7 rules for receiving communion in the hand

According to Roman Catholic discipline, the Code of Canon Law does not object to the reception of Communion by Christians of these Churches (canon 844 3). And having hollowed your palm, receive the Body of Christ, saying over it, Amen. vehementer hortatur retention of current practice while invoking the common good of the Church. Why did Christ institute the Holy Eucharist? But to us our Lord has given both . Timothy O'Malley, Copyright 2023 Its just BREAD!!. Instead this option must increase in them a consciousness of the dignity of the members of Christs Mystical Body, into which they are incorporated by baptism and by the grace of the Eucharist. It is not clear as to how widespread it was or if it was a regular practice. I mean WHAT SPECIFIC REASONS were given for requesting it in the first place? Bishop Athanasius Schneider argued along the same lines at the end of February. He said that he had checked with the then Apostolic Delegation and had been assured that the pope was giving the boy a rosary. Permission for administering Communion in the hand was granted by the Holy See to the United States on June 17, 1977 and has since become almost the universal norm in the Ordinary Form. Elizabeth Klein is an Assistant Professor of Theology at the Augustine Institute. Hence, my theory is that the wide granting of the indult exceeded its initially intended scope as continued prompting from advisors and larger-than-anticipated requests from conferences overcame the popes reluctance. At the same time he has taken into account the reasons given to support your request and the outcome of the vote taken on this matter. It is a matter of particular seriousness that in places where the new practice is lawfully permitted every one of the faithful have the option of receiving communion on the tongue and even when other persons are receiving communion in the hand. SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DISCIPLINE OF THE SACRAMENTS, InstructionImmensae caritatis, on facilitating reception of Communion in certain circumstances, 29 January 1973: AAS 65 (1973) 264-271; Not 9 (1973) 157-164. 7. The very idea of people regularly receiving Communion (and even receiving Communion as part of the liturgy to the Eucharist itself) were relatively new ideas at the time of the Council. This formula should not be altered, as it is a proclamation which calls for a response of faith on the part of the one who receives. 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. My simple point is that the individual ways our Church evolves over history have a significant impact on its life thereafter, often in ways we dont expect. Q. In each of the Eucharistic Prayers, though the petition is worded in slightly different ways, God is asked to send his Holy Spirit to make us one body, one spirit in Christ; the General Instruction admonishes the faithful that "they are to form one body, whether in hearing the Word of God, or in taking part in the prayers and in the singing" (no. Pope Benedict was asked why he chose to distribute Communion only to those kneeling and on the tongue and he responded, because it highlights "the truth of the real presence [of Christ] in the Eucharist, helps the devotion . Ever since the InstructionMemoriale Dominithree years ago, some of the conferences of bishops have been requesting the Apostolic See for the faculty to allow ministers distributing communion to place the eucharistic bread in the hand of the faithful. These need to be taken seriously if one wants to effectively engage in these discussions with the likes of Cardinal Sarah and others. I have celebrated Mass in places where there is no Communion in the hand and yet have observed some people approach the Eucharist in a slovenly and distracted manner with nary a trace of reverence in sight. It is simply reading too much into this practice, and it is not correct to support something one favors by denigrating another practice. All the rites which use leavened bread are reverent but not obsessive. Aaron, this describes what the countries are to do where Communion in the hand was being practiced. Ruff, I think we both agree that internal reverence is the most important aspect of this discussion (and therefore the ways each manner serves that) and I know many reverent people who do both. But such as, instead of their hands, make vessels of gold or other materials for the reception of the divine gift, and by these receive the immaculate communion, we by no means allow to come, as preferring inanimate and inferior matter to the image of God.[24]. Even if we presume the authenticity of the text we still do not know how long the practice lasted, whether leavened or unleavened bread was used and whether the practice was exclusive to the Church of Jerusalem. 