william garretson wife

There's too much (hate) on this earth now, so Manson is at peace now, I hope.". QUESTION: He left about 15 minutes after midnight; is that what you are saying? Rudy Altobelli, hired a live-in caretaker named William Garretson to look after the property. They have to be, in order to not give the jury time to focus on the question or the witness time to answer. Garretson was not the only central Ohio connection to Manson, who was a Cincinnati native and spent 1952 to 1954 in Chillicothe Correctional Institution. He was TOTALLY oblivious to any of it.We actually had to "barter" (in the strangest manner ever) for his return. "I didn't believe it because there was no way that man did it," Snider-Bitler said of her initial reaction to Garretson'sarrest. He was released a few days later. Killers, germs, conversations. This could have had an impact on his duties at Cielo, especially if he had to do any time, and especially if Rudi Altobelli was still out of the country. the mystery of the caretaker at Cielo Drive, Just after midnight on August 9th, 1969, four members of the Manson Family approached the property at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon. starviego said:Interestingly, this is consistent with others who heard yelling/gunshots after 1amSo who, after 1am, heard dogs barking other than Emmett Steele {and don't forget, they were his own dogs !} Sadly, there's just not a lot out there to study. QUESTION: How did you enter the premises at 10:00 pm, through the gate here as depicted in the diagram? How were people drinking jars of shine and smacking kids up around her? Second, "Off to another aunt and uncle." "I'm pretty much brain dead and, crippled by kidney stones and, the relentless insomnia that accompanies the BRUTAL stabby Tex shots to my lower back and side socut me a wee bit of slack here buuuuutI am sure that I read a dialogue from the "Patty" that was in the small group of acquaintances of Garretson's who nicked a bottle or two of ? Could Billy have been deliberately placed at Cielo as an informant?How Garretson got the job is irrelevant and therefore a distraction and it was important, especially so early in the trial {I think he was the third witness}, not to entertain things that could get any juror's mind wandering.Later in the trial, when Rudi Altobelli is on the stand, both Bugliosi and Ronald Hughes question him a bit on the hiring of Bill Garretson. Copyright 2020 Legal Disclosures, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy In late July of 1969, Steve picked up 19-year-old William Garretson hitchhiking in Beverly Hills. MR. FITZGERALD: By way of an offer of proof I am in possession of what purports to be a transcript of an interview with Mr. Garretson at 4:25 pm, on August 10th, 1969, where this witness was asked about the events that took place on August 8th and 9th. Police tried to hold onto him for as long as possible as they had absolutely no other leads and he was the only person found alive on the premises. William Garretson Cielo Drive Caretaker (1949-2016). I mean, not the line, the phone was dead. "William Eston Garretson (born August 24, 1949) was the caretaker of the Polanski residence at the time of Sharon Tate's murder by the Charles Manson "Family". ANSWER: He brought a radio with him, a clock radio, and he wanted to know if I would like to buy theone that he had, buy it or one that he could get, you know. ANSWER: The people that lived in the main house. Dating & Relationship status He is currently single. Billy could've been a waiter or a bartender or a whatever if he had a problem with being a male prostitute. Sherman was tough. QUESTION: I show you Peoples 19 for identification. This is cross-examination. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. He went through some shit he could never tell anyone about out there in sunny California. The attempt fails. ANSWER: I think it is a clock radio that he had brought with him. QUESTION: When you arrived back at the premises did you notice any telephone wires on top of the gate or on the ground or anything like that? QUESTION: Did you see the people that lived in the main house using the pool? Casparius Garretson, Jr. son. In a moment, we'll discuss a second and just as interesting block of missing time at the end of Billy's stay in California and its possible effects on his eventual testimony. QUESTION: Would you indicate, sir, on the diagram where the couch was in relation to that stereo? His buddy Darrell, home from Vietnam, visited but Garretson kicked him out when he saw Darrell take bottles of champagne during one of the Polanskis house parties that summer. He is from USA. MR. FITZGERALD: Objection, Your Honor, the answer is non-responsive. Where was Billy for those seven days after being released from jail? As someone with a strange interest in peripheral characters, i've previously looked up Darrel Kistler, Patty Maloney, Debra Tidwell, Roy Plank et al, but does anyone know who Tom and Dave, the gardening brothers, were?Tom, who had a Mustang, would occasionally park up by the gates with a girl. I would've starved to death. Try to lead the proceedings down blind alleys. A third Gypsy friend offered to give a neighborhood canine the "Bill Garretson" for a beer and a smoke!! At the end of the podcast #39, Garretson explains who this Rosie is that he keeps talking about. This person has not replied to me.Beside my interest in what I call the "lost months" of William Garretson, between October 1968 and Mid-March 1969, I am also fascinated with what Bill did not hear about 12:40am on August 9, 1969.Although it has been hotly debated, I am of the belief that