pirate kake pipe tobacco

Being mostly interested in English blends this really satisfied my love of latakia. It's an insult to call it one dimensional like it's some chemical-soaked, aromatic garbage tobacco. Not for anyone shy about Latakia, nicotine, or burley. Got a little soapy in the middle then leveled back out to tasting more Latakia than smokiness and creaminess. The hype is real. Deep dark, heavy, full bodied, musky, smoky and earthy are just a few of the terms that describe this C&D blend. I like Latakia, but I wouldn't consider myself one that likes it to totally dominate the blend. Full in taste but medium in strength. Tobacco is soft and dry. Pure latakia goodness. Maybe not an all day smoke but a great choice if youre searching for a characterful, spicy but not too strong mixture. For Example: Enter 16 in quantity box for 1 pound. Of course it is hard to keep lit and everything, there's over 70% of Latakia in there! Even at the full price it seems reasonable, so I will probably be buying more when I run out. I like this stuff, its pleasant. Both have huge ammounts of latakia. I couldn't smoke this all day or even two days in a row but on a cold winter day this really hits the spot. I think it was a dollar an ounce if I can remember correctly and I even called on the phone and placed my order. 4 stars. that is dense and smellsof Latakia. This blend is LOADED with it for sure, and there just isn't any other way to put it. $10.99 Save 2% +-Add. The quality of the leaf is good, as are all C&D blends that I have had. As I worked my way through a two ounce tin I could not help but wonder if this was created on a dare. Bout to go enjoy a bowl now!!!.. I cant taste any oriental tobacco. My preference has always been for latakia forward blends but admit to having reservations to smoking anything that had a 70% latakia content. I could maybe see this in my rotation, or as a treat when I have a little time to enjoy a pipe on a lazy morning, but can't see myself smoking this daily. In the "Choose one" section below, Pick an options before adding to your cart. .faint musk of slaves, hmmm appetizing, I'd like to smoke me some o that. Smoking PK is to the latakia lover something like what I would suspect eating a very dark unsweetened chocolate would be to a lover of that confection. Cannot recommend this enough! If you really like Latakia buy a ounce or two & you will be in Latakia Heaven! and ?This is the blend for the Latakia lover.? Some may be surprised to see a healthy portion of Brown Burley and Turkish, but don't be fooled because Pirate Kake is a Latakia powerhouse. I rubbed then let dry for an hour or 2. Unlike Cornell and Diehls Tuggle Hall which you have to keep re-stuffing back in there. The cake / brownie is easily dismantled into crumbs that are easily loaded into the pipe. I would not reccomend it as a first smoke but after a month or so give it a shot. The smoke ripples out of the bowl upon that first light, thick and velvety, so gray that it's almost blue, and the palate is hit with a blast of latakia that some may find overwhelming, but others such as myself simply surrender to. After the room stopped swimming, and the tastebuds recovered, I tried it again in a smaller block. The next day PK lights right up and smokes all the way through. I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. Revised: This is especially good when one has spent a week away from home and latakia blends. Smooth and creamy may seem incompatible with aformentiond sensations, but somehow it isn?t with Pirate Kake. Tried this for the first time today. WOW, smooth and smokie (mild no heat just rich flavor). Peterson Savinelli Rossi. Having recently transitioned from cigar smoking to the hobby of pipe smoking (five months ago), I am still testing the waters of the masses of pipes and tobaccos available. I had it with my morning coffee and when I lick my lips it tastes like there's a sweet creamer in the coffee, which there isn't as I take my coffee like I take my tobacco Black and delicious. Pipe Used: Icarus Stubby Apple, Self-Made Magnum Cherrywood. This review will be simple. Le acompaa el Burley y dicen que Orientales, que no puedo apreciar, excepto en el carcter de sta labor. Great for late night or cool/cold weather smoking. I think what balances out this blend is the use of burleys. This is where the hassle becomes worthwhile. This tobacco has the same taste, until it all gone, unlike some tobacco's that after half the bowl is gone then you get an ashy burnt like taste. THE ROLLS ROYCE OF TOBACCO. I have not had the need to dry mine out and it smokes exceptionally cooly and dryly. It has quite a Latakia kick (about 75 percent Latakia.) I like something that keeps me interested through the bowl, a little evolution, a