3. The person distributing Communion says audibly to each person approaching, "The Body of Christ." Uruguay,October 15 1969 The way you put it, it doesnt sound obsessive-compulsive but salutary. A. As with all historical practices, one must examine the context and circumstances which are usually not repeatable. It is also difficult to ensure that the person who receives Communion effectively consumes the host. Space doesn't allow all the details, but the propaganda in the 1970s that was used to sell Communion in the hand to a trusting, vulnerable people was a campaign of calculated half-truths that didn't tell the whole story. My overarching point in all this (as someone who receives comfortably in both manners) is that I dont think common concerns with reception in the hand have been treated with adequate seriousness by many its defenders. What is the proper way of receiving Communion in the hand? It must also increase their faith in the sublime reality of the Lords body and blood, which they touch with their hand. The debate was interrupted by lunch. Your email address will not be published. Eccl., VII, ix). After stipulating the historical practice of Communion in the hand, Memoriale Domini: defends the development of discipline that led to Communion on the tongue On the one hand, I think this evidence precludes describing communion in the hand as intrinsically irreverent. A frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all. Alphonse Mingana (Gorgias Press: Piscataway, NJ, 2009 [1933]). This was the law of the Church for almost 14 centuries, and is still the general norm today. This catechesis must succeed in excluding any suggestion that in the mind of the Church there is a lessening of faith in the Eucharistic presence and in excluding as well as any danger or hint of danger of profaning the Eucharist. Biting, tearing, casting aspersions on the faith of other Catholics: this is a damnable situation in the Church. Just look at what making donating money an indulgence-eligible corporal work of mercy resulted in during the Renaissance. Take this from someone who receives in the hand sometimes, I would never do it if I thought it was enabling Lucifer to corrupt my soul. [18] Moreover, an early illuminated gospel, the Rosanno Gospels, depicts the last supper as a communion line, where the disciples receive in cupped hands while bowed. As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Eucharist when we receive Holy Communion. Come see, It is not solely the result of some weird medieval form of reverence. A quick example will be found . As I read above article, I didnt found name of my country India in the list of countries which have Indult for communion in hand. All of us are only grasping a hint of it. Pope Paul Vl calls attention to the purpose of the InstructionMemoriale Dominiof 29 May 1969, on retaining the traditional practice in use. [11] Council of Constantinople in Trullo, canon 101. Over the years I have read a multitude of opinions for and against, and occasionally perceived false arguments. The Pope grants that throughout the territory of your conference, each bishop may, according to his prudent judgment and conscience, authorize in his diocese the introduction of the new rite for giving communion. This is precisely why there are occasions when pastoral prudence can lead to suspend the permission. Our bishops have argued that Communion in the hand is the proper way for the faithful to respond to our Lord's invitation: "All of you, take and eat this." What the bishops overlook is the fact . Pakistan, 29 October 1976 The same Instruction contained a reminder that the laws of the Church and the writings of the Fathers give ample witness of a supreme reverence and utmost caution toward the Eucharist and that this must continue. Leo P. McCauley FotC 64 (Catholic University of America Press: Washington, DC, 2000 [1970]). I am from India. If Your Hand/Hands are Impeded . If Communion is received in the hand, the hands should first of all be clean. Instead of receiving in my hand, thinking "the other way is better," and quickly gobbling up the Eucharist, I took the "popular way," as a gift: I put my left hand on top of my right . This would be done especially if it is very difficult or impossible to fulfill the necessary conditions as outlined in the documents above. The symptoms are myriadI certainly would assent to much of what you cite. The problem of lack of reverence stems not from the manner of receiving Communion but from the lack of faith, awe, and gratitude before this great mystery. Djibouti, 6 March 1970 The sad fact that in recent years hosts consecrated by a Pope have been offered for sale on the Internet further motivates this precautionary measure. 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. So it is not just tiresome traditionalists who worry about particles. [27] John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instruction, 12.15-16, trans. [23], The great and divine Apostle Paul with loud voice calls man created in the image of God, the body and temple of Christ. Whatever procedure is adopted, care must be taken not to allow particles of the eucharistic bread to fall or be scattered. Finally, to the end that their coming to this heavenly table may be completely worthy and fruitful, the faithful should be instructed on its benefits and effects, for both the individual and society, so that their familial relationship to the Father who gives us our daily bread, may reflect the highest reverence for him, nurture love, and lead to a living bond with Christ, in whose flesh and blood we share. That said, there are dimensions to this discussion that I think are both valuable and havent been given much screen time overall. The Holy See has made it abundantly clear that both manners of reception of Communion - on the tongue and in the hand - are permitted, that Communion should be received reverently, and that the manner of reception should not become an occasion of division in the church. Wherefore, if any one wishes to be a participator of the immaculate Body in the time of the Synaxis, and to offer himself for the communion, let him draw near, arranging his hands in the form of a cross, and so let him receive the communion of grace. Japan, 27 June 1970 Does anyone have an explanation for why France, Germany, and the Low Countries were not quickly regularized once the opportunity was available? Cardinals Thorne (Peru) and Caffarra (Bologna) have banned Communion in the hand, citing reasons of abuse and disrespect. If one is right handed the left hand should rest upon the right. 