and flashing a victory sign. And by spunk, I mean he likes to ingest copious, and I mean immense, monumental and breathtaking, amounts of Baby Batter, Ball Barf, Trouser Gravy, Man Chowder, High Fructose Porn Syrup, Daddy Sauce, Choad Nectar, Throat Yogurt, Penis Colada, Nut Butter, and Weiner Sauce, remember that story in the news a while back about a guy that was arrested for fucking his girlfriends dog that had been dead for a few days, in front of a daycare center? No covetted NDSM. He planned not to reenlist because being a Ranger was all he wanted to do. Watkins' attorney filed a motion arguing for release as she awaits the felony conspiracy case against her to proceed. In a filing last week arguing that she should remain behind bars, prosecutors argued that Watkins, who in 2019 founded the Ohio State Regular Militia and is a dues-paying member of the Oath Keepers, was thus not an ancillary player who became swept up in the moment, but a key figure who put into motion the violence that overwhelmed the Capitol., Watkins, they added, formed a subset of the most extreme insurgents that plotted then tried to execute a sophisticated plan to forcibly stop the results of a Presidential Election from taking effect., Watkins, for her part, argued that she was induced to go to the Capitol by Donald Trump. Three other invaders died, though details are unclear. testified before the House Select Committee investigating the attack. Court records in Rochester, New York, show that Watkins changed his/her name to Jessica Marie Watkins in 2004. Decorated The selfie with Watkins and Crowl inside the Capitol rotunda and a . Anonymous, Gimme a break. | Tags: Afghanistan, army, Army Ranger, [] folks at Military Phony send us their work on Ms. Jessica Marie Watkins, formerly known as Mr. Jeremy David [], Protecting the Valor of those who have defended our freedom, Jessica Marie Watkins US Army Ranger, Decorated Veteran, Afghanistan Vet, Blog of Shame, Army/Air National Guard Posers & Embellish-ers, Donald Lidy U.S. Navy SEAL, SEAL Team Six, Desert Storm Combat, Blog of Shame, Louis DAllesandro Veteran, US Marine Corps Retired, USMC Reserve, Red Flag, Jessica Watkins Decorated Vet with no NDSM : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here, John Loveridge US Marine Corps, 1983 Beirut Bombing Survivor, Blog of Shame, Richard Elmer Johnson US Army, US Marine SNCO, Purple Heart, POW, Blog of Shame, Theodore James Kosin US Army SGT, Purple Heart, DSM, Two Tours in Afghanistan, Blog of Shame, Leslie R. Coward U.S. Navy SEAL, U.S. Army CIB, Blog of Shame, Jose Carlos Montanez Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame. GMJ or GLJ (Shirking) or GLK (Unsanitary Habits), Older Numeric Code: 262/263 (Bedwetter)/smile, I thought that PITA code ended when they got rid of Dont ask. Thats no lady!!!!! A four-count indictment returned in D.C. laid out fresh details and allegations against Jessica Marie Watkins, 38, and Donovan Ray Crowl, 50 both of Woodstock, Ohio and Thomas E. Caldwell . This will be Watkins' first trip to space following her selection as an astronaut in 2017. Truth be told, s/he/it only need the Army Service Ribbon (ASR) to be a decorated veteran not that such is underwhelming or anything. Here is some tape of her that day, recorded by a . Watkins formed the Ohio State Regular Militia in late 2019. Jessica Watkins linked up with the far-right group known as the Oath Keepers, and she entered the Capitol with other Oath Keepers on January 6. Pallbearers will be Bruce Yount Jr, David Watkins III, Adam Watkins, Jesse Whittington, Marty Cherry and Alejandro Berti. Wonder if IT realizes that Bubba Thor, Julio, and Mr Tiny will identify IT as the centerfold in Prison Bride Weekly? This guy, I mean, this fucking guy right here, is the poster boy for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome as a fucking cross eyed, cock gobbling, 55 gallon drum of cock snot, dumpster fire, nsumbyeotchkizzmyazzwingwipineffoffanbeholdemyfieldofphuquesyouphuquingphuquer, Mayor Grundle Butter of Scrotumburg and Anusville, waste of oxygen, Grandstanding cunt, prickwrinkler, Holy cupcake munching monkeys, clitwart, cuntscab, his breath smells like he ate a dead mans underwear, Fuck you, you nutless chickenfuck cocksucking rat-bastard piece of roach shit! Joe Biden: If I had a daughter, she would look like Jessica Watkins.. Ive never served in the Ranger regiment, so those who have con comment but I would point out that the record of assignments shows that Watkins was assigngned to the regiment for 17 months (October 01 through March 03.) !, When he wants to put on some mood music, he has Alexa play Dueling Banjos, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF ! Attorney: Transgender Ohio Oath Keeper Vulnerable in Jail. Yes, the short duration of his time in the Army, as well as sudden change of station to Fort Braggwhich might indicate custody before discharge. Although they do have veterans, there always seems to be a pattern of questionable past behavior that seems to undermine the narrative of veterans that served with high distinction. Is. Also, think of all the dikes that will want to go full Ellen Page in uniform. Address. Find Jeremy Watkins's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. The best result we found for your search is Jeremy Watkins age 80+ in Duff, TN. Watkins served in the Army in Afghanistan and ran a bar called the Jolly Roger in Woodstock, which has since closed. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. "We're in the f***ing Capitol, Crowl!" Sort of like the canteen cup going away present. Wow. Oath Keepers leader:Who is Stewart Rhodes? TAKE COVER!!!!! evidence that co-conspirator Jeremy Brown transported explosives to the Washington, D.C., area on January 6, 2021. . I suppose one possibility could be that some sort of legal or administrative proceeding was intimated by 1/75s higher headquarters,Read more . Either one works for me. She also lived in Fayetteville, North Carolina, serving as a first responder with emergency medical training, before settling in Woodstock about three years ago.. Break what works fine. Cleared hot! Im probably (maybe) not keeping track of such. Jessica Watkins's passing at the age of 38 has been publicly announced by Aikins Farmer Funeral Home - Metropolis in Metropolis, IL.Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of Jessic Moreover, it is not like they will ever be deployed anywhere given all the recovery time and medication they will need. This is an extremely short deployment which may indicate a problem other than being wounded, but there is no Purple Heart award in the records. Jessica Andrea Watkins (born May 14, 1988) is an American NASA astronaut, geologist, aquanaut and former international rugby player. We stormed the Capitol today':Ohio militia members arrested. I suggest Jessica move on with her life and leave the less than honorable service of Jeremy in the past. But by all accounts that I have seen, they didnt get into any dustups, nor were any of them involved in the entrance into the Peoples House, that so enraged the social democrats. A Champaign County bartender who runs a self-identified militia, joined by three others in her unit, drove to Washington D.C. last week to join what descended into a seditious mob invasion of the U.S. Capitol. Although Watkins has the Parachutists Badge, it does not appear that Watkins finished RIP training. NASA selected 12 for the class out of more than 18,300 people who applied. One of my favorite parts about being in orbit is getting to observe geologic features on Earth from a planetary perspective. To me, it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw until we started hearing glass smash, she said. . However, much of the spotlight will be focused on another defendant: Oath Keepers' leader Stewart Rhodes. Stop calling him she, for Christs sake! 11/22/2022 5:53 AM. Watkins has been in the news lately because of storming the U.S. Capital Building on January 6, 2021 as a member of Oathkeepers, being one of the first of three people being arrested and facing charges. Can we simplify all this with saying that male and female are not earned titles? Period!! Please keep messages of encouragement to a general and/or religious nature. !, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, shed have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, youre such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass, Poster-child for postRead more , rancid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had an abortion, just in case, Harebrained duckfucker, Ive seen bigger wieners on a cocktail plate!, You look like something Id draw with my left hand, untreated, festering pus pocket, If he was on Prison Bachelor, he would offer his cellmate his brown rose, you have a chronically, domestically abused, tiny pee pee, this valor poacher thinks hes so hot and such an intellect, that he gets a semi chub (all that he is able) by his actions and subsequently, is in danger of raising blood blisters on his Third Thumb due to the protracted use of his Special Purpose Magnifying Glass and eyebrow tweezers, You just **HAVE** to have any attention you can get, eh you rabbit fucked, chihuahua, shit-for-brains, dont you? P.S. Oh, never mind. Court records in Rochester, New York, show that Watkins changed his/her name to Jessica Marie Watkins in 2004. Jessica Watkins, a NASA astronaut and professor of geology, will become the first Black woman to visit the International Space Station (ISS) after over two decades of operations, the agency . Court records in Rochester, New York, showed she changed her name to Jessica Marie Watkins in 2004. Does it involve gold bricking? Asking for a badge hunting acquaintance. Her attorney argues in a new court motion that she is no threat and should be allowed to go home with a monitoring device. Jessica Marie Watkins is on Facebook. He then said you have to serve for two years before you can call yourself a Ranger and there is no six-month fast track. DONT YOU?!? SO, as with the HoI, additions are always welcome. Id like to know where they found the clerk that filled out his assignment section of his 2-1, it looks like it was written by Hellen Keller, in addition to missing three weeks of jump school. Yeah. Thomas Edward Caldwell, Jessica Marie Watkins and Donovan Ray Crowl were charged Tuesday by federal prosecutors in Washington with conspiracy as well as obstruction of official proceedings and . During those days as well as now Im sure, it still takes a LOT to get into the Ranger Regiment and just one fuckup to get kicked out, thus Im betting that he/she/it was a subpar dickstepper! On June 9, 2022, at 7:38 UTC, she became the African American woman with the most time in space, surpassing Stephanie Wilson's 42 day . Bring it!!! I was asking for something more like Jessica Watkins is charged with conspiracy over her role