little complexity. Edit 27/9/14. In this case, Burley doesnt help the blend and it is necessary like smoking pure Latakia. I also love the sharp tangy latakia odor that is left on my clothes or hand - Pirate Kake is one of those blends I enjoy as my last pipe of the day (usually while in my pajamas and reading a book); I revel in the lingering latakia odor clinging to my hands and hair when I finally go to bed. When you light up some Pirate Kake, nobody is going to be happy except you. I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. After rubbing a chunk of this smoky ambrosia out it looks like I repair diesel trucks for a living. OE was suppose to cut the heavy Latakia of PK , but one thing it does is bring the Burley slightly into play, that I don't like. I consider wondefull, fully taste, flavour and scent. I recommend a small bowl with a longish stem for best smoke. Upon opening the tin, the smokiness is apparent right off of the bat. It didn't give me a headache or make my stomach hurt, so I will keep some Pirate Kake around for when the right occasion presents itself. Leaves more than average moisture and requires a few relights and smokes at a less than medium burn rate. Opening the fresh tin (080318 I love that C&D tins are so easy to date) the Latakia hits your sinuses straight away. I separated it and have smoked at at different ages over the last two years and can honestly say it has only ever gotten better. Although the Burley adds body, it's the distinct flavor of Orientals in the mix which makes this blend enjoyable beyond just tasting like a smoky campfire. The smoke is never hot, so no issue with tongue bite even if you puff like an train getting it lit. Any drying, IMHO, would lessen the wonderful smokiness, which is the star attribute here. Just received it in the mail. I have just finished my first tin of Pirate Kake, and feel like I'm in love! I definitely will get more on future orders. The cake crumbles good and packs well, I like to put the finer rubbed out pieces in the bottom and top with some fat chunks in the middle. I think it's loaded with all sorts of nuances. I suspect that how much one likes Latakia is in direct proportion to how much one will like the cake. In addition, although the jarred cubes I had saved became a little dry, moistening them with about a shot's worth of golden rum per half pound will yield a blend that has neither equal nor counterpart. Pipe Used: MM general, royal meer, savinelli 616, I guess I must be a real Lat fiend too. Easy peasy Mister Pirate. As other reviews state, it is not for the light Latakia smoker, I believe this in on par with many other Latakia heavy blends, if not heavier. Its a straight, delicious, full tobacco. This was the last of 21 new blends that I recently worked my way through. It is aromatic in a campfire smoked meats kind of way, a little spicy, and just enjoyable. Right up my alley as I burn wood to heat the house. My Favorite Latakia forward blend, not for the smoker who only likes a touch of latakia, it has enough Burley and Virginias to keep it interesting, but the Latakia will take over. Excellently smokey and rich latakia blend. This is a wonderful blend that scratches the Latakia itch for me like no other. Fear not the 75% lati for it is your friend. Maybe once a week. It was a little difficult to rub out and properly pack and a good light took some effort. Oh man what a blend. Not for everyone, and cake tobaccos require some rubbing out, but all in all a good tobacco. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. I have a Savinelli 320 and a Peterson System Standard that I ONLY smoke Pirate Kake in. Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. If you like a whole lotta Latakia, go for it. A smooth, robust blend with lots (75%!) I took a long filet knife and cut it into 1/4 pound bars. The smokiness and creaminess was very addictive. I only wish this was available in flake form as opposed to the two plugs I received as part of my sampler pack. Looking up at the riggings er ceiling I noticed smoke hanging pretty well. The nicotine's just above medium, not 'strong', but more of a strength for the mornings. Not nearly as overpowering as some say. Other than many expect, Latakia is a very low in nicotine and tongue friendly tobacco which is very strong in taste, though. Moisture level is perfect right out of the brick, rub-out is easy, and it burns properly. I poured about a tablespoonful of the rum into the bag and sealed it back up. It's easy to rub out and smokes coolly. Its packed with a perfect punch, with just enough bite. This is also the most dense cake Ive come across. I like Burley tobaccos as well, I just don't think this blend uses it well. I smoke all kinds of English/Balkan stuff. That being