1996, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The communicant may choose whether to receive the Body of Christ in the hand or on the tongue. First, Cyril: Coming up to receive, therefore, do not approach with your wrists extended or your fingers splayed, but making your left hand a throne for the right (for it is about to receive a King) and cupping your palm, so receive the Body of Christ; and answer: "Amen." [20] Here is what Theodore says: Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA. The rite of communion in the hand must not be put into practice indiscriminately. Of note for the modern debate, both John Chrysostom and the Council of Constantinople in Trullo argue that human beings, made in the image of God and capable of communing with him, are more worthy to touch the Eucharist than vessels of gold and silver. Has done What if our way of calling our fellow Christians to a higher way were based on loving example and not polemics? Phillip Schaff (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1889). However, he should not refuse to administer Communion to those faithful desirous of availing themselves of a legitimate authorization. Ever since the InstructionMemoriale Dominithree years ago, some of the conferences of bishops have been requesting the Apostolic See for the faculty to allow ministers distributing communion to place the eucharistic bread in the hand of the faithful. This is the quote that is always used: " make your left hand a throne for the right, as for that which is to receive a King. The communicant should audibly respond, "Amen," indicating by that response his or her belief that this small wafer of bread, the wine in this chalice are in reality the body and blood of Christ the Lord. The guidelines, which are to be included in missalettes and other participation aids published in the United States, seek to remind all those who may attend Catholic liturgies of the present discipline of the Church with regard to the sharing of Eucharistic Communion. The fire of mercy has become for us a living sacrifice 895. The Council was a start, but we have allowed ourselves to get sidetracked in silly and divisive banter. Cyril of Jerusalem [c. 313-386], Catechetical Lectures, 23:21-22) Several more but no room here. The causes are myriad and often interconnected. University of Notre Dame, McGrath Institute for Church Life For some, however, the singing of this hymn is perceived as an intrusion on their own prayer, their private thanksgiving after Communion. The author claims that Communion in the hand could only be authorized in countries where it was an established practice but doesnt give a citation. In this case, the person is to be mindful of the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible (canon 916). 3. [25] Origen of Alexandria, homily in Ex. [] It is not permitted for the faithful to take the consecrated Bread or the sacred chalice by themselves and, still less, to hand them on from one to another among themselves. 13.3, trans. For this reason, since the question of Communion in the hand is not a question of faith as such, and it has been approved by the legitimate authority, I do not believe that a priest can invoke conscience as a motive for refusing to apply a legitimate law. II], Has the Holy Eucharist any other effect? 6. From the point of view of liturgical law, the relevant documents are the following. It is still the practice of millions of committed Latin-rite Catholics all over the world and of many Eastern Churches who administer the Eucharist under both species on the tongue. I used the wordnecessarilyas an equivalent to in and of itself. There is no inherent reason why Communion in the hand is less reverent. Malaysia and Singapore, 3 October 1977, * * * * *. Permission for administering Communion in the hand was granted by the Holy See to the following countries and regions under Pope Paul VI:[UPDATED 3-2-18], Belgium, 31 May 1969 It also happens, on occasion, that the free choice of those who prefer to continue the practice of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue is not taken into account in those places where the distribution of Communion in the hand has been authorized. However, cases of a deplorable lack of respect towards the Eucharistic species have been reported, cases which are imputable not only to the individuals guilty of such behavior but also to the pastors of the church who have not been vigilant enough regarding the attitude of the faithful towards the Eucharist. 