Tim Ireland heard none other than Voytek Frykowski as he screamed out in the night. OH! Just ask one. You might think Billy was from the sticks and in a way you're right but his hometown of Lancaster, Ohio, is also basically becoming a distant burb of the state capital these days. An Army wife, pageant mom, and beauty salon owner, Doris Tate went on to become a leading voice in the victims' rights movement, founding COVER, . Or even resemble it at times. Police spared Garretson a sight even more horrible inside the house. Spouse. QUESTION: Ok. Did you eventually fall asleep? By using this site you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. I tried to locate Linda when I was gathering information for this post but I was too late. QUESTION: And their name was Vargas, is that correct? QUESTION: By the pool of the Polanski residence? QUESTION: The next day was a Sunday, August 10th, isnt that right? How and why were you staying up all night every night? QUESTION: I show you Peoples 23 for identification. QUESTION: And then you were released from custody? Torque said Bill Garretson did get charged for posession of marijuana in LATorque, do you remember where you read that? Other choices existed. Billy and Wife #1 have a child while living at this address. Cost-effective for sure, but (far more importantly) a great opportunity for a spontaneous adventure. I could not distinguish if he was barking any louder than he generally was any other night. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sometimes I feel like William Eston Garretson Jr. is Charles Watson's ninth victim. Thanks for the time you spend crafting your pieces, GreenWhite, and may the ink in your pen never run dry. evening, during the months of March, April, May, June, and July? Star - I like your two questions about Billy, btw. Or computer by now. QUESTION: Do you recall what the records were? William Place. MR. KANAREK: Object, Your Honor, on the grounds that it is leading and suggestive. QUESTION: And did you see numerous visitors at the location of the main house during the months of March, April, May, June, July of 1969? MR. FITZGERALD: That it was 2 or 3 hours after Parent left that he heard the dogs barking. QUESTION: Do you recall what you did that evening, August 8, 1969, a Friday? QUESTION: In other words, you did not cross over the lawn area in front of the Polanski residence? Focusing on Garretson's immediate past, as one who survived the murders without a physical scratch, was part of that game and therefore, Bugliosi and Stovitz were of a mind to shut down quickly any loopholes.They also had their ammunition to counter the defence deflection; what Astrocreep refers to as "death by a thousand cuts." Distractify is a registered trademark. She's from the same general area down by the river, (Ironton) She even has a similar back story, was abandoned in a bar as a baby by her prostitute birth mom, raised by others, etc. His wife is granted the divorce on the grounds of gross neglect and extreme cruelty. Yes, he could've lived at his mom's for awhile. Does anyone consider a bj sex? To me, that's a coward.". MR. STOVITZ: No objection, Your Honor. QUESTION: And you had been so employed since approximately mid-March of 1969, through and including August the 9th, is that correct? Bill did hint during his interview with LAPD that Abigail and Voytek were concerned about this. "He never had the chance to see the good and that's what's wrong with the prisoners in prison and the jail," she said. WILLIAM GARRETSON, caretaker at Cielo Drive. In 1964 she met hairstylist Jay Sebring, who had recently separated from his wife. Pete - Funny and succinct. And if so, why would he go to Los Angeles and not San Francisco? MR. BUGLIOSI: Your Honor, I have here a photograph of 3 cars. I read this blog partly for insight and partly for entertainment. A newspaper article about her death described her as popular in town. I can relate to your post, hearing "warsh" for "wash" lol. QUESTION: When the stereo was on, were you on the couch? I'm not sure how long he was in LA before 8/8/69. QUESTION: Have you ever lived at the address, 10050 Cielo Drive in the City of Los Angeles? !Completely grossed out we finally bartered Justin's sad sack ass for 6 smokes! Im not sure. QUESTION: About what time did you arrive? QUESTION: And you hitchhiked back, right? I was going to make a phone call just before dawn. We're getting ahead of ourselves. Wife of William Garretson married 28 Oct 1762 in Huntington, York, Pennsylvania, USA. Like so many of the souls trapped within this dark miasma, you never had a chance. While Charles Manson was commissioning the LaBianca murders to cover his tracks, it also led police to rule William out as a suspect, as the LaBianca murders occurred while he was in custody. A real tough guy. QUESTION: Again, did you pay any particular attention to that? On July 26, 1970, William Garretson, called as a witness by and on behalf of the People of the State of California v. Charles Manson. We are not interested in what the witness usually did. Well, when he started barking, you know, I told him to shut up, and then I looked up and there was a policeman outside in the patio, pointing a rifle at me, by One of Kathleen's two sisters died at 20 years old from the flu. And you might also learn something. Senior Photo. Soon after, Charles Manson and five followers were arrested and charged with the murders of seven people, including the actress. After Parent gave Garretson a ride back to the estate, the young caretaker thanked him and invited Parent to stop by anytime he was in the area.

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