said for me even staying within the same company I think you get much more nuance and flavor while remaining a great smoke from Stimulus Package or Da Vinci maybe even Mississippi Mud if youd like black Cavendish. Put your big boy pants on for this one. The tin I bought had perfect moisture and didn't need to let it sit out prior to loading up a bowl. It looked so strong and foreboding in the pouch that I refrained from whittlin' a chunk for quite some time. As my sample was small and I liked it, but yet was not blown away by it, I am giving this one three stars with plans to pick up a tin or two to try later. Captain Earle's: Private Stock 2oz Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-463-0004. Appearance is a pressed briquette ("krumble kake"), rubs out to a coarse mixture of pieces and ribbon. So I went ahead and ordered it. So much so that I just ordered a 16ox bag of it. It crumbled up pretty easy and packed up well. Burns consistently once lit. Others who prefer more restraint won't. It's strong in taste and smell. Usually I only find it in blends with plenty of perique. You either love Latakia or you seldom partake in it. Lucky me! Have a great trip to Davy Jones locker! Lataika bomb. It packed well for me in a small LHS Purex. The tin description says, it contains 75% (!) bomb. 4 stars because it is very special and unique + because a must try baccy. One of my favorite new tobaccos to try. Not an all day smoke,. A very straight and narrow taste profile with hardly any change. I think that I am going to like this tobacco, therefore three stars for now. I only plan on smoking this on occasion myself. I love Latakia. I'll have to smoke more, but I've found my new favorite at the moment. It does have, as others have mentioned, quite a punch but is great for when I am in a contemplative mood. After initially trying this in a narrow billiard for the first two-three bowls smoked in an enclosed area, I tried it in a couple wider gauge pipes, a Custombilt with a more conical burn chamber and a BBB Two Thousand with a similar, though smaller bowl, out on my rear deck. Perhaps in future I'll give a blend a bit more time for me to discover all it offers. I was really looking forward to this. Although BLB is wonderful in its own right, I have to say that this blend takes the cake. TONS of smoky spicy and an after taste that makes you think you just the bark off a whole smoked pork shoulder. Not drowning out the others but definitely the Captain of this outfit. Non credo sia una occasione mancata della C&D, la scelta di un tabacco Latakioso praticamente puro. This left no moisture in the bowl. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco $11.90 - $58.65. First light I tasted heavy notes of campfire, wood, earth and sulfur. Fantastic blend! Updated 10/13/12- I ordered another Bulk batch of this blend, rubbed it all out, let it rest for about a month and I have to say, "this is outstanding". I also pickup some oriental mustiness but unlike most English blends, this has zero balance the oriental is an afterthought that you pickup on the exhale but not when the smoke is in your piehole. Pipe Used: Peterson 1910, Savinelli Autograph, Stanwell 30. This is Lat strong, so if you don't like Latakia, take a pass. So Im not sure if its a good idea or not but I went thru a pound in a week. As a previous reviewer mentionedit's a drinkin' Jack Daniels feelin' dangerous type of tobacco. The room note is pleasant yet very strong. Leaves more than average moisture and requires a few relights and smokes at a less than medium burn rate. It is obviously dark from the 75% Latakia, but the lighter Burley, and the Turkish can be seen well mixed in. tin provides four bricks of crumbly, rich black tobacco with a few random flakes of lighter orientals here and there. This is top of the notch latakia. At first puff, you may think this will be a one-dimensional smoke, but soon the latakia smooths off to a very rich, heady, slightly sweet smoke. The aroma is immense, the taste surreal. I've decided I would rather put my money towards PK. View All (167) Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake 2oz Reviews. So, for me, this blend is rich, smokey, and spicy with the great flavors from the Turkish that mix very well with the Latakia. But it really is a good tasting tobacco. Yes, it is for the latakia affectionato but there is so much else going on in this one. Similar Blends: Bengal Slices (sort of ). For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. I would never have purchased this by just reading the 75 % Latakia, but trying this in the sampler was a very nice surprise! Hey its not your fault latakia, burley will help you in this kake. c. Ali had betrayed the prophet Muhammad and therefore his descendants