160-161; English translation here) [24] Trans. It is now August 2020 and I can say that you have been proven wrong. The condition is the complete avoidance of any cause for the faithful to be shocked and any danger of irreverence toward the Eucharist. 160). To be honest, I dont really belong to either camp on this, and like you, I think the polarization on this issue is doing more harm than good. The list obviously is not complete, for this article says that Germany and France both received permission from the Holy See on the same day in 1969: The wind has left our sails and many of us are adrift on uncertain seas. Devotion and reverence toward the Eucharist in the case of communion in the hand. As further documentation,Pray Tell provides this excerpt from the 2002General Instruction of the Roman Missal in Latin and English on the reception of Communion. They probably never foresaw its subsequent, and occasionally chaotic, development in some parts of the Church. http://www.newliturgicalmovement.org/2014/03/truth-about-communion-in-hand-while.html#.Wpa2wdIUnGg. For whatever reason, reception on the hand does not appear to convey the same level of reverence in the public consciousness as reception on the tongue. There are many devout Catholics who find this practice helpful. In North Africa (including Egypt) the practice is mentioned by Tertullian,[1] Cyprian,[2] Augustine,[3] Cyril of Alexandria,[4] and John Climacus. To increase sanctifying grace and all virtues in our soul. In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, participants should not be conscious of grave sin and normally should have fasted for one hour. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. A situation that, in the US certainly, was not necessarily governed by external uniformity (given the varieties of ethnic piety and cultural practices). The two ways of receiving communion can without question take place during the same liturgical service. A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord without prior sacramental confession except for a grave reason where there is no opportunity for confession. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal takes this hymn very seriously, mandating that it should begin at the Communion of the priest and extend until the last person has received Communion. Under the moral aspect will be considered, in reference to Holy Communion: necessity; subject; dispositions. I am a daily witness at the Basilique du Sacr-Cur de Montmartre (Paris).. This blog is not associated with Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. Think of what you receive in your hand and keep it clean of all greed and theft. Among Catholics, there is a sincere difference of opinion with respect to the opportunity of this practice, as to its possible spiritual benefits or detriments. The traditional and preferred method is the reception of the Host on the tongue: Step forward and kneel at the Communion rail or station (if you stand, make a sign of reverencesuch as a bow or genuflection or Sign of the Crossbefore receiving the Host and take care not to disrupt the Communion line). Indonesia, 27 March 1971 On November 14, 1996, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops approved the following guidelines on the reception of Communion. Because, he says, one should choose the days on which one lives with more purity and self-control in order to approach so great a sacrament worthily. God has come to live in us. Surveys from CARA and Pew reflect this, though I admittedly doubted them until I attended mass with a fellow Catholic at church that predominantly received on the tongue and my friend jeering remarked, why dont they receive in the hand like normal people? Since Christ is really, substantially, sacramentally present but not physically, being OC over crumbs is not devotion. What a Priest Might Do If He Wants to Avoid It. Communion on the tongue remains the usual and common form of administering Holy Communion. Why? The elements were placed in the hands (not in the mouth) of each communicant by the clergy who were present, or, according to Justin, by the deacons alone, amid singing of psalms by the congregation (Psalm 34), with the words: The body of Christ; The blood of Christ, the cup of life; to each of which the recipient responded Amen. (eminent Church historian Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church: Ante-Nicene Christianity: A.D. 100-325 [Vol. June 29, 2021 | So when received unworthily, it is not only useless, but it is harmful to oneself (a lifestyle of sin continues), our neighbors (increase of violence, arson, looting, murders), and society in general (take a look at the condition of our country), and is extremely offensive to God (hence the wide-spread suffering). [23] John Chrysostom, hom. It is advisable, therefore, that the rite be introduced gradually and in the beginning within small, better prepared groups and in favorable settings. It is advisable, therefore, that the rite be introduced gradually and in the beginning within small, better-prepared groups and in favorable settings. However, while this text is undoubtedly ancient evidence of the existence of Communion in the hand, it is, like many patristic texts, fraught with interpretative conundrums.

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