in the deadly January 6 Capitol siege. Jessica served in the U.S. Army as a male Jeremy David Watkins. Jessica Watkins, 38, and Donovan Crowl, 50, were arrested by federal agents early Monday in Champaign County. Watkins said shed be willing to turn herself in if need be, because she didnt do anything wrong and insisted she helped protect the property and law enforcement. The insurrectionists chanted for the death of Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Last week, a federal judge denied a request for release by Thomas Caldwell, a Virginia man accused of coordinating the Capitol raid with Watkins and indicted along with her and the others. Watkins is one of several dozen Ohioans who face federal charges for participating in riots at the U.S. Capitol. When Law Enforcement finally pays attention to the remaining members of The Dutch Rudder Gang and Hack Stone is hauled away for crimes (real or imagined), he will be described as Modestly Decorated, among which is the highly coveted and rarely awarded Precious Metals Recovery Expert Badge. Putting on a dress does not make you a lady. Brass count at the range came out perfect 5 consecutive times? Over Watkins' shoulder, the ornate carvings of the soaring Capitol rotunda dome were visible, and all around her mobs . We have also heard the argument that if anyone that has served in Ranger Regiment tab or no tab is a Ranger. Watkins exclaimed in a video posted on Parler. She said it was a peaceful protest that turned violent. She sent messages to people labeled "recruits" and talked about "basic training" about an hour north of Columbus, according to federal investigators. I didnt destroy anything. It used to be a requirement for certain types of admin discharges (AR 635-200) that a unit transfer was required to see if counselling/rehabilitation was effective. And yes I will again, be the FIRST to call for a deployment of The TAH Hemisphere of Insults on the lying, embellishing wanna be female that will always be a male, Jeremy/Jessica Watkins. All rights reserved. * DEC 07, 2019: My understanding (corrections from those in the know are welcomed) is that the Rangers are very quick to bounce out anybody who doesnt contribute to the mission, so why was Watkins there for so long? to be used until exhausted? Two Champaign County residents were arrested Monday on federal charges related to the breach of the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C. Donovan Crowl, 50, and Jessica Watkins, 38, each . Advertisement. Find Jeremy Watkins's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. Its that pesky Y chromosome (as others point out) that determine whether you am or aint. We ask that you edit only for style or to shorten, provide proper attribution and link to our web site. Watkins has been in the news lately due to storming the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, as a member of Oathkeepers, being one of the first people being arrested and facing charges. You mean nowadays one doesnt just have to say no brass or ammo, Sergeant. Someone has to count all the fired cartridge cases? Watkins says this . Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. Also of interest is that he was discharged as a Private after serving 2 years 5 months and 24 days of military service. When she did so, according to court papers, authorities were not even aware that she was wanted because her arrest warrant had not yet been entered into the national system. Fugly as all homemade sin. While were on the subject of Stolen Valor, hasnt this turkey been served here on TAH in the past? A great example is the Grand Canyon - truly grand both from afar and up close, but Valles Marineris on Mars is 4x as long, 4.5x as deep, and 20x as wide! Something that old State Senator from New Hampshire LACKS. She completed airborne training before being deployed to Afghanistan. I was going to give Watkins here another Historic First. The DA form 2-1 is dated JAN 73. So, what do the folks at the NPRC have to say: FOIA Result Jeremy Watkins Summary Sheet, FOIA Result Jeremy Watkins Assignments. Read also hes staged for an upgrade from Silver Star to MOH. She had a mixed take on events. Fifth superseding indictment issued 8/4. Ohio Capital Journal is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Jessica Watkins, 38, a bartender, said she doesn't consider herself as having committed a crime she said she didn't destroy any . On Thursday . [Commanding Vagina Tromper When a recruit asked Watkins her predictions for 2021, Watkins responded, she yelled "push, push, push" and "get in there! Labia Leaper The two worlds of Jessica Watkins crashed into each other in the small village of Woodstock, Ohio, when FBI agents turned up early one morning to arrest her for her alleged role in the January 6 . Our stories may be republished online or in print under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. She went by "cap" or "captain" among fellow Oath Keepers. Also known as Watkins J Alan, Alan Jeremy Watkins, Watkins Watkins. NOTE: The Character of Discharge is something that is not releasable under the FOIA guidelines. The folks at Military Phony send us their work on Ms. Jessica Marie Watkins, formerly known as Mr. Jeremy David Watkins. A still from footage of the riots in Washington D.C. captures Jessica Watkins, 38, seen with several people in Oathkeepers regalia, heading up the Capitol stairs.

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