could not rule. Pipe Used: vauen, Savinelli, stanwell, brebbia, peterson. If you are not a latakia lover than this blend is not for you, if you are this blend will float on cloud nine. Not much subtlety here folks, so do not come expecting a complex blend. Ive tried a lot of english blends that said they had a lot of latakia or said they have full strength smoke, like Samuel Gawiths Commonwealth Mixture. If you want a more balanced english this one will be too strong on the condiment for you. Sometimes I find myself puffing like a freight train, I just cannot get enough of this blend in one bowl! To order by pound, use multiples of 16. My sample is from 1995 or 1996 and was stored until 2001 without adequate moisture control. . I pack it somewhat loosly and it lights easily and burns nicely. For me, the moisture level was right on from the opening of the tin until the bottom of it. I bet this would be more popular if it didn't have the Jolly Roger and the mention of 75% Latakia content on the tin. Very ascertive, and smoky. A nice Latakia bomb. Totally my own fault : ). I want caffeine and sometimes just need it. Once you puff it very slow it will reveal beautiful oriental spices - peppery cardamom and pine needles - never overpowered and with a nice complexity. Me search fer the most wondrous pirate smoke be at an end! Earthy, smoky, salty, leathery and full. If 75% Latakia doesnt make for a Lat-Bomb, then I dont know what would (100% Latakia perhaps)? As an additional note, this does have an appreciable nicotine hit for a lat blend, so those smitten with lat, but also requiring more nicotine, may find this to be the perfect solution. . to my last order tried a bit when it arrived and again it was a bit sharp but enjoyable. This is the classic lat-bomb English blend. The block came from smoking pipes vacuum packed and looking more illicit than anything I've ever gotten in the mail. Pipes; Tobacco; Accessories / Misc; Info The Pipe Nook PO Box 599 Cantonment, FL 32533 Call us at 850-610-2032 We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. Pirate Kake does have a rich smoky flavor, but it lacks the compelling subtleties of blends like Odyssey, Penzance and Lagonda. Although this tobacco has a very high Latakia content it is not overwhelming. It's not harsh, there's a certain smokiness which has it's edged rounded by a creamy finish. Thanks to C&D, all the reviewers, SmokingPipes, and AbeIve been waiting for this!!!! The presentation was a cube in the sample I got. I prefer Samuel Gawith's Commonwealth. The latakia is heavy, which is fine. With complexities of smoke covering your taste buds. I legit felt like a pirate after I opened the tin - imagined sailing the high seas pillaging a town with my trusty briar packed with this fragrant english beauty. . Tobacco is all about unique taste experiences, and the worst part of eating leather is swallowing it, which is remarkably mitigated in smoke form. reproduced in any manner without the expressed written consent of STC Holdings LLC. The overall effect is very good, similar to and in my opinion better than Mississippi River. Upon cutting the bag the latakia aroma permeated the room and my nose. I will return to this at that time. Product Packaging Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart. Copious amounts of latakia doubtful you'll taste much of anything else. If you're looking for a Latakia blend that sings just one note and sticks to it, Pirate Kake may be right for you. Leaving a creamy and peppery aftertaste that lingers, this is a modest Latakia bomb, and maybe my favourite Latakia blend yet! Good smoke, I will keep it on hand as much as possible. Deep flavor but not over powering. Got a bit cellered right now to see how it turns out month by month. The most intriguing thing about this tobacco, I think, is its name. There's bounty to be had inside this little treasure chest! Pipe Used: Stanwell Bjarne Nielsen, Peterson, Corncob. The mixture is creamy, dry, woodsy and with a lot of peat accents. What I do like also is that with the cake form, there is far more tobacco there in that cake than you'd think, once prepared you need much less than you originally thought. It can be a bit tough to get lit though. It burns well and forms a nice ash. I got a sample from a friend and was very grateful, but I wont be purchasing any of this, just not something I would not smoke often at all. What's not to love? The crumble cake is a lot of fun to handle and the smoke is very rewarding, even if it is a little light in the nicotine department. Be that as it may, I was fixated on finding the ultimate Latakia fix and when I started ordering from C&D, I worked my way through several less Latakia-heavy blends until I reached Pirate Kake. It has a herbal/ clove undertone to the smokiness that I get in Syrian Latakia. I enjoy English blends regularly but not exclusively. Hermit Tobacco Works Co. - Captain Earle's - Ten Russians, Dan Tobacco - Old Ironsides (American History Mixtures). So much good stuff, you'll want to exercise restraint and reserve its enjoyment for once-on-a-blue-moon situations. I always have some with me. Needs some dryout time or you may get a toungue bite. Guess what? Back then it was not called (Sea Scoundrels) either just Pirate Kake. Details. Tin note is sour and latakia, tin date is 102617. PK dominates the weak tasting 965 but 965 does add quite a bit of oriental and nicotine which makes the combination more interesting than the components. I always load my pipe the night before and let it sit overnight. This is it! You can even just pack the kake bits. It took two matches to get started and required only one relight. For the Latakia lover who doesn?t care about anything else in the blend, this is probably the blend to get. Nose is definitely noticeable but not overpowering as some here suggest or like some aromatics. I like it, but not sure if I'll buy more. The room note does not offend like my old latakia did. The orientals make a nice showing with a nice spicy finnish. The Cavendish doesn't moderate this blend at all, and the Turkish is AWOL. good blend. Probably would go nice with a good, single malt Scotch. Another aspect that makes it great is the fact that when you pack a bowl, it does not have the tendenciy to spring back up. Just finished my 1st full tin of this and it did not take long. I was not disappointed. The kick from Lady N is not that strong. Smells pretty full on on the tin and while smoking. Also a great retirement smoke, after spending a day in the upland woods chasing the king of game birds, the ruffed grouse. First mistake: too much Latakia. If there were negative stars, Pirate Kake would earn them. It has a smokey sweetness to it that I have not detected in any other blend. And I would have to agree. Smokes cool and evenly, not for the social smoker as this blend may offend some noses but may impress others. It was around 1999 and I had not been long into pipe smoking. Pirate Kake is what it is- a no apology latakia laden blend. However, I didn't find the same results in smaller pipes or even my briars so I might have just had an off day. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley from C&D, Pirate Kake is a Latakia lover's treasure. The scent from the open bag makes promises that are kept. It was good at first, then it started to wear on me. The burley appears for a moment after lighting, then steps back to make way for full- force latakia with bits of tasty turkish aroma punctuating. Similar level of latakia, infinitely more fresh tasting, better overall balance, way more complex. . 40 or 50% may be the highest worthy of time. At first you are like.. wow this is fantastic. To be clear, I enjoyed the smoke a lot however the latakia odor still haunts one of my pipes. My 6 year old piece had a nice oily sheen to the eye and a few spots of plume. It lites well and stays lit right down to the end of the bowl. Upon opening a small sample given to me by father, I noted the sample was about as hard as concrete. Fans of Lapsang Souchong tea (also very smokey) will love this. If you want to try something interesting (and I'm sure that you do) then mix this about half and half with Captain Black White. The Latakia is good and the other tobaccos play well with it. I bought a hunk of this looking for a purer form of latakia to decide whether I really was a latakia guy or not. The flavor is largely latakia, but not one dimensional, as Old Ironsides is, for me. To my suprise the unburnt aroma is quite sweet, nutty and not overly Latakia-ish. If you don't care for latakia then definitely steer clear of this one, but I for one can't imagine a piper not enjoying this smoke. Its almost nothing except latakia. This is a smooth, robust tobacco, with awesome smokey , and nutty, and woody tastes. Tin note if a face full of campfire and creosote, and love it! Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. you may even be rogered! This one is permanently in my rotation. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, I can smoke Latakia in the house. It may get my additional half star again with aging. 8 ounces $21.20. Is also a good base formmaking personal mixtures, as source of Latakia. If you are a latakia freak, as I am, then I will venture to say you are going to like this blend a lot. Really like the piece I have come up with for this one. Its not the most pleasant smell. I will recommend it for latakia lovers, and who knows once I have more experience I will appreciate the tin more. Rating: 5 out of 5 big hoop earings and cutlass', Enjoy. Absolute yummy. Its not an everyday smoke but is a great go to when in need of a latakia fix. The tobacco smokes evenly, and burns to a white ash afterwards. Having said that, this tobacco is in no way an every-day smoke as it just doesn't have enough character to contemplate on. It is very similar to Old Ironsides but just a bit lighter in body. Some people have talked about tongue bite, but I have not experienced this. Without question, the different sized chunks of tobacco, with different blends of leaf, is at the root of the many different sub-flavors that manifest during the bowl. So, I sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the bowl! It is more expensive, by about $15-20 a pound, but worth it. I tend to prefer it more in a condimental sense. Surprisingly sweet, yes, but also flat. Its like setting a pine forest on fire inside your mouth. This burns well and maintains my attention from beginning to end. Pirate Kake starts very spicy with pine smoke and leather flavors and supports only a minimum of sweetness. I get a kick out of the one-star reviews. 4-stars. I had just finished some Orient Express and I noticed in the description that it was 50% Pirate Kake and 50% Odessa. The sheer quality of the condementals and the lack of virginia is what sets this blend very far apart from many of the other popular latakia heavy favorites in the Brotherhood of Latakia Junkies. As I stated earlier, it has a good amount of nicotine thanks to the burley, but one should not consider this a strong blend by any means. Pirate?s Kake is a tease that ultimately leaves one unsatisfied. I can't imagine that response in the morning or afternoon. The strength is mild-med, nic is mild at most. This is a very smokey and savory tobacco of high quality. I found a happy place with Pirate Kake. IMHO better than Penzance. I get some sweetness and flowers at certain moments. This may truly be thee fynest treasure in the seven seas!! I smoke mostly Aromatics and got this as a free sample. I had expected a lat bomb out of this from all that I have heard about it. It was better when I broke up the beautifully blended cake and dried it overnight. Mild and fragrant, an exceptional tobacco. A Latakia lover's treasure. when the tin was opened but that subsided to the sour apple and plum notes being stronger, especially after transferring to a jar. I do enjoy this from time to time, but it is not really that great of an achievment in tobacco blending. Updated 8/10/12 I've just tried, Engine 99, back to back with, Pirate Kake, both bulks, and I find PK better . It's a great cool weather smoke and one of my favorites for outdoor puffing (which is where my wife prefers I take it) which is good because the room note isn't going to make you any friends among non-smokers. It does stay lit well. I wish there was a more consistent taste throughout on this one. I think all of this is very much due to the masterful blending of this Tobacco, the Burley and Turkish really there to let the Latakia shine. Tastes great up front, but once you get past the half way point of the bowl the flavor changes and not for the better. Apparently, it's recommended to try mixing this with some Haunted Bookshop, however I have not tried that yet. $11.90 - $58.65. And that's the problem. Its reminds me of taking a handful of fresh basil and stuffing your mouth (but not as extreme,) and once the flavor has left your palate there is still a certain feeling present. A lot of people say it reminds them of a campfire, but to me I get a much more "box of leather" vibe from it. If you are completely enamored with Latakia, you cannot go wrong with Pirate Kake. You'll know in a heart-beat whether you truly love Latakia - or just think you do. Nic dose is fairly low on this one, which surprised the heck out of me because the flavor is so over the top. Latakia heaven on earth. This, of course, changes the flavour and smoking experience. Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. Burns all the way down and leaves the pipe dry and clean. With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. There's not much subtle about this blend and it starts like it finishes. This one, on the other hand is a lat bomb, and for me is very tasty. I love it. Pipe Used: A bunch because it's a go to blend for me. It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. . of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. While a love the flavor of Latakia, and have been seeking a good, rich near-pure Latakia flavor, I found this to be bitey and unpleasant, and it tasted like it had some overly moist Virginia in it, even though it apparently doesn't have any. Mainly because it had to do with pirate.

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